Friday 14 April 2017

Hesler yang sejak dahulu tak pernah hilang dan begitu Sehun benci

Hesler pun mengangguk, kemudian melanjutkan makannya. Pria itu menunduk, merasa bersalah tak bisa menyelesaikan tanggungjawab yang dibebankan untuknya. Senyum tipis pun ditunjukkan oleh Tn. Pria dengan setelan jas hitam itu pun mengangguk, kemudian meninggalkan Sehun di bandara._ Noelia:She’s on birth control she has an IUD in.(14 April 2017) Noelia:My sister is upset she wants to … Continue reading Hesler yang sejak dahulu tak pernah hilang dan begitu Sehun benci

I like girls that have a flat chest and don't wear a lot of makeup. Does this make me weird?
(14 April 2017)

Other than that, if we both like each other and we have a few things in common are the only things I look for in a girl.
(14 April 2017)

I like girls that have a flat chest or very small breasts and don't wear very much makeup if any at all.
(14 April 2017)

This friend of mine said she hates me with all of her heart. could she really hate me or is she joking around ?
(14 April 2017)

Ladies, why you look so tough in club?
(14 April 2017)

Why they want to act tough since they will be dominated by us on bed anyway?
(14 April 2017)

Once we have chance to penetrate them all they do are moaning and begging for more.
(14 April 2017)

Those ladies act tough in bars and clubs but in reality they are not.
(14 April 2017)

Husband and female friends?
(14 April 2017)

Is it possible for a married woman to have a male friend?
(14 April 2017)

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