Friday 28 April 2017

inching along

Surprising sometimes with how a word or phrase sounds and how I pronounce or spell it: things sound a particular way and then when listening back to how I pronounced it sounds good. But the spelling!_ Audrea:Any advice i dont understand about my ex bf?(28 April 2017) Gema:Is it okay to give up on searching for love [...]

I literally do not care at ALL about things like that, they're the LAST thing on my interest list.
(28 April 2017)

But those are the topics that drive me up the wall with boredom.
(28 April 2017)

And he can go on and onnnn about those topics, he's talked about them for hours before without stopping.
(28 April 2017)

The main things that interest him are things like politics, world issues, religion, government, the economy, etc. things like that.
(28 April 2017)

But I'm concerned about one thing.
(28 April 2017)

I think I'm even starting to fall in love with him.. our relationship is amazing.
(28 April 2017)

Me and my boyfriend really really like each other.
(28 April 2017)

How to treat a 5 month old's cough and cold?
(28 April 2017)

Also his cough keeps waking him up at night, what can I do to help this?
(28 April 2017)

I've tried Calpol but it doesn't seem to do any good.
(28 April 2017)

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