Sunday 2 April 2017

Maybe A Little S&M

[image]_ Edie:I m unhappy in the relationship but I don t want to ruin our friendship.(2 April 2017) Edie:Well me and her dated 3 times already and I didn t even like her the 2nd and 3rd time we dated it was just because she was unhappy with her life.(2 April 2017) Trudie:How do I get over my [...]

Fake best friend?
(1 April 2017)

Me and her crush were talking for hours and obviously I like him very much and although my friend did that I still never want to hurt her.
(1 April 2017)

This is why I have trust issues.
(1 April 2017)

So he told me this and I FaceTimed him (while she was also on FaceTime to him) but she didn't know and I heard her share all my secrets to him.
(1 April 2017)

So my best friend and her crush always FaceTime but her crush thinks she is fake because she tells him all our secrets.
(1 April 2017)

But something happened today and I'm really confused what I should do.
(1 April 2017)

I also like him, and she knows, and I swore to her I wouldn't go out with him if he asked me out because I'm not a fake friend.
(1 April 2017)

Okay so my bestfriend likes this boy.
(1 April 2017)

And my gay friend isn t out of the closet yet so it would just look like im going to prom with some other guy when I have a boyfriend.
(1 April 2017)

And if I go with him, that d be weird because I just got back together with my boyfriend.
(1 April 2017)

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