Friday 14 April 2017

mi personalidad resumida me encantaria que ,e conozcan

la plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina // Johnsie:And we’ve been talking for like a little over a week.(12 April 2017) Johnsie:Okay so me and this guy started talking.(12 April 2017) Demetria:Do sperm purposefully seek an egg?(12 April 2017) Demetria:I don’t know where this questions came from in my head, but when sperm is swimming in a uterus, [...]

At home my brothers are always arguing and fighting and use personal jokes as comebacks it's so negative.
(13 April 2017)

Growing up I feel like I took both my parents most negative traits.
(13 April 2017)

My mom always the victim and could never stand for what she wanted.
(13 April 2017)

My dad was always a I could've should've done this person and always angry.
(13 April 2017)

She is always angry at me and it feels like the anger she has towards my dad.
(13 April 2017)

I love my my mom I'm grateful for her I dislike my father but as of lately I'm seeing my mother for the negative person she is.
(13 April 2017)

They are divorced my mother decided to take care of us 5 by herself 5 years ago?
(13 April 2017)

My dad was a abusive drunk smoker and my mom always played victim and she is bi-polar.
(13 April 2017)

When I was you my mom and dad where always fighting and yelling growing up me and my 4 little brothers saw this.
(13 April 2017)

As of last month I have been trying to train myself to be more confident in myself and self positive.
(13 April 2017)

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