Monday 10 April 2017

My father gave me a Crockpot when I moved into my first apartment

I love my InstantPot, I also love my Crockpot. Both are essential kitchen tools for any level of cook. It was a tiny little thing, big enough to make some dip in I suppose, but I made tiny little chilis and soups in it. It had no settings, you just plugged it in and it … Continue reading "My father gave me a Crockpot when I moved into my first apartment"

From experience, I understand that bachelor grads know nothing compared to phd grads.
(10 April 2017)

I just feel incompetent beside him.
(10 April 2017)

But honestly, what do you guys think?
(10 April 2017)

Often times, I can't help but feel like I can't measure up to him even though there has been no indication that he is judging me at all.
(10 April 2017)

I'm nowhere close to his cleverness at math.
(10 April 2017)

He is clever, brilliant at math(almost a genius) while I am just plainly above average.
(10 April 2017)

Grad school is not really part of my plan in my next few years unless I am having a hard time finding a job.
(10 April 2017)

I am much younger than him and I'm only set to graduate with my bachelors next year.
(10 April 2017)

My boyfriend has a doctorate degree and he lectures at a college.
(10 April 2017)

Would hooking up ruin our friendship? How into me is he?
(10 April 2017)

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