Thursday 27 April 2017

phone sex didn’t work very well

hiya folks…light snowflurries here this am on the last day of march…doesn’t mother nature know that spring offically started on march 21 ?well, i tried the phone sex stuff….just can’t see what a_ Classie:I’m crying all the time, depressed about getting older, anxious and have nightly nightmares.(26 April 2017) Classie:I am 43 and lately have been a [...]

Did you (will you) have assigned seating?
(26 April 2017)

How many people were (are) in your wedding party?
(26 April 2017)

What are (or were) you wedding colors?
(26 April 2017)

At what age did you get engaged?
(26 April 2017)

Need help asap! Dead crush :(?
(26 April 2017)

Especially like how there was so many things left unsaid..
(26 April 2017)

OK theres this guy..I was in a relationship when we first spoke and didnt wanna leave..then I left but me and the guy weren t talking at the time well it was off and on conversations with the guy.
(26 April 2017)

My girlfriend loves to lay in bed beside me and cuddle.
(26 April 2017)

He apologized for lying to me and made me my favorite soup and pastries.
(26 April 2017)

But I just don't get why he was trying to make me feel better.
(26 April 2017)

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