Thursday 27 April 2017

phone sex didn’t work very well

hiya folks…light snowflurries here this am on the last day of march…doesn’t mother nature know that spring offically started on march 21 ?well, i tried the phone sex stuff….just can’t see what a_ Classie:I’m crying all the time, depressed about getting older, anxious and have nightly nightmares.(26 April 2017) Classie:I am 43 and lately have been a [...]

My stepson had a nightmare that I died while he was with his biological mother?
(26 April 2017)

He was very upset about it, and scared.
(26 April 2017)

Should I be concern about the fact that he is having nightmares of me dying?
(26 April 2017)

Regardless of her actions, my husband and I never speak badly about her around him, if anything we support him loving his biological mother, and the time that he spends with her.
(26 April 2017)

My stepson and I have an amazing connection and relationship, but his biological mother constantly bad talks about me and my husband around him, and she pollutes his little head with lies just because of envy, hate and because of immaturity.
(26 April 2017)

Hi my stepson 6yr olds, told me today that he had a dream with me (stepmom) and my husband where I died in the dream.
(26 April 2017)

Why is it alright to spank children but it is not alright for children to spank their elderly parents?
(26 April 2017)

Children who were spanked when they were young should be allowed to spank their elderly parents.
(26 April 2017)

But at the same time it's the fact that I was so easy to get over that bothers me, it always bothers me when ex's move on as it makes me feel maybe I wasn't worth much to them...but with this guy I know that for a fact: I was worthless to him.
(26 April 2017)

I know he's over me because of who he is, also he's cut off all remaining contact with me...and that's good as it means I don't have to work hard at keeping him out of my life.
(26 April 2017)

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