Saturday 8 April 2017

So what do people want to see here?

I notice that most of my posts..ok, all of them…don’t get many views. Which is fine.But–what do people want to see or hear from a guy on here? All the ladies’ blogs are pretty interesting but I t_ Shala:I’m worried about my daughter though, I don’t want her to be born in this environment, it might [...]

I cook nearly all of our meals, my mom might cook once or twice a month.
(7 April 2017)

I feel like i do most of the housework.
(7 April 2017)

I am seventeen years old and i live with my little brother and mother.
(7 April 2017)

When should I be worried about my missed period?
(7 April 2017)

I feel like I shouldnt be worried but its never this late..took a test yesterday and it was negative.
(7 April 2017)

Half the time he didnt come the other half it never leaked.
(7 April 2017)

Do you think he showed my ex? Or is he keeping it to himself? Do guys gossip like girls?
(7 April 2017)

Do guys gossip about their exes like girls?
(7 April 2017)

But anyways, are there any chances that his friend (roommate) would show him?
(7 April 2017)

I posted a sexy picture on Facebook because I was satisfy with my work out my core looked nice lol.
(7 April 2017)

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