Wednesday 19 April 2017


Ok men,When you grab your cock and squeeze it to the point your finger tips turn white and your little man magically appears at least an inch bigger, and you take a picture, you aren’t fooling anyone._ Jeana:And as I was still worried, a few days after that I took a vitamin C pill every hour [...]

Do you like thes names?
(19 April 2017)

Do girls enjoy sex before puberty?
(19 April 2017)

My boyfriends always date me to get close to my friends why?!?
(19 April 2017)

Honestly it's frustrating why do I always get left for a blonde.
(19 April 2017)

And makes stuff up they supposedly said.
(19 April 2017)

Another thug she does is trash talks one of my boyfriends then after I breakup with him says I would get with him or this an that.
(19 April 2017)

But the thing is they always leave me for my blonde haired blue eyed best friend who I love to death but flirts with every guy.
(19 April 2017)

I have a nice body with natural curves medium sized boobs.
(19 April 2017)

I am 5'5 a little ok the shorter side,I got waist length brown hair, green blue sorta gray eyes they change.
(19 April 2017)

I have been told by multiple people I am pretty.
(19 April 2017)

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