Thursday 6 April 2017

There is just something that I love about this time of year

All those first signs of spring when everything feels all fresh and new. That said, this is Yorkshire of course and the weather can be temperamental to say the least. But if we let that get in the way, we would never leave the house. And that of course is where these lovely Berghaus jackets … Continue reading "There is just something that I love about this time of year"

We have normal convos, and I really love him.
(5 April 2017)

And so sometimes I sext my boyfriend, but it s not like ALL DAY like she s making it seem.
(5 April 2017)

Anyways, I ve been thinking about sex a lot because, well I m a teenager.
(5 April 2017)

I don t know why I did it, but I think this contributed to why she s so mad at me.
(5 April 2017)

It was just something to do I guess.
(5 April 2017)

I honestly had a past with some guys that including sexting, but this was a while ago and they meant nothing to me.
(5 April 2017)

Okay so I m 16 years old and I m about to be in junior in high school.
(5 April 2017)

Need dating advice! 10 PTS BEST ANSWER?
(5 April 2017)

However I want to spend every day with him.. it got to the point we'd hang out every day and I told him I needed a break.
(5 April 2017)

We've known eachother 5-6 months and he likes me romantically.
(5 April 2017)

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