Friday 7 April 2017

There is no such product as a streaming analytics for retail or network optimization product

For streaming to break beyond early adopters, it has to become less of a do-it-yourself homegrown software development project. And with the explosion of IoT data come even more compelling use cases for taking action on data in the here and now. Few clients are asking us about streaming._ Toni:Will she open up to anybody … Continue reading There is no such product as a streaming analytics for retail or network optimization product

I was dating a guy, only for a month or two, but I really liked him...limerence is an appropriate term.
(6 April 2017)

My friend gets $100 every A she earns?? And she complains??
(6 April 2017)

She said she has ADHD and dislexia and it s harder for her to get A s than me, which I get, but still there should be no reason to complain.
(6 April 2017)

I was telling one of my close friends that she shouldn t complain about getting $100 for every A she gets in school.
(6 April 2017)

Whatever his problem was anyone is better than me.
(6 April 2017)

I have seen pictures of her maybe something about her was better than me.
(6 April 2017)

I wish I didn t love him so I could of left him that night.I was so relieved he said he loved me and not her that night.
(6 April 2017)

And I do.Sometimes I want him to just leave me.
(6 April 2017)

We had only been married a year.
(6 April 2017)

Its the worst thing you could ever do to someone.
(6 April 2017)

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