Friday 7 April 2017

There were other drives about the same price or cheaper but a lot had negative reviews

It was taking nearly 5 minutes to reboot, and closing Eclipse could take a minute or two. My old drive was 1TB but I had only used about 300GB, so I figured 480GB would keep me for a long, long time. After putting back the case and reinstalling Windows 10 the system was up and … Continue reading "There were other drives about the same price or cheaper but a lot had negative reviews"

Then why she asked for sex and kiss?
(6 April 2017)

So today I was baby sitting my boyfriends 9 year old daughter. I had to run to get dinner and left her at home with my 16 year old son?
(6 April 2017)

My boyfriend and his ex wife still go back in forth to court and I just don't want to be in that mix.
(6 April 2017)

The girls mom called her on her cell phone and I guess was grilling her about who she was home with . Now my boyfriend is made at me because I don't feel comfortable watching her without another adult present.
(6 April 2017)

How to make out with bf when wearing lipstick?
(6 April 2017)

Is there a trick that I could do to avoid this?
(6 April 2017)

But I don't want it to get all messy on his face.
(6 April 2017)

I'm going to be wearing red lipstick hahah.
(6 April 2017)

Is this girl serious or no?
(6 April 2017)

She also keeps on saying we should meet outside of work too.
(6 April 2017)

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