Saturday 8 April 2017

To All My Friends

Merry Christmas And A Very HAPPY NEW YEARS_ Lyda:Did I go over board on the Easter baskets?(6 April 2017) Lyda:Side note I use the same basket every year and GMA buys their outfits.(6 April 2017) Lyda:I saw on youtube a lot of videos of $1 baskets and yes they were cheaper but non of it was stuff that [...]

I have no issues with her talking to guys at the bar but it's annoying when I know all they want is to hit on her.
(7 April 2017)

Her reasoning is that it's less money on my tab.
(7 April 2017)

If I say something to them she gets mad at me.
(7 April 2017)

I'm not insecure and think she's gonna go home with them but it's annoying to be out with her and have guys hitting on her right in front of me.
(7 April 2017)

However, of a guy comes up to her at a bar and hits on her she'll let it go as far as letting him buy her a drink.
(7 April 2017)

First off, she'd never cheat on me and I know she cares about me.
(7 April 2017)

Is My boyfriend a good guy?
(7 April 2017)

We've been together for a couple of months now, is he a good guy?
(7 April 2017)

He's 18 and I'm 17 We brought up the topic of intimacy and when we should indulge in it and he told me it's completely up to me when the time is right he also said he won't do anything sexual until I turn 18 which is in June.
(7 April 2017)

Why is my girlfriend making a big deal out of nothing?
(7 April 2017)

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