Thursday 13 April 2017

Touch Drunk

Arms float, in the soft of touch,Like great expanding wings,Wanting lulls, pull the belly high,A flight, cut of all strings,Movement beats, to light of heart,Flowing above the gasp of breath, Flying i_ Lizbeth:That moment felt like kissing her without kissing her.(12 April 2017) Lizbeth:Today when we said goodbye, we walked away and held eye contact with each [...]

Do grown men get jealous of their teenage son's hot girlfriend?
(12 April 2017)

I'm just wondering what's going through my dad's head.
(12 April 2017)

Just asking because I'm 16 and I recently got a hot girlfriend who is also 16. She's thick AF.
(12 April 2017)

Guy liking all my pictures on Facebook Instagram....should I delete him?
(12 April 2017)

Yet, I am annoyed and want it to stop should I just delete him off all my social media pages and solve it that way?
(12 April 2017)

Yet him and I had a really good friendship and I don't want to come out rude because 1.)thats not my personality, 2.)he is not really a bad person in general.
(12 April 2017)

A few weeks later another guy I ran into (my now husband). Now the guy who was just a friend seems obsessed with me liking 50 pictures at a time, and it is pissing me off and my husband off.
(12 April 2017)

He asked my out back then and I wasn't attracted so I told him I wasn't looking for a relationship.
(12 April 2017)

I thought he was a really fun, cool guy to hang around with, but I guess he got the wrong impression.
(12 April 2017)

We went to the movies, walks, and just hanging out in the library for about 5 months.
(12 April 2017)

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