Sunday 9 April 2017

Trust your instincts

“Your mind knows only some things. Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path.”- Henry Winkler_ Bonnie:Maybe I could get his number and maybe we could hang out.(7 April 2017) Bonnie:He is cute, has a cute smile and blush, is nice, [...]

So my question is what here cost her to grow up and be attracted to these losers in her early 20s?
(8 April 2017)

Also her dad was an alcoholic and there was some dysfunction in her home when she was growing up he has since died.
(8 April 2017)

In my cousins case I'm told that someone on the other side of her family molested her as a kid and went to prison for it so I don't know if that could be connected though they have no relationship with that man now.
(8 April 2017)

Am I that bad looking?
(8 April 2017)

I think I might end up being alone when I die.
(8 April 2017)

I kind of wonder if I'm just too ugly for any girl.
(8 April 2017)

I'm 29 and I've never had a girlfriend.
(8 April 2017)

Skinny, thick, or fat?
(8 April 2017)

How can I tell when my dad is lying to me and when he is telling the truth?
(8 April 2017)

He has told many other lives than just the one at Christmas.
(8 April 2017)

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