Monday 3 April 2017

Tuesday Morning’s Sex Question

What makes you a grew in bed with your partner? I never see anything of what I do as freaky because it all seems pretty normal to me_ Annie:She doesn t feel bad about it but I feel like I need to tell my bf.(3 April 2017) Annie:The next day I think we found it to be [...]

I admit that I was talking to a male friend when I found out about his infidelity.
(2 April 2017)

Then, he had the nerve to fight with me taking my phone.
(2 April 2017)

I moved out 3 years ago because I found out he had different woman in my car and that was the last straw because I was paying bills with my money while he used his money on other women.
(2 April 2017)

Well, I was married to my soon to be ex for 20 years.
(2 April 2017)

Do I play hard to get or hint that I am interested?
(2 April 2017)

I am really conflicted and really like this guy.
(2 April 2017)

So wouldn't sending him an email make him lose interest?
(2 April 2017)

But I have also heard guys love the chase and they want to do the pursuing.
(2 April 2017)

The problem is because it was in a work setting I don't think he would have made a move and I was hoping the email would signify interest.
(2 April 2017)

So I have two options 1) I was going to send him an email stating how I forgot to give him my business card and I enjoyed talking with him. 2) or wait until our second possible meeting.
(2 April 2017)

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