Saturday 29 April 2017

What about…

[image]He’s 55. She’s 23. What do you think?_ Lavelle:I told him that I respected that, but he shouldve been mature and told me he didnt want to talk to me.(28 April 2017) Lavelle:So, I texted him and asked why he was rude, and he said he shouldnt be obligated to know me.(28 April 2017) Lavelle:I was confused, and [...]

As he was going out the door, he said to make sure to text him in ten minutes.
(28 April 2017)

He stayed for a bit, but then something came up so he had to go home.
(28 April 2017)

Recently my friend came over to my house.
(28 April 2017)

But then the girl overreacts and comes over to argue but not exactly like furiously like flirtatiously.
(28 April 2017)

So I'm in class and this girl is talking and my friend says something and I say shut up to my friend.
(28 April 2017)

Why Do Women Have Ridiculous Standards That They Look For In Men?
(28 April 2017)

And another said she looks at a guy's elbows... if he doesn't have nice looking elbows, he's out of the running.
(28 April 2017)

Another said that she looks at a guy's eye brows and if they are properly groomed.
(28 April 2017)

One of them said she looks at a man's fingernails and if they aren't perfectly manicured, then she's no longer interested.
(28 April 2017)

I was talking to some of my girl friends about things they look for in a man that are deal breakers and some of them said the stupidest things I've ever heard of.
(28 April 2017)

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