Monday 17 April 2017

Women are like Cars

So I woke up at 6am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Not a problem, except that I went to bed at 2am and struggled to get to sleep in the first place. Anyway, while laying there, I started thinking abo_ Sherita:I just moved in with my boyfriend and since I will be finished with high [...]

Why is being beautiful for yourself a crime?
(17 April 2017)

Why did my ex father says things like that?
(17 April 2017)

But, I don't wear revealing clothes so my future would be husbands would be the first to see just after myself seeing myself.
(17 April 2017)

I am just hating that scar when I feel it and when I see in the shower.
(17 April 2017)

He said I was made to be pretty for a husband and not for myself.
(17 April 2017)

I wanted to feel pretty for myself.
(17 April 2017)

And he asked who will I show my chest to.
(17 April 2017)

I asked him if I could get a scar removal for my chest.
(17 April 2017)

I got a scar on my chest from one of my dad's beatings before I left that mean family.
(17 April 2017)

My mom wont let me vape with my nicotine free vape pen in her house or car?
(17 April 2017)

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