Wednesday 31 May 2017

The Ostrich

Unless I see a news item on line, I rarely watch news or know what is going on in the world…and you know what?…It is great! Not that I am uninformed. Once the conventions pick their candidate, I w_ Melita:Is this alright?(31 May 2017) Melita:He then had a feel of my boobs and felt my vagina and [...]

He is insecure I'll tell you that and he's nothing but loyal to me but this whole thing really bothers me that there's no trust.
(31 May 2017)

Well his brother actually took his ex girlfriend from him.
(31 May 2017)

He doesn't trust me around guys let alone his brother.
(31 May 2017)

I have never done anything in our relationship to make him feel like that.
(31 May 2017)

I'm 18 he's 20 and he doesn't trust me at all.
(31 May 2017)

Me and my fiancee of 5 years split up and she still has we are engaged on facebook what does this mean?
(31 May 2017)

All it would take is one shot to the stomach by this dog and we could lose this child. .
(31 May 2017)

Guy Question!?
(31 May 2017)

Ok, so basically there's a guy in my class and he used to be a little mean to me, but we kind of have a love hate relationship.
(31 May 2017)

Messed up big time?
(31 May 2017)

Is She a Sweet or Wet Dream, Fellas?

[image]WET OR SWEET DREAM?HAPPY FRIDAY_ Corina:I’m 17 and my guy friend is 19. When known each other since we were small.(31 May 2017) Catrice:How do you talk to a girl?(31 May 2017) Catrice:Idk what to say or do when I’m thrown at a pretty girl.(31 May 2017) Catrice:Like I said I’m shy so my friends are doing this to [...]

I was never close to orgasm and ejeculating.
(31 May 2017)

Now she has nausea and her stomach hurts 3 days after and her period is 2 days late now.2 weeks before we did a bit of grinding nude.
(31 May 2017)

But on sunday( 3days ago) we were really horny and touching each other and we started having sex.I pushed my penis slowly 3-4 times for few seconds only and we stopped because it hurt her.
(31 May 2017)

PLease serious answers.Im 18 years old and my gf is 17, we were both virgin and i always told her that i will always use a condom when we have sex.
(31 May 2017)

Seriously question:I slept with my nephew last night? It that's normal for auntie to sleep with nephew?10 points?
(31 May 2017)

Yes I am a bit attractive to my nephew but I am mostly he aunt cousin since he father is my step brother in law . It this a normal relationship between nephews and aunt or did I went overboard.
(31 May 2017)

My nephew has girlfriend but I feel a bit strange sleeping with him but sex was not involved between us.
(31 May 2017)

My nephew is 22 years and I am 21 years old.
(31 May 2017)

I feel like a fool and I hate this because all I showed was I cared?
(31 May 2017)

Amyway, I always felt that his cousin was told to screw me over because it was that bad... I just feel like a fool for loving and caring for someone.
(31 May 2017)

Atrractive, Smart, nice…pick two

If you could only pick two of the above mentioned characteristics for a sex partner which would you pick?_ Keri:Why is he turning cold so quickly if nothing necessarily bad happened between us?(30 May 2017) Keri:He was short when I tried to talk to him, and didn’t seem to want to talk.(30 May 2017) Keri:For the past couple [...]

So there s this boy that I ve known for about 4 months and ever since we ve met we talk everyday.
(30 May 2017)

She said if she met him she'll give him a hug.
(30 May 2017)

She's been obsessed with Manson since she watched the movie Manson's Lost Girls a few years ago she's been fallowing their story.
(30 May 2017)

She was watching a movie about him she cried when he cried.
(30 May 2017)

She said no one trusts him or loves him she feels really sad for him.
(30 May 2017)

He said he didn't even want to be there but he had to because if he didn't Charlie might have killed him.
(30 May 2017)

Also she hates it that everyone is judging him for killing a pregnant woman then he went and father 4 kids.
(30 May 2017)

It wasn't his fault he didn't know that it was Sharon Tate lived there it was Charlie'a fault he's the one who put him under his spell.
(30 May 2017)

She hates it when people say he should burn in hell.
(30 May 2017)

She said he's her future husband she worries about him being in jail.
(30 May 2017)

Top fans are somehow removed after some time?

OK, so recently one of my top fans alerted me that he was removed from the top fans list. It definitely was not my doing but apparently Meelp has a decay system whereby from what i understood, if the_ Chara:Am I expecting??(30 May 2017) Rowena:Is it acceptable to lash out on people?(30 May 2017) Kyra:Is the relationship over? [...]

Is it bad to not like someone after living with them for 10 years?
(30 May 2017)

I don't like him or stand him , I never had a conversation with him or talked about personal things with him.
(30 May 2017)

Now I basically can't stand him he acts like he has servants around the house, he works in landscaping but he can't expect everything in his hands . I bet theres women who do more.
(30 May 2017)

So my stepdad although he's helped us financially he never really tried to gain our respect.
(30 May 2017)

So I've been living with my stepdad since I was 6 or 7 and now I'm 19 . My mom and stepdad started dating when I was like 5 but started to live together when I turned 7. My stepdad he was okay at one point before we started living with him.
(30 May 2017)

Exkaiser Starblazer Li Last name is Li.
(30 May 2017)

Ultimatums in a relationship?
(30 May 2017)

Why do white women date black guys more than other minorities when dating interracially?
(30 May 2017)

I live in Nyc and have seen them dating black guys more than other minorities when in an interracial relationship.
(30 May 2017)

Giving number to someone I've never talked to?
(30 May 2017)

Tuesday 30 May 2017

In a FEMled HoH

In a Fem led HoH relation, the female should only punish her subordinate for 1 of 3 reasons:1. When she thinks he deserves it;2. When she thinks he needs it;3. When she wants to_ Twyla:I asked if I could call her and she said she was on the phone with her mom.(30 May 2017) Twyla:I saw her [...]

I'm not muscular but I have thick, broader shoulders than the average woman(not as broad as the typical man's shoulders tho), big bust, thick waist, hard, solid back, thick thighs.
(30 May 2017)

I'm not a soft, weak, pushover woman you see on the street.
(30 May 2017)

My body is very solid and has above average muscle mass for a female.
(30 May 2017)

I have a very pretty, cute face.
(30 May 2017)

Is it normal to be together for 6 years but having breaks in between and having sex during those breaks?
(30 May 2017)

Is this love that they can't apart?
(30 May 2017)

However they always come together.
(30 May 2017)

I know a couple together for 6 years but they had break ups lots of times (maximum for 6 months), while those break ups they had sex or had small dates with other people.
(30 May 2017)

The father of my son wants to work on our relationship with no commitment and expectations, but he wants to see other people bcus he feels?
(30 May 2017)

Can I have a mans advice I m scared to ask my dad feel a little embarrassed.
(30 May 2017)

Aw man. Two negative comments on my last post…

I think I’m going to kill myself.Not really. One comment is intentionally mean spirited the other missing entirely the point. I’m going to leave both and let them delete them themselves. I’d never say_ Almeda:Is it ok for your spouse to talk negatively about you behind your back?(29 May 2017) Almeda:To a friend of theirs without telling [...]

Is there anyway I could catch something?
(30 May 2017)

I know the girl I m seeing doesn t have anything because she lost it to me and been only seeing me, but the other girl only did it once and I did it with her and my girl unprotected.
(30 May 2017)

I did it unprotected and I know it s the wrong, but is there any way I could catch something?
(30 May 2017)

I had it with a girl I was seeing and her friend.
(30 May 2017)

I had a 3 some about maybe a month ago.
(30 May 2017)

Is it okay to judge a woman when you have a daughter or grand daughter?
(30 May 2017)

Do you think people should take care of their daughters before judging someone else's daughter?
(30 May 2017)

I mean, they don't know if their daughter or grand daughter is also being a slut.
(30 May 2017)

I've seen some people who have daughters and grand daughters judge women.
(30 May 2017)

(30 May 2017)

Photos prises au moment parfait - 3

2 photos supplémentaires sur le même thème. Mais à quoi pense donc ce chat ?[image] Nous sommes à la merci des enfants[image2]_ Charis:How do you quit smoking?(29 May 2017) Olevia:Would you be interested in attending a Yahoo reunion (where we could all meet and greet )?(29 May 2017) Olevia:Somewhere fun, where should we all meet ?(29 May 2017) Jaimee:Who [...]

What do I tell this uncle o mine ?
(29 May 2017)

I know it is ethically wrong and also they were pretty callous in their response to my offers.
(29 May 2017)

While I am torn by the need to 'help' them out.
(29 May 2017)

Now a year later, after they ignored me and put me down, my uncle calls up to request for a certificate of employment as the his boy never had a job in the first place.
(29 May 2017)

I swore to myself, never to go down that road.
(29 May 2017)

History repeated, I was quite upset when I was told that they went with a bigger branded organization that offered many perks.
(29 May 2017)

The second time, about a year later, when I found that his daughter was doing nothing, as they could not afford further studies, I offered her to come an work for my small set up.
(29 May 2017)

I had offered the older kid a job, but informed that he picked a job closer home, just before the time that he was supposed to come on board in my company.
(29 May 2017)

An uncle of mine has two college grad kids.
(29 May 2017)

Why do most girls like White guys so much?
(29 May 2017)

Photos prises au moment parfait - 3

2 photos supplémentaires sur le même thème. Mais à quoi pense donc ce chat ?[image] Nous sommes à la merci des enfants[image2]_ Charis:How do you quit smoking?(29 May 2017) Olevia:Would you be interested in attending a Yahoo reunion (where we could all meet and greet )?(29 May 2017) Olevia:Somewhere fun, where should we all meet ?(29 May 2017) Jaimee:Who [...]

All of my former bullies are becoming moms or getting married or engaged.
(29 May 2017)

Let's all pray that my current boyfriend is the right one.
(29 May 2017)

I hope to be 30 and happily married.
(29 May 2017)

I am 22 and so many people my age are getting engaged.
(29 May 2017)

How do i use woman for sex like all the other cool players at my school?
(29 May 2017)

I'm pretty fat but like I has car, and a job at harris teeter. so will it work?
(29 May 2017)

I'm 17 and I'm 6ft 6 inches and 185 pounds.
(29 May 2017)

Im not smart but these are on level classes.
(29 May 2017)

It's a charger so it's not bad looking at all, it's actually pretty nice my dad split half and half with me :3 ok anyway should I do that orrrr should I like work on their homework?
(29 May 2017)

Do i just need to show them my keys to show that I have a car?
(29 May 2017)

Embarrassing You 3

Wow, this is a lot more fun every time I do it. This guy was super charming. I have no idea why he called me white. I’m gonna go ahead and guess he didn’t bother reading my profile at all._ Maryjane:We’re on a school trip and we aren’t little kids anymore (we are freshmen). I understand [...]

Did she want me to ask her out or was she just trying to say she was not interested?
(29 May 2017)

I've been with my bf for 2 years and he has never touched my u know wht, halp?
(29 May 2017)

What does this mean?! I'll answer yours?
(29 May 2017)

I thought that he didn't really care about me at all until just a couple days after I saw him at a graduation party he found and requested to follow me on instgram.
(29 May 2017)

I do notice sometime when I do see him he gives me a look or tries to and I ignore it because he has longtime girlfriend and I respect that, which is why I've never held a conversation with him, only hi and bye mostly.
(29 May 2017)

Okay so their is this guy that I always see at Artie's but I never really talked to him, I've only ever talked to his little brother and I'm really close friends with cousin.
(29 May 2017)

I'm sick of being single?
(29 May 2017)

I probably sound thirsty but this is just how I feel.
(29 May 2017)

I'm sick and tired of being lonely and I just want a gf so bad words cant describe.
(29 May 2017)

I know I'm young but when all your friends are talking to girls and girls just ignore you it starts to feel really shitty.
(29 May 2017)

Cheap Oils

Pretty amazing what one finds when one loses everything,Damn awesome how big the littlest of things can come to get,Quite stupendous the crafts of man found in all the artistry,Beautiful is the whole_ Johnna:She told me one time that sometimes it feels better when she’s horny, so maybe i shod make her horny?(29 May 2017) Johnna:Is there [...]

Is a fidget spinner a good birthday gift?
(29 May 2017)

I'm scared of losing her forever. Any advice???
(29 May 2017)

She became bestfriend and the only person I trusted, but almost 4 months ago we had a fight.
(29 May 2017)

Guy I'm talking to online does not respect me as much as i'd like?
(29 May 2017)

Right now we are very far from one another so we haven't met.
(29 May 2017)

I mean I dont know if I keep holding out for him if I'm just being a pushover or if there could be a chance we could despite his controlling nature he may really like me underneath it all and want a relationship.
(29 May 2017)

He also doesn't respect my religion and doesn't want to explain his deeper feelingns or beliefs to me even when I ask, because he says I am brainwashed and would not understand.
(29 May 2017)

I'm thinking it could be he attracts girls that are broken that way or that he does things or says things that make girls react in such a way or it could be both.
(29 May 2017)

He has mentioned that other girls he has chatted to got mood swings.
(29 May 2017)

Should I tell him how I feel, or will it ruin our friendship?
(29 May 2017)

Monday 29 May 2017

Are Tattoos Sexy?

Do you like tattoos?_ Lisbeth:Is it wrong that I stick up for my ex?(29 May 2017) Lisbeth:I dont like to hear this and I will stick up for my ex.(29 May 2017) Lisbeth:He also thinks its pathetic that he choose tp have a child he cant properly father.(29 May 2017) Lisbeth:My husband doesnt like to her this and thinks [...]

I do get mad easily and I feel that is because of everything that has happened with my actual parents.
(29 May 2017)

I am aware that I am disrespectful sometimes towards my mom and stepfather and use foul language.
(29 May 2017)

Another problem that I personally have is my attitude.
(29 May 2017)

If I am not nice to my stepfather she gets mad at me and yells.
(29 May 2017)

I can't talk to her about problems I am having or else she always finds a way to say it's my fault.
(29 May 2017)

I can't talk to her about things with school and friends because she just ignores me.
(29 May 2017)

But now it doesn't even seem like I am close to her anymore.
(29 May 2017)

We spent more time together and talked more about things going on with me.
(29 May 2017)

Before she got remarried, I felt a lot closer to her.
(29 May 2017)

I have had some bad problems come up in the time of me living here and they keep repeating.
(29 May 2017)

Why That Song is so Apropos!

So I have had this song from John Mellencamp that has just been stuck in my head lately. You know the one where he sings “I need a lover who won’t drive me crazy!” OMG has that been a challenge recent_ Katie:I get embarrassed when out with her in public.(28 May 2017) Katie:Short hair and always wearing [...]

She talks to me in my head and reads every thought, criticizing me saying I hate you, don't call me that word, retard, asshole, racist, I will kill you or your family, and do not tell cops.
(29 May 2017)

She had been harassing me for a year now and I don't know how to tell police.
(29 May 2017)

What one thing do you find that makes Muslim men so attractive?
(29 May 2017)

For me it's their eyes and hair.
(29 May 2017)

How come teenage girls are also attracted to me why not only women in my age range?
(29 May 2017)

I am 25 year old grown man but I always feel I am young at heart.
(29 May 2017)

I just miss him so much & I've no idea what to do.
(29 May 2017)

I cry every night over him & have stupid dreams.
(29 May 2017)

I began dating a new guy 4 months ago, & he's really nice & I can tell he cares about me.
(29 May 2017)

We haven't talked & I've seen him maybe 2 or 3 times since.
(29 May 2017)

Strokin wat? . . .

Egos.Pretty fitting considerin I work with a few big egos. . I was pondering this one over for a few days.Stoking egos, stroking cock egos[image]Ya’all probably been there and done thatStroked a few w_ Cicely:My parents are kind of strict, and are strongly against her going to Egypt for her safety, also the guy is a [...]

Guys: how far do you expect to go on a second date?
(28 May 2017)

I mean sexually...please specify your age and whether or not you're in school.
(28 May 2017)

Men what should I do?
(28 May 2017)

Could it mean he changed his mind?
(28 May 2017)

Okay so me and this kid has been talking on and off an i told him everything about me and my life an he still cares and he said you re most likely the one for me well needless to say we haven t text that much ever since that night what could it mean?
(28 May 2017)

What do you think i should do about this?
(28 May 2017)

Should i take it slow or move on?
(28 May 2017)

There's a woman who came onto me on a dating site, one thing led to another and we swapped numbers then met for a coffee a few days later.
(28 May 2017)

Why is he so clumsy around me?
(28 May 2017)

He sometimes gets nervous talking to me, too.
(28 May 2017)

Strokin wat? . . .

Egos.Pretty fitting considerin I work with a few big egos. . I was pondering this one over for a few days.Stoking egos, stroking cock egos[image]Ya’all probably been there and done thatStroked a few w_ Cicely:My parents are kind of strict, and are strongly against her going to Egypt for her safety, also the guy is a [...]

Why would a married man do this?
(28 May 2017)

He also still keeps talking to them (but mostly looking at her) while his wife and kids are around, but completely neglects them in that moment.
(28 May 2017)

If a married man is talking to a guy friend and a girl friend and no matter which way his head is turned, he stays facing her with his shoulders and pelvis.
(28 May 2017)

I think I'm falling for one of my best friends?
(28 May 2017)

I don't want to ruin our friendship, especially if she doesn't feel the same way.
(28 May 2017)

Embarrassed as I am, I will say that I have had my fantasies--mostly cuddling and such.
(28 May 2017)

But honestly, that's just natural for best friends--especially with girls.
(28 May 2017)

We have our own special little things and whatnot.
(28 May 2017)

When we hang out with the rest of our friends, I feel like Kris and I have this connection.
(28 May 2017)

We hang out a lot, and I've been feeling a bit of an attraction towards her.
(28 May 2017)

Power out

When I got up this morning, the power was out. I had to leave by 6am to be a nurse for one of the Godsons, who it turns out has a slight case of pneumonia . It is a crazy week. I will be with him th_ Helen:I texted him right after asking why he had [...]

Things to do?
(28 May 2017)

Does this other guy like me ? I'm 22 and never dated guessing he is just being nice but who knows?
(28 May 2017)

He always asks me how I'm doing and asks me about school . Also once he's helping someone at the Register I'm not even up there yet and he Was like hi to me . Now this week I go there and someone goes to him are u spacing out.
(28 May 2017)

Well then as I was studying he was chanting to me study and graduate.
(28 May 2017)

I know this guy who I see when he's working I'm a customer . Well one day he said to me he likes my lipstick.
(28 May 2017)

Question about what game these girls are playing?
(28 May 2017)

Some say I'm weird or gross too though.
(28 May 2017)

Every time I've started to act kinda interested they tend to fade away or stop talking to me.
(28 May 2017)

Some send me mildly sexual pictures some just tease me and some just look at me a bunch.
(28 May 2017)

I moved to this place and there has been quite a few girls who have acted like they like me, but have amounted to nothing.
(28 May 2017)

Sunday 28 May 2017

Ladies Night Out

Tonight is ladies night for Fetlife users. I don’t know if I want to go, I have nothing to wear, my nails look like shit. I do want to take selfies because most likely I will look hot for the night ou_ Jettie:This is awful for social functions, for getting ready for school or errands or [...]

When i was 14 (i'm 17 now) i told a boy No when i felt uncomfortable about him trying to put his fingers in my vagina, but he did it anyway.
(28 May 2017)

Have you ever been shunned?
(28 May 2017)

Their family no longer speak to me (though they communicate with my parents), and if we cross paths in public, they noticeably turn their head the other direction.
(28 May 2017)

It started after a disagreement with a friend.
(28 May 2017)

So anyways i am a 17 year old male and I've like this guy for like 2 years now, but I still dont know if hes gay or not?
(28 May 2017)

I've ran into him so many times outside of school.
(28 May 2017)

I have some mutual friends with him, and they've even told me they think he's gay.
(28 May 2017)

The day I told him how I felt I legit turned shy and vulnerable, which is not me whatsoever.
(28 May 2017)

I am done waiting for him its hard though because I still cant get over him.
(28 May 2017)

It's really weird because I've actually seen him hang out with some gay guys who are both TAKEN.
(28 May 2017)

tarot 1-21-16

The Hanged Man. It tells us we are at a crossroads, and one that offers us little flexibility of motion. Time to halt. Find that elusive stillpoint. It’s where the swinging pendulum of choice makes_ Shonda:I want to propose to my boyfriend. Am I crazy?(28 May 2017) Shonda:Hence why I am asking if I am crazy.(28 May [...]

Is ex taking things slow or no longer attracted?
(28 May 2017)

We kissed 2 days before this and he said he loved me. What's up with my ex BF? Was I wrong? Does he want too much?
(28 May 2017)

What does it mean if my use to be crush mom says I'm cute?
(28 May 2017)

I really do like him but I think it's just more difficult Bc of the fact he's working and I'm the customer . I do hope we can remain Facebook friends it would be nice to see how he's doing.
(28 May 2017)

Like he will say hi then for a few weeks he won't.
(28 May 2017)

He has been through a lot like he lost half his family only 3 years ago so maybe he is just afraid to get close to someone because if that.
(28 May 2017)

I'm aware that when I sit down I'm doing nothing wrong but I sometimes just say hi to him.
(28 May 2017)

I think maybe if I wasn't so quiet maybe I could of be friends with him by now.
(28 May 2017)

He's really religious and a family person which I admire about him.
(28 May 2017)

Well I have known for awhile that he may have been moving but I continued to come anyway.
(28 May 2017)

THIS place, THAT place

There is A place in my past a place made of joy, of hope, of the future, a place made of pain, denial, of hope lost. This place is a real place a place made of brick, of concrete a place made of wood,_ Jeanice:How can I approach him without upsetting him?(27 May 2017) Jeanice:I know this [...]

During sex he doesn't take no for an answer. What do I do?
(28 May 2017)

How do I talk to him about controlling himself. (I am not going to leave him.
(28 May 2017)

I said I was okay, I didn't want him to feel bad about making me feel bad.
(28 May 2017)

He lied next to me I turned the other way and cried.
(28 May 2017)

He asked if I wanted to stop I said yes and he got off.
(28 May 2017)

I continued to squirm or quietly zone out and watch TV.
(28 May 2017)

He just said to relax and I to won't hurt for long and I'll start to enjoy it.
(28 May 2017)

I was dry and he had to use spit as lube to get it in.
(28 May 2017)

He tried to position me on my back but I kicked him and twisted away so he just put it in anyway he could which was by holding me down on my stomach.
(28 May 2017)

I squirmed to get away but eventually I gave up and watched tv.
(28 May 2017)

How easy/hard is it for you to cum from a blowjob?

Guys: On average, in comparison to how fast or how easily you cum from vaginal sex, how easy or hard is it for you to cum from a blowjob?_ Jada:Shes also into numerology and psychic stuff.(27 May 2017) Jada:I asked her once and she said l have to reveal to her that I’m some sort of inhuman.(27 [...]

The only people that know that he is an atheist are his very close friends.
(27 May 2017)

Names for my twin girls?
(27 May 2017)

Name for my baby girl?
(27 May 2017)

Alternatives for the name Belle?
(27 May 2017)

So this girl kept looking at me when i was driving?
(27 May 2017)

I m a guy and I need advice on a bff that I fell in love with. Any advices would help?
(27 May 2017)

Obviously, we care about each other but I don t want to just remain friends.
(27 May 2017)

What is going on with her and me?
(27 May 2017)

We still text a few times a day but she s always the one initiating the conversion.
(27 May 2017)

I told her that was not a option and that I had made my intentions clear.
(27 May 2017)

How easy/hard is it for you to cum from a blowjob?

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Saturday 27 May 2017

I’m Old

It’s official. I am old. As I am chatting with a gentleman he mentions that he is a single father. I ask how old his children are. His youngest son is the same age as my grand daughter! So I inquire_ Colleen:Would you consider this gay?(27 May 2017) Leonila:Should I say something to her??? Please Help!!!?(27 May [...]

Do girls like Computer Technicians?
(27 May 2017)

Basic name combination for a girl?
(27 May 2017)

Doesn't hurt if the initials sound good together, but it isn't required.
(27 May 2017)

It should be timeless, and easy to say.
(27 May 2017)

I'm looking for a basic girl name (first, middle and last name) combination.
(27 May 2017)

DARK BLACK SKIN. do you REALLY Like It. On a 1-10 scale, how much?
(27 May 2017)

Their big DARK BLACK butt se covered in cellulite.
(27 May 2017)

Many DARK BLACK women have plenitud of cellulite on thighs and butt.
(27 May 2017)

In dating and relationships, i think DARK BLACK skin is decent.
(27 May 2017)

My friend wont spend much time with me because she rather be with her boyfriend?
(27 May 2017)

Old adage….updated

The old adage of “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” is outdated. The modern version should read “The way to a man’s heart is through his ass.”….at least after he gets used to it. Yo_ Juana:The prof replied that he will get back to me…..but it’s almost last week of month.(26 May [...]

Every time we get close to sex, he starts shaking and you can tell he's super anxious and scared, so I believed it was performance anxiety.
(27 May 2017)

I had complete trust in him, and this is making me question it.
(27 May 2017)

The only time he would have to cheat is while at work.
(27 May 2017)

Could this be a sign there's someone else?
(27 May 2017)

I partially don't know if I remember correctly and partially I don't want to know.
(27 May 2017)

Anyhow, I was getting a pair of socks from his drawer and noticed two condoms were missing. (He had a six pack, we used one and now there's 3). I don't wanna confront him.
(27 May 2017)

I hit this guy in his face, what was wrong with me?
(27 May 2017)

I m a female let me start off by saying that.
(27 May 2017)

I do wanna be friends with her, and she didn't cheat on me so idk how crappy what she did is, but I also need to talk to someone about all of this, so I'm stuck.
(27 May 2017)

What determines what a person is attracted to in the opposite Sex?
(27 May 2017)

What I look Like In A Business Suit.

What I look Like In A Business Suit.and what I have on underneath the business suit to._ Olinda:Is the reason controlling women usually date weak men is because these weak men won’t stand up for themselves?(26 May 2017) Josefina:Dumb idea? How would you feel?(26 May 2017) Rebbeca:Emily or Elaine?(26 May 2017) Rebbeca:We’d call her Ellie if it was Elaine.(26 [...]

I want to see my friends?
(26 May 2017)

They live so far away I don't know they live at?
(26 May 2017)

Does this girl expect me to make the first move?
(26 May 2017)

Should I wait on her to start things up again, or is she expecting me to make the first move?
(26 May 2017)

This is a girl who broke up with me a few months ago, but she's spent the past couple of months showing signs that she still likes me, such as constantly staring at me and always trying to be near me or within direct eye contact.
(26 May 2017)

What Is With The Show My Little Pony The Show Isn't That Good It's So Cringy For A 13 Year Old Boy But Yet I Like It Somethings Not Right?
(26 May 2017)

It's the worst show I have saw and I have saw problem solvers so whats so good about the show that attracteds teenage and grown men?
(26 May 2017)

I'm attracted to cute things sure but I can watch a cute kitty and puppies show and never like it but what's with the show it is horrible so I technically don't like it but it's more like forced love, friendship, happiness, and smiles.
(26 May 2017)

I See nothing good about the show but I like it.
(26 May 2017)

Well They just are going to the extreme like a hater as me going to a Brony which is not like me.
(26 May 2017)

What I look Like In A Business Suit.

What I look Like In A Business Suit.and what I have on underneath the business suit to._ Olinda:Is the reason controlling women usually date weak men is because these weak men won’t stand up for themselves?(26 May 2017) Josefina:Dumb idea? How would you feel?(26 May 2017) Rebbeca:Emily or Elaine?(26 May 2017) Rebbeca:We’d call her Ellie if it was Elaine.(26 [...]

Can my baby start teething in the back of the mouth?
(26 May 2017)

He's my first baby , so not to sure how it looks.
(26 May 2017)

Today when he started crying, I noticed the molars in the back on top where a little white.
(26 May 2017)

But , his front top and bottom isn't teething for sure.
(26 May 2017)

Did loose his appetite but that Bc he has a cold, my sick nephew was next to him.
(26 May 2017)

My son is 3 months old, he's always putting his whole hand in his mouth then he starts to gag, he's sucking on his hand.
(26 May 2017)

People hate me because I dont bully anyone?
(26 May 2017)

I want to be nice to everyone and I would never bully one but people from my class hate me for that :( I dont bully anyone and they hate me and start to make me feel bad.
(26 May 2017)

What's a better way of saying 'at work'?
(26 May 2017)

Do guys ask for numbers twice?
(26 May 2017)

had a dream last night

I was with an ebony tranny and a white tranny some how have to make this happen in real life_ Darcey:They also tend to get annoyed with me talking about guys who I am interested in especially my guy friends who are currently having trouble with women.(26 May 2017) Darcey:I have a lot of friends who are [...]

I am nervous about the child falling off.
(26 May 2017)

So as a volunteer at a stable, one of my jobs is to give pony rides to little children.
(26 May 2017)

Advice and explanation?
(26 May 2017)

I do not feel any attraction to this man but I know he likes me.
(26 May 2017)

This guy who has a crush on me tried to touch me and I declined because we are not dating,so then he asked me out and I said idk.
(26 May 2017)

I won't allow anybody to touch me unless we are dating.
(26 May 2017)

How to tell him I only want to be friends?
(26 May 2017)

He even makes plans for later on in the summer for us. i know that i should break the news to him, i just don't know how and when?
(26 May 2017)

He keeps asking me to hang out and i feel bad for turning him down so i accept his invites.
(26 May 2017)

I don't want to do long distance.
(26 May 2017)

Friday 26 May 2017

Plan B … :)

So, my long weekend got a little jacked up due to injury. Sadly, my D/s Mommy broke her foot and wasn’t able to come over the weekend - BOO - totally sucks! I resorted to plan B … continuing on w_ Jillian:I wanted to ask to see if anyone else has gone through this same issue [...]

How to get women to let you worship their feet?
(26 May 2017)

Elizabeth Gu (nn Effy or Ella) or Elena Gu Gu is the last name and plz be nice.
(26 May 2017)

How to help a girl when she's sick?
(26 May 2017)

I think her throat is getting better but she's still stuffed up ans coughing.
(26 May 2017)

I tried everything even hugging her it doesn't help.
(26 May 2017)

She has a sore throat and coughing a lot.
(26 May 2017)

My sister is feeling sick shes been sick the last few days I've given her pills , I tried cuddlig with her even watching her favorite movie that didn't help.
(26 May 2017)

Does he like me or is it wishful thinking?
(26 May 2017)

My heart began racing at that point and I smiled and looked away so I don't know if it's just because I find him so unbelievably sweet and attractive that I think it's a chemistry between us or just in my head?
(26 May 2017)

At one point he was standing behind me and I thought he was looking at the same computer screen as me but when I looked up at him he was already gazing (kind of in a daydream) at my face and he didn't look away when I locked eyes with him.
(26 May 2017)


At the end of the workday, one cowboy tells another, “That new bull nearly did me in today, partner.”"Oh yeah, what happened?”"I was putting out the feed, when the sucker came charging at me like a lo_ Evita:Ever since we first started having sex, I faked orgasms.(25 May 2017) Evita:I ve been with my boyfriend for 2 [...]

You should buy some..8 years down the drain..
(26 May 2017)

Why could have edd deny my unemployment request?
(26 May 2017)

I just don't understand, the woman seemed pretty darn confident, so when I checked just seeing the word disqualification hit me like a ton of bricks.
(26 May 2017)

If so did it end on a positive outcome?
(26 May 2017)

In the mean time have any of you guys have had any similar experiences?
(26 May 2017)

I have to wait to make a call to find out what is going on.
(26 May 2017)

I looked in their FAQs and that confirmed what I was thinking it meant.
(26 May 2017)

I have yet to receive the letter however I went online to check on my pending weeks and they all have disqualification next to them.
(26 May 2017)

So I had my edd interview last Friday, before ending the call the woman that I had spoken to seemed pretty confident about me winning my case and informed me that I was to receive a letter in the mail within 3 business days.
(26 May 2017)

I just started dating this younger guy. I am 27 and make good money but I live at home. He works at a liquor store and is 22. I have a kid?
(26 May 2017)

Freezing titty Tuesday!!! burrrrrrrrr

Good Morning!Its Tuesday,and woke up to temps at 7 degrees…and now its a whopping 9.3 degrees! Of course the titties will need to be covered up well before stepping outside,and it I didn’t have to g_ Olivia:I was just convinced I was pregnant because I was 2 days late for my period, my CP was mid-high [...]

If you've been in a similar situation, what do you do?
(25 May 2017)

How do I make his words go away and get them out of my head?
(25 May 2017)

His words and actions haunt me day and night.
(25 May 2017)

I grew up with and still occasionally have to deal with the mean and condescending comments made to me by my father.
(25 May 2017)

I need some advice, but please only answer if you've been in this kind of situation.
(25 May 2017)

Is it okay for a girl to initiate a conversation with a guy if he is really shy and how can you tell if he likes you?
(25 May 2017)

I have a friend and she wants to invite me over to her place?
(25 May 2017)

I'm very shy when it comes to romance, I'm a normal average dude.
(25 May 2017)

I'm not expecting anything but is she?
(25 May 2017)

But she wanted to invite me into her place.
(25 May 2017)

Freezing titty Tuesday!!! burrrrrrrrr

Good Morning!Its Tuesday,and woke up to temps at 7 degrees…and now its a whopping 9.3 degrees! Of course the titties will need to be covered up well before stepping outside,and it I didn’t have to g_ Olivia:I was just convinced I was pregnant because I was 2 days late for my period, my CP was mid-high [...]

And if so, how can I prove to her that I really don't?
(25 May 2017)

So my question is, does my friend think I like someone?
(25 May 2017)

I genuinely don't like anyone at the moment and I don't know if my friend knows that or not because I get the feeling she thinks that I like someone.
(25 May 2017)

And she keeps subtly asking me if I have a thing for any guys at the school and it's making me feel really uncomfortable and weirded out.
(25 May 2017)

So for the past few months, my friend has been saying I have a secret admirer or that she knows someone likes me and when I ask who, she'll immediately drop the subject and refuse to say anything about it.
(25 May 2017)

I m trying to mail a letter. How can I get it there quickly?
(25 May 2017)

I m sending it tomorrow (Friday) can I do express overnight mailing for just 1 small envelope?
(25 May 2017)

I m mailing a letter to my boyfriend in jail to tell him I can t put $ on the phone until my next paycheck.
(25 May 2017)

Why did he have a sour face when he saw me talking to another guy at the club?
(25 May 2017)

We have a list of names that one of us likes, and the other can live with, but I'd really like to find a name that we both are good with and not just tolerate.
(25 May 2017)

Winter, Shrinkage, Adapting

Curiosity was killing this kitty …..The affects of cold temperatures on the human body are fascinating. Chill bumps, hardening of nipples, cold noses, fingers and toes… all seem to be more rigid,_ Yolonda:He got really weird around meeting up for the second time and I dunno why TBH it was just excuse after excuse and really [...]

He is my best friend & everything to me.
(25 May 2017)

I'm so glad he is finally stating to make it but I will be absolutely crushed if we have to separate as a result of this.
(25 May 2017)

I have been with him through everything, even when he had absolutely nothing.
(25 May 2017)

I've seen many people passing up opportunities for the sake of their relationship & then years down the line they break up, and if you won't be happy coming with me I guess we can't be together' I have no problem in going with him.
(25 May 2017)

His reply disappointed me,he said 'I'm not going to let our relationship hold me back.
(25 May 2017)

I asked him - 'what will happen to us?
(25 May 2017)

He has been through many bad times in his life and for the most part he has had no one except me.
(25 May 2017)

This man has offered my boyfriend to take a job as a manager in one of his stores in Spain (we live in the U.K.) and I am so happy for him.
(25 May 2017)

He has made some friends through this job, including a businessman.
(25 May 2017)

He recently started a job (which involved deliveries) he has no car, so I have been driving him everywhere to help him make money.
(25 May 2017)

Thursday 25 May 2017

Commited Until Proven Single (Thanks married assholes)

*sigh* *looooong swig of water* *sighs again*WHY do I even try? Especially here? It’s like what’s with it people here? Especially men? Why do you fucking do it? WHY. DO. YOU. DO. IT? THEN expect_ Anisa:Should I call my mom to pick me up?(24 May 2017) Anisa:So, should I call her or should I endure the night?(24 [...]

But here's the thing, her parents are split up, both alcoholics, and her dad is very strict, like I barley get to text her when she's at her dads.
(25 May 2017)

I'm a 17 yr old male dating my best friend's 15 yr old sister, him and his parents approve of us.
(25 May 2017)

Ignoring ex-girlfriend on the street?
(25 May 2017)

Should I feel bad or should I not feel like crap for ignoring her.
(25 May 2017)

However I feel like crap now only because I feel like I should have not ignored her when she called after me.
(25 May 2017)

She also had admitted she was seeing someone else while we were dating.
(25 May 2017)

Yes, we had a very rocky relationship and she said things to me that really got me upset.
(25 May 2017)

She called out my name, but I turned the other way and ignored her.
(25 May 2017)

My ex-girlfriend passed me, she was smoking a cigarette, and looked absolutely terrible.
(25 May 2017)

I was standing on the street corner waiting for a friend.
(25 May 2017)

My First Year Of Blogging Here

I’ve been on the A*F*F/Pazzion site, on and off, since 12/2103 and blogging since January 2015. Here are some (not all) assorted things I have learned, experienced and posted about in that year.Some_ Arlinda:I feel horrible because i know how wrong this is but it’s hard to ignore.(24 May 2017) Arlinda:I’ve even imagined scenarios in my head [...]

I will never see that as an insult.
(25 May 2017)

YEEEE HAWWWW that kelly ann conway is hot aint she?
(25 May 2017)

Punk vs bully?
(25 May 2017)

Removing child support order?
(25 May 2017)

Help in this would truly be appreciated.
(25 May 2017)

I believe we would have to go to court and get a modification or speak to a judge to remove it.
(25 May 2017)

We are looking for the process to remove the child support order.
(25 May 2017)

We did not start off well in our relationship, yet have grown and realize some of our childish ways.
(25 May 2017)

I am wondering what are the steps to removing the child support order that we both are under.
(25 May 2017)

She is the mother of my two children.
(25 May 2017)

I Have To Ask

It looks ( to me anyway) that a few bloggers post blogs all day and all night-just blog after blog after blog–WHERE do you find the time? Do you have maids and cooks? I leave the site on but the majo_ Andre:He asked if I dont mind that he rests his head on me and I [...]

Nothing in this world hurts worse than seeing him in pain How do I help console and heal his wounds?
(25 May 2017)

I always try my best to uplift him and keep him safe and loved.
(25 May 2017)

It breaks my heart seeing him and his family so hurt.
(25 May 2017)

His whole life he's dealt with emotional and physical abuse.
(25 May 2017)

If they got divorced it would completely destroy the whole family.
(25 May 2017)

My boyfriends parents have been on the edge of divorce for years now but the past 6 months have been especially worse.
(25 May 2017)

I know in the past I had continued to speak to you even after I said I ant to be friends. Dont contact people ?
(25 May 2017)

She just dumped me out of the blue.
(25 May 2017)

My girlfriend dumped me back in january and I love her alot but she's ignoring me, bit I want a chance of getting her back.
(25 May 2017)

Do women like getting filled with semen during intercourse? Serious question?
(25 May 2017)

Going Under

Left home with a friend of mineBeen gone two years and I don’t know why.Now I’m happy all the time.Can’t think and I’m feeling fineLittle girl with the full red lipsnever knew it could be like thisvo_ Carrol:Maybe I should just act like it never even happens.(24 May 2017) Carrol:Our sex life is great so I know [...]

Can I stop him from adopting me?
(24 May 2017)

My brother (the 22 year old) lives in New York with his wife and infant daughter and my sister (the 20 year old) lives in Arizona and only contact me through social media every once in a while.
(24 May 2017)

My dad had custody of my two older siblings when he was still living and they were already over 18 by the time my mom and stepdad were able to try and have them adopted.
(24 May 2017)

The only reason why she wants me to be adopted by him is so she can erase my dad from my birth certificate.
(24 May 2017)

My mom has a strong hatred toward my dad, even though they were divorced and my dad died from medical issues when I was 8 and I'm 17 now.
(24 May 2017)

I have full siblings who are 20 and 22 and they no longer live with us.
(24 May 2017)

My mom has been married to my stepdad for around 4 years now and they have 2 kids together, my 6 year old brother and 5 year old sister.
(24 May 2017)

My child will not eat anything I make, husband is getting mad, help?
(24 May 2017)

Can anyone give me advice as to what I can do to help her learn eat different textured foods?
(24 May 2017)

She has a sensory processing disorder so she can't tolerate most foods.
(24 May 2017)

Going Under

Left home with a friend of mineBeen gone two years and I don’t know why.Now I’m happy all the time.Can’t think and I’m feeling fineLittle girl with the full red lipsnever knew it could be like thisvo_ Carrol:Maybe I should just act like it never even happens.(24 May 2017) Carrol:Our sex life is great so I know [...]

Is it normal to be still sad about a breakup even after years?
(24 May 2017)

Need advice desperately?
(24 May 2017)

I passed gas and it smelled so awful my boyfriend was next to me at the time..?
(24 May 2017)

Does this sound like a fun first date for you ladies answer please?
(24 May 2017)

She outdoorsy so maybe she would like it.
(24 May 2017)

Then top off the night with sushi and ramen.
(24 May 2017)

Go to a park ride bikes (1 bike with pegs ) race paper boats at the local ravine.
(24 May 2017)

Meet up at a coffee place talk for a bit.
(24 May 2017)

Ladies what makes you want to go on a date with a guy do you like him?
(24 May 2017)

We've been texting for a month nice and slow . We've been waiting until both of us are in town we both go to school far away anyways she's up to seeing me this Friday.
(24 May 2017)

Wednesday 24 May 2017

a new turn on and why

Most of us, and probably its more a thing for guys, can be stimulated sexually from visuals. it probably was pictures first, Playboy, penthouse and the others. There were always some erotic content on_ Tonita:The reason I m asking this here is because DCF recommended us to go to a therapist, so we did but now [...]

And now I see him in a completely different light.
(24 May 2017)

It had to be about him losing me before he actually considered it.
(24 May 2017)

My issue is why wasn't I enough to stop in the first place?
(24 May 2017)

That this would be different because now he knows he could lose me and before he didn't think it was a big deal.
(24 May 2017)

When I found this again and said if he couldn't be honest with me I didn't know that I could stay with him he only said he would never do it again.
(24 May 2017)

He's not a bad guy and very good to me-sweet, funny, my best friend.
(24 May 2017)

I was a wreck mostly because he lied for the past 5 years and I was trying so hard to get his attention when all he was focused on was porn.
(24 May 2017)

I had never thought I settled until recently when I found porn again.
(24 May 2017)

He gets time with his guys and I'm never upset if he goes out without me.
(24 May 2017)

Guys tell me all the time that my husband is a lucky man this includes his friends asking why I settled.
(24 May 2017)

When its just right.

Ever feel like everything is just perfect? Maybe its the person you are with, your surroundings, the music……something that makes you sigh and feel content that everything is just as it should be._ Maud:Is it possible that I’m just making these symptoms up in my head?(23 May 2017) Maud:I’ve kind of chalked all these symptoms down to [...]

The thing is, in the last 6 months, i haven't been there for him.
(24 May 2017)

My boyfriend and i have been together 6 years.
(24 May 2017)

Why is my mother trying to turn me against my father? (They are still married)?
(24 May 2017)

She still bad mouths him but I no longer listen to her rubbish.
(24 May 2017)

She did this while I was a kid as well.
(24 May 2017)

I'm an adult now and no longer live at home.
(24 May 2017)

She pretends to love me and care about me but I've caught her talking bad about me behind my back to my brothers, step dad, even my friends when I wasn't around.
(24 May 2017)

Which Is the worst way to end a relationship?
(24 May 2017)

It didn't hurt at all I cried because he was amazing at it.
(24 May 2017)

Me and my boyfriend made love for the first time last night.
(24 May 2017)

Better night

It was much better night last night felt much better no pain no waking up and for sure no stiffness. I did wake up several times cause it was so flipping hot I could not stand it. lQQkin was not sleep_ Candra:This year, on the silvester party, we met with some people, and my boyfriend talked [...]

Boyfriend of almost 2 years wants me to go out of town to meet his family for his birthday.
(24 May 2017)

Ladies, if u drank very litle caffine duing pregnacy, would drinking more then u normally drink, but still within the limits, do harm?
(24 May 2017)

Is it worst to have thatvamount just once then if i had that same amount every day?
(24 May 2017)

Many women have a cup of coffee a day and there babys are healthy, but there fetus was used to it.
(24 May 2017)

A few days ago, I decided to have a drink thatvhas 95 mg of caffine, knowing it does not exede the daily limit.
(24 May 2017)

I normally drink one or two cups of tea a day, which I just found out has very little caffine.
(24 May 2017)

I mean would it shock the fetus as long as u staybwithin the limited amount?
(24 May 2017)

Is it incest if she's not awake?
(24 May 2017)

I could tell her that it was our dad, but would that get me off?
(24 May 2017)

Should I let her know that It was most likely me who blasted her full of my fluids?
(24 May 2017)

The Chase is On

So, I got tired of prowling around at the Pal hitting on girls who don’t want to be hit on and I thought, What if I could get the girls to come to me? This is my attempt. Most guys here send dick pics_ Austin:It all started from this picture of someone that i rlly love.(23 [...]

He likes to make jokes and calls me up to his desks to show some funny videos on youtube.
(23 May 2017)

You deserve a like aged spouse ladies.
(23 May 2017)

Is it time to go or continue working on the relationship?
(23 May 2017)

I am trying to give him resources to be a better partner and get him out of the rut but I'm not sure how to deal or what tools I should be implementing.
(23 May 2017)

I feel like I am completely alone in this relationship and it's becoming a burden.
(23 May 2017)

He's becoming increasingly selfish, distant, and cold.
(23 May 2017)

Despite trying to be compassionate about these things, I am feeling at the end of my rope with our relationship.
(23 May 2017)

This has put a huge strain on us and he is also dealing with trying to become independent from his controlling mother.
(23 May 2017)

He's had a really bad semester in which he became increasingly depressed, got fired from a job by a crooked boss (who got fired days after his decision to fire my fiance), and was the victim of a false accusation.
(23 May 2017)

I've been with my partner for almost five years.
(23 May 2017)

The Chase is On

So, I got tired of prowling around at the Pal hitting on girls who don’t want to be hit on and I thought, What if I could get the girls to come to me? This is my attempt. Most guys here send dick pics_ Austin:It all started from this picture of someone that i rlly love.(23 [...]

I liked this girl but I m about to graduate?
(23 May 2017)

Would it be weird if I follow her on instagram and em her?
(23 May 2017)

So there s this girl in my Chemistry class and she sat in front of me all year I never had the guts to talk to her now I lost my chance.
(23 May 2017)

Would you charge your daughter rent if she commutes to college?
(23 May 2017)

She's also about to move out so I'm thinking since I can't charge her rent I can make her pay a few hundred a month for car payments every month even though the cars already paid off.
(23 May 2017)

Would you charge your daughter rent?
(23 May 2017)

She also uses a car that we provided for her which I'm thinking about taking away because she's 20 and she doesn't help enough to deserve it.
(23 May 2017)

I ask her to mow the lawn everyday and she always refuses.
(23 May 2017)

She only cleans the living room and vacuums the house once a week.
(23 May 2017)

I feel like she doesn't do enough around the house.
(23 May 2017)

My friend

I finally meet in person a wounderful woman from the site. I will not give you her name but I am very glad we meet. If she reads this all I can say is WOW!_ Kerri:Ok so me an my ex boyfriend had a bad breakup.i broke up with him 5 months ago.(23 May 2017) Sherrill:Empathy Right [...]

So jealous of my beautiful best friend- am I bullying her?
(23 May 2017)

But how could anything make someone like that insecure?
(23 May 2017)

But now she's mad at me and she doesn't talk as much.
(23 May 2017)

I know it's mean and I know it hurts her but I can't help it.
(23 May 2017)

I've been saying mean things to her lately about her hair and looks and I get other girls to join in.
(23 May 2017)

I think my jealousy is starting to ruin our friendship.
(23 May 2017)

If that's not enough, she's also freaking smart with Amazing grades and she doesn't even have to try.
(23 May 2017)

Whenever someone comes to talk to us, the guy will always hang on to her every word and ignored me.
(23 May 2017)

All of the guys are in love with her and I know my crush would choose her if he could.
(23 May 2017)

I'm starting to get so jealous of her I don't know what to do.
(23 May 2017)

Big dick.

This morning I IM someone to start a conversation. The response I received was ” sorry your dick is to small for me though good luck” I sent a message that in my photo I’m not even all the way hard. W_ Era:What does it mean when your friend doesn’t care if you talk to the [...]

They know everything about what's going on in her life and she doesn't tell me anything.
(23 May 2017)

We have other friends that we both hang out with in lessons but the thing that bugs me is that she talks to them more than she does to me.
(23 May 2017)

So i have a 'best friend' and we've been friends for around 3 years.
(23 May 2017)

Am I disgusting for feeling this way?
(23 May 2017)

I have a crush on a tree! is this normal?
(23 May 2017)

Women have you ever made fun of guy with your girlfriends because his dick was little?
(23 May 2017)

My parents are forcing me to get a job RIGHT after school ends?
(23 May 2017)

This is more stressful then school... I am SO bummed... Summer has always been my time off.
(23 May 2017)

I've never had a job in my life so this is A LOT to spring at me all at once... I don't even get a frikin day off over the summer.
(23 May 2017)

And my parents have already accepted all of these jobs.
(23 May 2017)

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Just a start

He asked me what I would want to be doing other than work…I think a nice dinner a couple drinks to wind down the day. Then I may pull my long black skirt up enough to straddle your lap, lean in clos_ Thelma:Birth control fail?(22 May 2017) Thelma:I’ve been on time with all my shots so I [...]

She is also mad at me cause me and my ex are friends again.
(23 May 2017)

She has always been controlling and has hurt me before and I knew I needed to get out of our friendship but idea right now.
(23 May 2017)

Why is she suddenly lashing out at me like this.
(23 May 2017)

When in reality I am very mature and she's the immature one.
(23 May 2017)

Ok so my bestfriend of 14 years today suddenly wrote me a note saying I don't want to be friends anymore cause your immature and never mature.
(23 May 2017)

Would u be ok with it if ur mom randomly signed u up for something u hate?
(23 May 2017)

Do u think I'm right to be mad and want to quit?
(23 May 2017)

Plus, I started too late for piano to look good on college applications so there's like no reason for me to do this.
(23 May 2017)

Everyday he's coming over I start to freak out and get this horrible feeling in my stomach like I'm about to go on the scariest roller coaster in the world.
(23 May 2017)

He always says mean things in a nice tone to like be funny or something?
(23 May 2017)

A degree of selfishness…..

Love requires sacrifice. Always.Do you think that is a true statement?Sacrifice: to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person.I won’t be the first to admit it - I love_ Faye:I apologized for everything and went home with a serious hang over.(22 May 2017) Faye:I said good morning but he didn’t [...]

That happened a week after we met.
(23 May 2017)

And he decided not to tell his boss so, he laid him off.
(23 May 2017)

He was working in the beginning then got sick one week after we met.
(23 May 2017)

I've been with my boyfriend for one year and half.
(23 May 2017)

He's not the same guy as he was.
(23 May 2017)

I wish I can show them what a sweet and nice guy he is even though he killed people he really has changed a lot.
(23 May 2017)

I go see him once or twice a week.
(23 May 2017)

My man is a nice guy once you get to know him.
(23 May 2017)

It's not fair one of his friends is also in prison he didn't even do anything.
(23 May 2017)

I love him but I hate seeing him in there I wish they could let him out for a while but they said they can't trust him being out.
(23 May 2017)

Can I get some oral with no reciprocaton?

Next to sex in the wilderness, oral sex is my next favorite thing. I like to give but LOVE to receive. Sometimes though, I only want some oral. Is that so bad? I mean can you suck the soul from my pus_ Sanjuanita:I look at her and we lock eyes until I pass her, but neither [...]

The girl is same age, and we're not in same classes.
(23 May 2017)

You don't have to be nice. ;) By the way, if it means anything.. just a teenage guy over here, turned 18 a few months ago.
(23 May 2017)

How to politely tell ny friend not to interrupt me whole I am busy?
(23 May 2017)

Is there any way to tell him not to interrupt me while I am busy ?
(23 May 2017)

He and I always used to hangout together and visited each other's homes as well.
(23 May 2017)

This has made him a sensitive person.
(23 May 2017)

But his father got paralyzed so he and his family went back to our country.
(23 May 2017)

NOTE: We are foreigners living in another country and we were born here as well. -------------------- My best friend and I lived in the same city and went to same school together.
(23 May 2017)

In love and obsessed with my friend's girlfriend?
(23 May 2017)

And I know, I probably sound pathetic as hell but I just had to let all of this out and hopefully get some advice in return.
(23 May 2017)

Is sex a MUST on the first date? Or When?

Using the blog to get some feedback from all you Meelp’ers. Is there a rule when it comes to swinging that you have to fuck?Is there a rule when it comes to swinging that you can rub on me, touch me_ Alexandria:Even though I’m bleeding right now, I don’t seem to have cramps.(22 May 2017) Alexandria:And on [...]

How do you stop infatuation?
(22 May 2017)

Being infatuated with a person you cant be with?
(22 May 2017)

How do I post?
(22 May 2017)

(22 May 2017)

Olive Garden or Outback?
(22 May 2017)

I don't know what caused me to get depressed.
(22 May 2017)

It really hurts most of the time.
(22 May 2017)

I've been depressed for the past 5 years.
(22 May 2017)

I feel really depressed I don't know how to tell him I have depression.
(22 May 2017)

Mother-in-law running scam?
(22 May 2017)

If Applicable?

To whom it may concern, Now taking applications for an expressive female co-author. Seductive Majik Tale in the works. Submit your application by posting interest to this thread…Rock Her Mystery_ Laci:I got a whole 4 years stuck with him. (p.s.) I love math and science, maybe something to do with that?(22 May 2017) Laci:I am 14, entering [...]

Maybe this could be a friend zone is my lucky guess.
(22 May 2017)

But he sees me everyday after school and we conversate.
(22 May 2017)

He doesn't receive my message, or opened up the chat to look.
(22 May 2017)

I'm not exactly sure if this makes sense, i just need help knowing.
(22 May 2017)

He has introduced me to some of his friends also, from one of the groups he sits with.
(22 May 2017)

He has opened up a little bit to me about his personal life, just a little bit.
(22 May 2017)

When he says a joke, he freezes for a few seconds for my approval if it's funny, so he doesn't try to over laugh.
(22 May 2017)

He likes to meet everyday after school for the bus, since he rides a different bus he waits with me, he smiles alot.
(22 May 2017)

Or just walking in the hallways he yells my name, to make sure I hear him, and if I don't he yells louder to get my attention to see if I respond.
(22 May 2017)

Or when I'm talking to one of my guys friends he likes to come up and interrupt in to the conversation.
(22 May 2017)

Monday 22 May 2017

Should Trump be banned from the UK??

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Siamese Twins

Yes, you read it correctly. Nothing politically incorrect about it. So, I have been wanting to write about another series I have been watching, from the library. American Horror Story. I have wanted t_ Janice:And that’s saying a lot, because I generally do not find humans to be cute.(21 May 2017) Janice:Actually I’m one myself but whenever [...]

Yet he hangs on to my naked body all night long with no hard on.
(22 May 2017)

He denies that he has a low sex drive and it blame his lack of interest on just about anything including me or my attitude or anything about me that day.
(22 May 2017)

I'm lonely and want to date but I'm afraid of getting into relationships?
(22 May 2017)

I put family and financial responsibility above everything, I don't look for fast hook ups, I don't party because I don't want to waste my hard earned money on someone who takes things for granted, wants lust and money instead of a relationship.
(22 May 2017)

Growing up poor, and seeing my mom working hard, taking responsibility as a single parent inspired me to do the same.
(22 May 2017)

On the other hand, all of this experience made me afraid of getting into relationships.
(22 May 2017)

I believe in taking responsibilities and working hard, being independent and not being reliant others.
(22 May 2017)

I helped my family in my early twenties and I transferred to a good 4 year university to study from my cc while working, paying my own rent and living expenses.
(22 May 2017)

I grew up poor and I've been a workaholic.
(22 May 2017)

What should I do about my straight friend?
(22 May 2017)