Wednesday 24 May 2017

a new turn on and why

Most of us, and probably its more a thing for guys, can be stimulated sexually from visuals. it probably was pictures first, Playboy, penthouse and the others. There were always some erotic content on_ Tonita:The reason I m asking this here is because DCF recommended us to go to a therapist, so we did but now [...]

And now I see him in a completely different light.
(24 May 2017)

It had to be about him losing me before he actually considered it.
(24 May 2017)

My issue is why wasn't I enough to stop in the first place?
(24 May 2017)

That this would be different because now he knows he could lose me and before he didn't think it was a big deal.
(24 May 2017)

When I found this again and said if he couldn't be honest with me I didn't know that I could stay with him he only said he would never do it again.
(24 May 2017)

He's not a bad guy and very good to me-sweet, funny, my best friend.
(24 May 2017)

I was a wreck mostly because he lied for the past 5 years and I was trying so hard to get his attention when all he was focused on was porn.
(24 May 2017)

I had never thought I settled until recently when I found porn again.
(24 May 2017)

He gets time with his guys and I'm never upset if he goes out without me.
(24 May 2017)

Guys tell me all the time that my husband is a lucky man this includes his friends asking why I settled.
(24 May 2017)

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