Saturday 20 May 2017

Blogging Naked..!!!

Here I am blogging naked on this Saturday in JanuarySee how you sexy bloggers get me aroused!!_ Luis:Do you think they go hand in hand.(19 May 2017) Olene:Okay so I like this guy but…?(19 May 2017) Olene:I help him with his relationship problems and we get along alright but he doesnt like me?(19 May 2017) Olene:Okay so I like [...]

Any advice would be helpful, I just don't want to cause a scene or stress anybody out.
(20 May 2017)

Do I just tell him that I don't feel comfortable being friends with him if he asks?
(20 May 2017)

He's just annoyed that he hasn't seen me, without knowing why it seems.
(20 May 2017)

I don't really know what to do really, I feel like such a burden.
(20 May 2017)

I'm seeing him next weekend as he's attending an event me and my friends are going to - and he knows I know what's happened.
(20 May 2017)

I just don't feel comfortable being friends with him anymore - but we haven't spoke about it.
(20 May 2017)

Me and the boyfriend used to be good friends too, but I haven't spoke to him in a very long time.
(20 May 2017)

They live together and are still together.
(20 May 2017)

In November, he blamed and accused her for jeopardising the relationship because she catfished him on a dating site that he is active on, plus a few other things.
(20 May 2017)

My best friend's boyfriend hasn't treated her as well as he could have in their relationship.
(20 May 2017)

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