Sunday 14 May 2017

Not Just a Fuck Toy

SKIP TO THE BOLD SENTENCE BELOW IIF YOU DON’T WANT TO READ THE SET-UP TO THE STORYMy first experience with a couple was unique in that it happened somewhat organically offline at a bar.I was 28 years_ Mireya:Marriage, the basic foundation of western civilization for thousands of years.(12 May 2017) Rosemarie:Do I think he likes me more [...]

My mom uses me to replace what she is not getting from my dad. How do I avoid becoming overwhelmed by this while still providing for my mom?
(13 May 2017)

Someone told me this is emotional incest but I think that's an extreme term.
(13 May 2017)

What we don't sleep together we sleep in the same room.
(13 May 2017)

Some nights she goes home but most nights she stays with me.
(13 May 2017)

She also has moved in with me part of the time because of my dads drinking.
(13 May 2017)

I'm 31 and her only daughter, she has two sons also, and so I'm the one responsible for her happiness.
(13 May 2017)

I like taking care of her but I also don't like it at other times.
(13 May 2017)

She would prefer her not get married and so I agreed to her that I would not.
(13 May 2017)

I'm not allowed to travel without her.
(13 May 2017)

I I am given lots of grief if I don't check in on my mom every day.
(13 May 2017)

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