Sunday 28 May 2017

tarot 1-21-16

The Hanged Man. It tells us we are at a crossroads, and one that offers us little flexibility of motion. Time to halt. Find that elusive stillpoint. It’s where the swinging pendulum of choice makes_ Shonda:I want to propose to my boyfriend. Am I crazy?(28 May 2017) Shonda:Hence why I am asking if I am crazy.(28 May [...]

Is ex taking things slow or no longer attracted?
(28 May 2017)

We kissed 2 days before this and he said he loved me. What's up with my ex BF? Was I wrong? Does he want too much?
(28 May 2017)

What does it mean if my use to be crush mom says I'm cute?
(28 May 2017)

I really do like him but I think it's just more difficult Bc of the fact he's working and I'm the customer . I do hope we can remain Facebook friends it would be nice to see how he's doing.
(28 May 2017)

Like he will say hi then for a few weeks he won't.
(28 May 2017)

He has been through a lot like he lost half his family only 3 years ago so maybe he is just afraid to get close to someone because if that.
(28 May 2017)

I'm aware that when I sit down I'm doing nothing wrong but I sometimes just say hi to him.
(28 May 2017)

I think maybe if I wasn't so quiet maybe I could of be friends with him by now.
(28 May 2017)

He's really religious and a family person which I admire about him.
(28 May 2017)

Well I have known for awhile that he may have been moving but I continued to come anyway.
(28 May 2017)

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