Wednesday 24 May 2017

The Chase is On

So, I got tired of prowling around at the Pal hitting on girls who don’t want to be hit on and I thought, What if I could get the girls to come to me? This is my attempt. Most guys here send dick pics_ Austin:It all started from this picture of someone that i rlly love.(23 [...]

I liked this girl but I m about to graduate?
(23 May 2017)

Would it be weird if I follow her on instagram and em her?
(23 May 2017)

So there s this girl in my Chemistry class and she sat in front of me all year I never had the guts to talk to her now I lost my chance.
(23 May 2017)

Would you charge your daughter rent if she commutes to college?
(23 May 2017)

She's also about to move out so I'm thinking since I can't charge her rent I can make her pay a few hundred a month for car payments every month even though the cars already paid off.
(23 May 2017)

Would you charge your daughter rent?
(23 May 2017)

She also uses a car that we provided for her which I'm thinking about taking away because she's 20 and she doesn't help enough to deserve it.
(23 May 2017)

I ask her to mow the lawn everyday and she always refuses.
(23 May 2017)

She only cleans the living room and vacuums the house once a week.
(23 May 2017)

I feel like she doesn't do enough around the house.
(23 May 2017)

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