Sunday 18 June 2017

Frivolous Friday

Happy TGIF everyone today as I was thinking about what to do with my blog today, and thinking about the crap that happened here yesterday so I was thinking frivolous Friday and I stumbled upon these t_ Leena:And then there’s times I just go for it and he moves me away- I am then unable to [...]

I know that's a stupid question but I'm just curious haha.
(18 June 2017)

And is it anything like Orange is the New Black portrays?
(18 June 2017)

What can I expect from working there?
(18 June 2017)

I am starting a job at a female prison in a little less than a month.
(18 June 2017)

Why do girls feel they aren't good enough for really attractive, smart, and nice men?
(18 June 2017)

Why do women think they aren't good enough for men like this?
(18 June 2017)

Basically guys who are as good looking as Hollywood celebrities, but also very nice and laid back, but have very high intelligence, work as doctors, engineers, etc.
(18 June 2017)

Evil sister ruining my plans to graduate?
(18 June 2017)

She knows if i don t graduate i will continue to be stuck at home.
(18 June 2017)

My sister purposely cut down on work to only two days so that she and the other could bully me.
(18 June 2017)

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