Saturday 17 June 2017

History reminds that our victory or loss is due to our choices

Take note!Even young children know this universal truth._ Amie:Now that I’m graduated, it’s still the same thing.(15 June 2017) Amie:They would get very upset whenever I asked and they would tell me to shut up and not worry about it until I graduate.(15 June 2017) Amie:Before I graduated I would ask them once every few weeks when I [...]

She's said some pretty hurtful and personal things that I wouldn't dare to mention, if it were her, to anyone in my family.
(17 June 2017)

I've heard her on the phone when she's upset, and I've seen text messages basically talking about me and my mom behind our backs.
(17 June 2017)

The problem comes from the fact that my wife communicates more with her family than she does with me.
(17 June 2017)

Coming into this I knew we'd have problems without our own space.
(17 June 2017)

My wife and I are a young married couple with a baby and because of our financial situation, unfortunately we have to stay with my mom.
(17 June 2017)

Is it bad that I'm 23 years old and I still live with my parents?
(17 June 2017)

I pull my weight like doing chores and cutting the grass.
(17 June 2017)

School is expensive so I'm trying to save as much money for school.
(17 June 2017)

They told me to stay if I wanted to, so I did.
(17 June 2017)

I also go to school so I can become a nurse practitioner.
(17 June 2017)

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