Saturday 17 June 2017

I Love My Inbox!

I got the most delicious message this morning from an online playmate from New York! He’s such a tease and I love it! He’s graciously allowed me to share it with you Good morning my sexy play date!_ Toby:For the last few weeks, Mark and Jason are no longer friends, and oddly no one will drink [...]

People think I am gonna be a senior when I am really just going into my. Freshman year is this good or bad?
(17 June 2017)

Other people have thought it to and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't bad.i am really 14 but every one thinks I am 16 or older.
(17 June 2017)

Is this bad If people think I am older then i really am.
(17 June 2017)

And then when I told them I was gonnna be a fresh man they acted surprised.
(17 June 2017)

Ok so i was baby sitting last night and the parents got back an we're all thank yu thank you so much,I know with this being your last summer before Being a senior you have a lot things.
(17 June 2017)

If she doesnt checkout your insta story, means shes not interested?
(17 June 2017)

She posted something afterwards and still didnt check my story out.
(17 June 2017)

If a typical adult male asks 1,000 women to have lunch with him, and they all turn him down, should he move to another county, and try again?
(17 June 2017)

Then, asks all 1,000 women out to lunch, only to be avoided (no return phone calls) or rejected, should he move to another county, or state, or country, to continue his quest?
(17 June 2017)

Assume a typical adult male (I.e. average height, weight, build, looks; average income, etc.) asks enough average women for their phone numbers to yield 1,000 phone numbers granted.
(17 June 2017)

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