Wednesday 14 June 2017

In the Pink

Wowza, another warm day today… truly amazing for January.Literally almost all the snow is gone!I am so ready for Spring!I’m planning a visit to the daughter over a long weekend coming up…Throw in_ Teresita:I came back home for summer break from college.(12 June 2017) Keitha:(i’m a girl) does my female friend like me?(12 June 2017) Trina:I went through [...]

I don't know if he avoided it or just didn't realize I mentioned it.
(13 June 2017)

I've brought up the topic about dating indirectly one time, but he just passed it off as if he didn't wanna talk about it.
(13 June 2017)

I only started liking this senior recently and I'm a sophomore (now going junior). He was drunk one night and confessed that he loved me, and after that we've been talking everyday for the whole day.
(13 June 2017)

Do you believe in long distance relationships?
(13 June 2017)

How to get better at talking to girls you like?
(13 June 2017)

My breast are very sore and feel very swollen I'm 5 days late and I'm not feeling how I typically do before a period?
(13 June 2017)

Would Donald Trump allow his son Barron to go on a date with Natasha Obama (Barack Obama's younger daughter)?
(13 June 2017)

Why do I keep inking about dead friend?
(13 June 2017)

Any suggestions please sorry for spelling and long message thanks.
(13 June 2017)

I remember when I met him 1st grade I approached him and asked him to play he was the new kid then.
(13 June 2017)

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