Friday 30 June 2017

Scenario: Men. You meet this couple online through chat and agree to meet them at a hotel

Scenario: Men. You meet this couple online through chat and agree to meet them at a hotel . You get there and it is only him, he says she is running late, but tells you it is okay if you want to take_ Ada:Then we got caught having sex in the kitchen late one night and [...]

How do I tell a 20 year old guy I m underage?
(30 June 2017)

He s really nice and I know that he likes me back but I m really nervous to tell him I m 17 and don t know how to go about it.
(30 June 2017)

I met him in a bar (don t judge I know I shouldn t be there underage) so he thinks I m 18. How do I tell him?
(30 June 2017)

I m nearly 17 and I met a guy whose 20 and I kinda like him but he doesn t know I m underage.
(30 June 2017)

Sex isn't great is it?
(30 June 2017)

I've been talking to a couple of girls in the hopes of sleeping with them but my urges are just urges.
(30 June 2017)

I'm 17 almost 18 im pretty sure sex is awkward and messy and yes I'm a virgin.
(30 June 2017)

Should I show up at my crushes job?
(30 June 2017)

Since he's a cashier he saw me standing there and gave out the time he leaves it was so obvious that he was giving me hints..that day he even tried to leave with me to chase me out the store but I was gone before him, before he could get off work.
(30 June 2017)

The other day I was paying for my things.
(30 June 2017)

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