Thursday 29 June 2017


W E D N E S D A Y E R O T I C_ Jacquline:How do I get date someone without appearing pushy or not attractive?(18 June 2017) Jacquline:I wear glasses and I’m skinny but I’ve always tried to date people who see past.(18 June 2017) Jacquline:I just feel like a nerd or loser when it comes [...]

I assume he would go for me, but he doesn't see it that way because he loves me.
(18 June 2017)

But what happens when he gets mad around me and there's nothing to hit or whatever?
(18 June 2017)

So that's just his instinct I guess.
(18 June 2017)

He also hit this guy in the balls when he accidentally slapped him without knowing he had sunburn.
(18 June 2017)

He has anger problems and whenever he gets mad he likes to be physical, such as breaking things.
(18 June 2017)

Is it just me or are romance stories using girls of short height more frequently?
(18 June 2017)

I've never understood why short girls are more attractive than taller ones, someone please explain.
(18 June 2017)

Would you leave or stay with him?
(18 June 2017)

How would you feel if you were pregnant by your boyfriend and his people's (such as his close friends, brother etc. knew that he had sex with the girl he's been talking to since the 12th grade?
(18 June 2017)

I don't want to get hurt if our situation goes south, but based on what I'm feeling for him I am going to crushed.
(18 June 2017)

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