Monday 31 July 2017

Fuck me…

[image]….his has just been one of the worst days in a long time.It all started this morning when I stumped my toe as I was getting out of bed. Bumbled downstairs only to discover my coffee maker had_ Chan:I definitely wouldn’t want to pretend to be something I’m not, but it’s been difficult for me to [...]

My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 6 months we re both 15 and I know he gets nervous when he s around me but I feel like we should be past that stage now.
(1 August 2017)

A lot of girls out there have a boy name.
(31 July 2017)

I know Ezra is a boys name and is from the bible, but I think it would sound good on a girl.
(31 July 2017)

I hate my new stepdaughter?
(1 August 2017)

She is driving me crazy and wont leave me and my kids even he agrees someone help me.
(1 August 2017)

But she didnt want to so they didnt make any for her.
(1 August 2017)

But this was today my kids wake up early they told her to help make breakfest.
(1 August 2017)

I told my husband she was being a brat and he sent her to her new room.
(1 August 2017)

So they bought candy and she cried shes 13 for god sake.
(1 August 2017)

And my kids have a visa card so they can buy what they want its like a gift card.
(1 August 2017)


PhrasesDisappearing quicker than a fart in a whirlwindSame shit different diaperKnow what I meanNothing new under the sunThat’s crazyCan lead a horse to water_ Genny:My boyfriend of 3 years doesn’t like or do PDA or any type of romance in public (flirting, holding hands, compliments, saying I love you). He doesn’t have any problem with it [...]

I guess i just answered my own question.. I should leave.
(31 July 2017)

I want to leave but I have no money at the time so I am saving until I can find something.
(31 July 2017)

Its now been 2 months since the last incident but now even though he isnt physically abusing me he is emotionaly and verbally abusing me.
(31 July 2017)

For some reason I keep goving in.
(31 July 2017)

He begged again and AGAIN I stayed.
(31 July 2017)

Just 2 months ago he got mad at me one night and began to choke me.
(31 July 2017)

I left him last year and he begged for me back saying he wouldnt put a hand on me again... I took him back.
(31 July 2017)

I moved in with him and the abuse went on.
(31 July 2017)

I thought maybe he would change but i was wrong.
(31 July 2017)

My broyfriend and I have been together since I was 11...I am now 19. When I was 13 i got pregnant.. when I was just 6 months he became physically abusive.
(31 July 2017)

1st online encounter pt. 3

I woke up again later when he was coming back from the bathroom. I was feeling a little messy after my last fucking, so I took care of myself as well. When i came back he was sitting up and asked me t_ Ai:She does seem to have low self esteem and insecurity issues.(30 July 2017) Ai:She [...]

Why is that? If a handsome guy somehow force me to do something sexually for oral sex on me I would feel quite ok with it But if?
(31 July 2017)

Why do people expect you to support and be kind to them when they aren't kind to you?
(31 July 2017)

I don't get it... Why are people like this?
(31 July 2017)

We don't cause trouble or anything.
(31 July 2017)

We go to work, come home, do what we need to do and do it over again.
(31 July 2017)

My husband and I are normal people.
(31 July 2017)

My family and my husbands family are highly dysfunctional with lots of favoritism, blaming, shaming etc.
(31 July 2017)

I made points to tell them in emails and texts, etc in addition to the invite as well.
(31 July 2017)

These same ones never came to anything with the same excuse of ME not sending an invite, so I know that's not the case.
(31 July 2017)

Or even the most manipulating ones asking why I didn't send them one to further the aggravation - gaslighting me.
(31 July 2017)

Some thoughts on my AFF persona.

I’m bisexual. I say that because I fantasize about having sex with women and men. Just because I’m bi doesn’t mean I’m out sucking every cock I can find. I’m picky about who I’ll meet up with for vari_ Kary:Now i’m just overwhelmed and have anxiety everyday and I dont know what to do.(30 July 2017) Kary:The [...]

She spent our entire relationship of 6 months doing so, and continues to try to this day.
(31 July 2017)

Well my gf continually tries to get him to see the child even after its apparent he has no intention of doing so.
(31 July 2017)

He only sometimes pays his court ordered child support, and always has some kind of excuse not to see his child.
(31 July 2017)

She has a child with another man, and this man is a deadbeat.
(31 July 2017)

My gf and I have had an ok relationship over all except for one thing.
(31 July 2017)

Why would a girl just stare and nod her head a lot towards me?
(31 July 2017)

Also, whenever I talk to her, she just nods her head doesn't really talk.
(31 July 2017)

She doesn't smile, just has her head down just looking at me wit her mouth open slightly like she's about to say something but does not.
(31 July 2017)

I always see her staring and I stare sometimes too but it's weird.
(31 July 2017)

Her or family?
(31 July 2017)


I want to have hot, wet, passionatesex with you in the worst ways…Want to make you cum so much, thatyour legs will be trembling for days…I want to feel me inside of you whilelooking straight into_ Effie:I Feel like he can snatch any female he wanted but he chose me.(30 July 2017) Effie:He doesn’t see his attractive [...]

I don't enjoy it as much now and don't have the competitive drive I used to.
(31 July 2017)

I never really enjoyed it except my 8th grade and freshman year.
(31 July 2017)

My dad let me try many sports as a child and somehow wrestling was the one we stuck with.
(31 July 2017)

I've been wrestling for as long as I can remember.
(31 July 2017)

It's after 2 in the morning he's crying in my arms.
(31 July 2017)

He told me he wants to have sex with me he said that's what was happening in his dream.
(31 July 2017)

My band mates are sleeping over tonight one of them is feeling sad he woke up crying over a dream he was having.
(31 July 2017)

What should I do? I have a crush on a girl btw?
(31 July 2017)

I m losing hope that she doesn t like me or text me what should I do?
(31 July 2017)

They flirt every day and it pisses me off soo much.
(31 July 2017)

Sunday 30 July 2017

incompetent cocksuckers

people who think sucking a dick is holding it with one hand and jerking it while pursing their lips daintily on the head instead of swallowing the whole rod and SUCKING it until it’s reward is release_ Cody:We have been talking for 7 months now on whatsapp and instagram and we occasionally video chat, she is [...]

Pregnancy or removal of the implant?
(31 July 2017)

So is it possible im pregnant and if so is tomorrow to early for a blood test detection?
(31 July 2017)

But do to making too much money i loose my passport health insurance after tomorrow.
(31 July 2017)

I havent had my period, im not even sure im suppose to have it.
(31 July 2017)

My husband and i had sex again on sunday and there was no ovulation line there.
(31 July 2017)

So saturday i took an ovulation test there was a faint faint line.
(31 July 2017)

Friday and saturday night (i work nights) i started feeling sick and bloated and dome smells were getting to me, i also have been urinating alot and very tired.
(31 July 2017)

Friday morning at 11 am i took an ovulation test, i was ovulating.
(31 July 2017)

I got it taken out monday the 24th.i had some cramping then My husband and i had sex on thursday.
(31 July 2017)

I was on depo prevera i took twice thwn decided to go with the implant which i had in aprox 2 years.i have not had a period in that amount of time.
(31 July 2017)

Naked snow day thoughts

Perfect snow day. Naked under a big blanket. My pussy freshly shaved. I’m ready to sip some rum, stay wet and play all day. it is a solo sex bonus day. I’ll check out a lot of dick pics. I’m gla_ Austin:I slept with my cousin best friend. Should I tell my cousin? I feel awful….?(30 [...]

My sister is mad at her daughter. She wants me to hate her daughter as much as she does. Should I out of loyalty to her?
(30 July 2017)

Things to text your crush?
(30 July 2017)

Nothing too cheesy, just things we can talk about that'll (hopefully) make her happy.
(30 July 2017)

Does anyone have any ideas of things I can text her that are sweet and interesting?
(30 July 2017)

Unfortunately she lives in a different country from me so asking to hang isn't an option.
(30 July 2017)

Her and I are both teenagers, and at the moment we've literally just been sending each other hearts and nothing more.
(30 July 2017)

Ok so I know this is really stupid, but what are some icebreakers to text your crush?
(30 July 2017)

He is pulling away from me?
(30 July 2017)

Is there anything that I can do to repair this?
(30 July 2017)

Now if I don't contact him, he wouldn't contact me at all.
(30 July 2017)


It has been awhile since I spent any time here, work was busy over the holidays. That being said, I have deleted all of my messages from anyone who has not contacted me in the last 2 weeks. This opens_ Melda:I have no idea what I’m doing or what I am going to do.(29 July 2017) Melda:I [...]

Do you think there's a reason why that is?
(30 July 2017)

I still like him but I'm bored now.
(30 July 2017)

So I just started dating this guy for a couple months now but for some reason I'm already bored and tired of him.
(30 July 2017)

Do Aussie girls like it when they are followed?
(30 July 2017)

How can I help my girlfriend when it's her time of the month?
(30 July 2017)

I give her space and make sure she can be secluded and has enough coffee and chocolate (her 'comfort' items) but I need to know if there's anything I'm missing here.
(30 July 2017)

She's so moody - I'm patient, but it's like she's determined just to shout, scream, and throw her things across her room.
(30 July 2017)

Father has temporary custody of a 16 year old daughter until next year September, and wants to see her mother?
(30 July 2017)

I haven't told him about it yet because I thought it'd be way to early and I'm thinking that he wouldn't be understanding that time.
(30 July 2017)

If so, wouldn't that damage the relationship between me and him?
(30 July 2017)

Valentine Date

Found a great dateLet’s chat_ Jeri:So I licked it where the vagina is.(29 July 2017) Asley:My mother resents her niece. Is this wrong since her niece is family?(29 July 2017) Asley:My sister demands stuff far more then this cousin though my sister is one year younger.(29 July 2017) Asley:Irony is my sister lives in my parent’s basement and for [...]

My best friend bought us concert tickets and got up early to get them and my girlfriend and I both wanted to go so he bought two additional tickets for us thinking he would be reimbursed however I only reimbursed him for my ticket not my girlfriends.
(30 July 2017)

My girlfriend pays for me and our activities 80 percent of the time since I have kids and am struggling with some debt and she's not.
(30 July 2017)

Now I am 22 years old and she 65 or something but she knew very well that my mom is in hospital and I'm going through a lot but still she comes asking for money.
(30 July 2017)

So naturally when she passed by demanding when I would repair her car today I couldn't help it but blow off some steam.
(30 July 2017)

Last week I had to take my mom out for an operation so I have been really under stress since she is still in hospital and I am really tied up on money as I had to use everything I had plus loans to pay for it.
(30 July 2017)

Well this was about 3 weeks ago and every week she comes to my house asking the same thing.
(30 July 2017)

She said she can't have it done if the paint is different and her mechanic can do the job but for a much higher price.
(30 July 2017)

Of course she demands that we pay for it so I told her I would take it to one of my mechanics I know and he would get it done but the paint color will not be the same as the current one.
(30 July 2017)

My car was damaged more and the lady's car had a minor scratch and a small dent.
(30 July 2017)

Unfortunately something happened and my brother reversed too hard, straight into my parked car.
(30 July 2017)

Think Fast, 2.15.16

How do you hope to use your tax refund?_ Tobi:I will make an innocent comment and she will burst into tears?(29 July 2017) Tobi:She will seem fine one minute then loose the plot the next.(29 July 2017) Tobi:I’ve never experienced a loss quite like this before so am finding it hard to relate and hard to know what [...]

I dont put effort into my looks.
(30 July 2017)

My hair is natural and ... Cute , i guess?
(30 July 2017)

I tried makeup before but I suck at it and I think it makes my nose look larger so I never use makeup.
(30 July 2017)

I dont know how to attract one either.
(30 July 2017)

I never learned how to talk to men casually let alone flirting or if I'm into him.
(30 July 2017)

Now I'm in college and in my 20s.
(30 July 2017)

Why noone girl wish a small penis?
(30 July 2017)

Should I tell my wife to stop talking to this guy if it really hurts me?
(30 July 2017)

My Mom gets mad when I am nice to her sister or her sister's son (my cousin). How do I get her to not care?
(30 July 2017)

I don't like making her mad but I also don't like being treated like I am 10 years old (I am 41). As a kid I was always used by my Mom as a pawn when she'd be fighting with someone as I'd be banned from that person.
(30 July 2017)

Demolition Woman, Part II

The plumbing in this house?Some of it is almost 100 years old. The house was constructed around 1917. After dreaming, thinking, planning, rethinking, and planning again, we decided to tackle our downs_ Sarina:Help me for a 15 yr old future?(29 July 2017) Isa:I texted her and this is how the conversation went Me: You seemed quite upset [...]

She had sex with him anyway because, she thought he was attractive.
(30 July 2017)

Okay, I have this friend and i'm really upset for her because, she slept with this guy before she was suppose to but, he said he really loved her & care about her.
(30 July 2017)

If my friend jealous of me?
(30 July 2017)

Lauren and I talked about it and wondered if he might be jealous.
(30 July 2017)

He made it obvious by saying his birthday was coming up even though on his fb it says his bday is in December.
(30 July 2017)

Ben didn't know much about Green Day and would try to say something to get Lauren buy him a ticket.
(30 July 2017)

Lauren had two tickets to Green Day, she told me that I needed to relearn the lyrics so I won't embarrassed her in front of Billie Joe on the group message.
(30 July 2017)

The next rodeo was on the group message.
(30 July 2017)

Ben told her that I just want to hook up with her and I was told that I needed to give her a break.
(30 July 2017)

We talked and discovered that Ben told me something different from what he told Lauren.
(30 July 2017)

Saturday 29 July 2017

The Blahs

Most of the blogs on here suck. Mine isn’t all that great, but I have been having a hard time finding one to read that really shows someone’s uniqueness and wit._ Stormy:Me and my girlfriend are having a baby in January if it’s a boy she wants to name him Ringo after her hero Ringo Starr [...]

I am now divorced and I have yearned for her all of this years.
(29 July 2017)

I stopped seeing her and eventually I got married and raised a family.
(29 July 2017)

I love you. but she said she could only be friends.
(29 July 2017)

We were good friends and then we couldn't stop following each other around.
(29 July 2017)

Back in 1990 I fell in love with her.
(29 July 2017)

Though before we were together we ve been friends since he was born so yeah.
(29 July 2017)

It s not like he s rude or anything he s really nice and funny and cool but he just seems like he treats me like a friend still.
(29 July 2017)

Though he just now started telling me he loves me and he did make me a card once for Valentine s Day.. any opinions?
(29 July 2017)

And whenever I talk about romantic stuff he try s to change the subject all the time.
(29 July 2017)

But then he gave me mixed signals because he said he d kiss me a month after he said no.
(29 July 2017)

No IM/cam

Not sure what happened but, for some reason in the last week I haven’t been able to use IM or my cam. I have checked my settings and everything seems to be fine.Any suggestions?_ Melaine:How can I keep a conversation going with a guy after we both said hey?(29 July 2017) Melaine:I’m also really awkward in these [...]

I had my galbladder removed june.30th and i found out july.28th im 9 weeks pregnant.
(29 July 2017)

Guy won't talk to me? Help?
(29 July 2017)

What advice can you give me about everything?
(29 July 2017)

I probably have some psychological issues too which need sorting.
(29 July 2017)

I had a lot of childhood stuff happen me, I played the field because I wanna feel wanted cos I was very lonely for a very long time.
(29 July 2017)

I guess what goes around comes around.
(29 July 2017)

Even called him on private number and nothing.
(29 July 2017)

I tried contacting him and he's just ignoring me.
(29 July 2017)

Lost weight, gone all buff, and with another guy.
(29 July 2017)

After three months, I saw the other guy I was seeing when at the store today.
(29 July 2017)

Do you ever go to a movie and see examples of your writing style in the movie… and, think OMG this

Do you ever go to a movie and see examples of your writing style in the movie… and, think OMG this is exactly how I would have written the screen play for those two happenings…Well, that happened_ Camellia:I want to take at least a week break from sex.(28 July 2017) Camellia:Its really exhausting and my penis is [...]

I wasn't using no type of protection or birth control what are the chances that i am pregnant?
(29 July 2017)

Can some one help me,I had unprotected sex on the 26 i don't really know much about my cycle but my period usually starts on the 3rd or the 4th and ends between the 9th-10th what are the chances that i am pregnant?
(29 July 2017)

Guys, if you really really liked a girl at some point but you never got the chance to ask her out , would you still think about her?
(29 July 2017)

Detailed and honest answers please.
(29 July 2017)

Hook Up Apps please. im a 18 year old male?
(29 July 2017)

How to move past a bad break up? 24 years olds?
(29 July 2017)

She post on Facebook like she has the best life now.
(29 July 2017)

I called her ex and he said she did this to him after five years.
(29 July 2017)

I love her so much The only thing I did was not sleep at her house or get along with the family.
(29 July 2017)

I called her last month and she said I'm over you and I wasn't cheating.
(29 July 2017)

Subliminal Messages

I must admit that on this site I am a firm believer in subliminal messages. These are messages you get in your head that are not sent. It tells you if you have it or if you don’t. Do they like_ Amelia:I heard her complain to a few coworkers asking why I didn’t talk to her [...]

Is PCOS something I can eventually get rid of?
(29 July 2017)

What medicines helped you loose weight and conceive?
(29 July 2017)

Even with having PCOS, is this a normal number or is it too long?
(29 July 2017)

Today marks cycle day 81 - the longest cycle I have ever had.
(29 July 2017)

Anyways, I have a few questions for you ladies who also have PCOS.
(29 July 2017)

I just learned I have this medical thing that s preventing me from losing weight, ovulating, & conceiving and she won t see me for 6 weeks after breaking this news to me?
(29 July 2017)

It s been 3 weeks since I ve seen her and she told me I have PCOS, and I have 3 more weeks till I see again and discuss it.
(29 July 2017)

I had a blood test confirming I have it, she called me back with results and scheduled me a follow up appointment.
(29 July 2017)

I ve recently been diagnosed with PCOS and only know what I ve read on the internet because I haven t seen my DR yet.
(29 July 2017)

Are balloons beautiful?
(29 July 2017)

Subliminal Messages

I must admit that on this site I am a firm believer in subliminal messages. These are messages you get in your head that are not sent. It tells you if you have it or if you don’t. Do they like_ Amelia:I heard her complain to a few coworkers asking why I didn’t talk to her [...]

Why would he stay?
(29 July 2017)

She has even taken him to court but wants sole custody so he decided to move her back in like nothing happened why would he keep doing this instead of just ending it for good?
(29 July 2017)

It s been a very toxic relationship they both have cheated she has put him in jail couple times and they are abusive towards one another and do drugs.
(29 July 2017)

My friend has been on and off again with his child mother for 6 years.
(29 July 2017)

Is it normal for women to laugh at anything a man says?
(29 July 2017)

It's weird, I notice this all the time whether it is with someone else, but it happens a lot to me.
(29 July 2017)

I ordered a bridesmaid dress from David's bridal in store, alterations cost as much as the dress, is it a rip off?
(29 July 2017)

And i paid about $175 for the dress & $140 for alterations, what gives.
(29 July 2017)

Someone from the same bridal party her dress fit too small, and she didn't have to pay anything for alterations.
(29 July 2017)

I went again when the dress arrived in store and it was way too big, so then I had to make an alterations appt to have the arm hole lowered so it doesn't tug my armpits and had the seams taken two inches in from the sides.
(29 July 2017)

I wondered if she really was going to meet me

I had met Pretty Sugar online She told me in the beginning I was too old (she had just turned 21) and married and could not access her private pictures or private blogs. She posted a “husband applic_ Madeline:My girlfriend is having a baby in January she’s scared because one of her friend lost a baby [...]

I found out I was pregnant when I was in the ER for a misscarriage and I don t know how to feel?
(29 July 2017)

Im still trying to process everything that happened it was so scary.
(29 July 2017)

I wish I could ve seen the baby and I feel sad and really bad about it . I was probably around 8 weeks or so.
(29 July 2017)

I keep thinking about it and can t believe it happened.
(29 July 2017)

I don t want a baby right now but it s hard not to think about it.
(29 July 2017)

I was alone and crying the whole time and now I m just so exhausted and don t know how to feel or think.
(29 July 2017)

It just kept hurtin more and more and they had to remove the remaining tissue because my body wasn t pushing it out and I was just wishing the whole time that someone was there to hold my hand.
(29 July 2017)

It was so painful, they gave me morphine and it didn t help.
(29 July 2017)

The doctors all asked me how long I had been pregnant and I just told them I didn t know that I was.
(29 July 2017)

I told him he could go say goodbye and that I would be fine.
(29 July 2017)

Friday 28 July 2017

Confessions of a Social Media Addict

Hello group. My name is Furbal and I am addicted to social media. For me, it all started a little over six years ago when I bought a shiny new 3G modem. Of course that internet connection didn’t come_ Maudie:What’s it called when you don’t like a specific gender?(28 July 2017) Ileen:What should I do to make [...]

My mom wasn t right when she lost my brother, and still isn t doing okay.
(28 July 2017)

So on the weekends my mom goes to james house to visit my brother because its his terms.
(28 July 2017)

My mom only gets to see my brother on james terms.
(28 July 2017)

Their relationship was very toxic, but now lets call him James, my brothers dad, has custody of my brother.
(28 July 2017)

So i grew up with my mom and her ex (my brothers dad) for about 5 years.
(28 July 2017)

Is feet worship fun?
(28 July 2017)

She originally planned for me to lick her sweaty armpit but claimed she will go easy on me this time.
(28 July 2017)

It was either that or lick her armpits.
(28 July 2017)

Now my lover is making me kiss her feet and suck on them.
(28 July 2017)

I feel ignored or is he losing interest in me?
(28 July 2017)

Sore, but wanting more

After a great playday, this is sore but it’s wants more and more and more! 😁_ Yuriko:Ex asked me if I’d like to catch up. I’m with someone new. What should I do?(28 July 2017) Yuriko:My ex recently messaged me asking if I want to catch up.(28 July 2017) Yuriko:I love him but I’d happily be friends with [...]

I am horny and turning 14 tomorrow!?
(28 July 2017)

Give me your number and maybe we could.. talk.
(28 July 2017)

When a woman says she loves your eyes?
(28 July 2017)

She also called me bae and her love.
(28 July 2017)

She said she loves them and the color they have is gorgeous.
(28 July 2017)

Hey everyone, I got a question for ya and i need help with a situation. A friend of mine got them self into a rock and a hard place?
(28 July 2017)

So a good friend of mine was pressure to saying yes to dateing a very close online friend of hers.
(28 July 2017)

Don't want to double text him, but what to do?
(28 July 2017)

That was about 26 hours ago, and I don't want to double text him but he also is only gonna be in town for 3 days (Starting Monday - its Friday night right now). Help?
(28 July 2017)

I saw that his team was playing in my city next week so I texted him to see if he would be here so I could suggest that we catch up or hang out.
(28 July 2017)

Rescheduled Due to Winter Storm

[image] So anyone living here in Niagara Falls to at least the GTA woke and saw …okay we have ’some’ snow. I did when I first got out of bed shortly after 6 am this morning. Still Hidden a_ Fidelia:How can I convince my soon to be wife to sleep with him when she is ovulating [...]

She's told me a few things about my dad (name, that he had 5 other kids before me etc) but I've never met him.
(28 July 2017)

Ever since I was little, I've only ever lived with my mom and that's it.
(28 July 2017)

Fioricet and pregnancy?
(28 July 2017)

What is butalbital, is it safe for pregnancy & should I be worried after taking it?
(28 July 2017)

But after looking it up it said there was something called butalbital in it as well, which made me wonder why the nurse didn't tell me that was also in it.
(28 July 2017)

Came in to the hospital because of migraines & the doctor gave me fioricet & upon asking the nurse what was in it, she said it was acetometophin & caffeine.
(28 July 2017)

So what now???
(28 July 2017)

Hell, I can't even like pictures of my friends.
(28 July 2017)

She's just all over the place, has trust issues, asks if I'm going to cheat on her or something constantly, gets mad that I like models pics on Instagram and all that.
(28 July 2017)

Now she saying that she is upset that I didn't check up on her even though she was mad at me and being difficult to talk to anyway.
(28 July 2017)

Listen up and maybe learn something

The scent of garlic can also be utilized to attract fish, according to several fishermen posting on field and stream .Some will put garlic directly onto a worm or small piece of shrimp, while others r_ Sade:We ended up making out a couple times.(27 July 2017) Sade:I hang out with her just because she’s the only person [...]

On Thursday July 27, I started bleeding red.
(28 July 2017)

On Sunday and Monday I sootted light brown but was told this was normal due to it being the time I would've been on my period.
(28 July 2017)

I found out I was pregnant for the first time on Saturday July 22nd.
(28 July 2017)

I'm a 22 year old with type 1 diabetes.
(28 July 2017)

BDSM - how do you sub when ill or tired?
(28 July 2017)

Not sure how people live this lifestyle on top of life.
(28 July 2017)

While he should care about my health, but at the same time I'm not a good sub if not there.
(28 July 2017)

Dom has told me to message him when I'm 100 percent and I'm guessing he expects that today...but I'm still far from 100 percent and may not be until Tuesday at the earliest due to commitments.
(28 July 2017)

I'm currently without sleep, not had a hot meal for a week, and I've a horrific tension headache due to stress.
(28 July 2017)

I'm new to this and I'm a sub, but right now I'm under so much pressure in my life I'm struggling to be able to also accommodate my doms demands.
(28 July 2017)

Listen up and maybe learn something

The scent of garlic can also be utilized to attract fish, according to several fishermen posting on field and stream .Some will put garlic directly onto a worm or small piece of shrimp, while others r_ Sade:We ended up making out a couple times.(27 July 2017) Sade:I hang out with her just because she’s the only person [...]

How can I reject her friend request without making her suspicious.
(28 July 2017)

The only problem is that I have a girlfriend but she obviously doesn't know that.
(28 July 2017)

I met a girl on an online game,she said she was quitting the game so she asked me for my Facebook so that we can keep in touch.I gave it to her,but I still didn't accept her friend request.
(28 July 2017)

A very beautiful girl in my college is lonely.The other women dont talk to her.Is it probably because they isolate her to kick her out of?
(28 July 2017)

This question I want only girls to answer?
(28 July 2017)

Need help quitting band camp?
(28 July 2017)

I told my director about it but she won t let me quit, saying I NEED to go no matter what,if I m happy with band or not.
(28 July 2017)

So some of my friends persuaded me to join band this year (my sophomore year) because they thought it would get me out of the house and do something, since i was once into music before they thought i would get back into it again.
(28 July 2017)

Can men go seven months without sex?
(28 July 2017)

I'm just trying to finish school before I go see him again.
(28 July 2017)


This site is just a bunch of shit-I dont need to stay here to be treated like shit by men who dont have the common sense to treat others with respect.If I wanted to be treated like crap my kids do tha_ Marleen:She studies her butt off and really tries but she just cant pass, shes [...]

Please Help! How do I tell this guy I am dating that I get cold sores? Infected by a family member as a baby?
(28 July 2017)

Guys, Is this a deal breaker in your opinion?
(28 July 2017)

When is the right time to tell him and what is the best way to bring it up without turning him completely off?
(28 July 2017)

I am terrified that he will be repulsed or turned off.
(28 July 2017)

I have never met someone that makes me want to be with them more and I feel embarrassed and scared to tell him.
(28 July 2017)

All I can think about is the great chance that I will be infecting this guy and I know the difficulties that relationships face from herpes.
(28 July 2017)

He and I are both pre-med so I know the stats on oral herpes and possible transmission.
(28 July 2017)

I can just feel a kiss coming one of these days.
(28 July 2017)

I am 21 years old and It has stopped me from dating until I met this one guy.
(28 July 2017)

I am a virgin and I have never been sexually active with anyone.
(28 July 2017)


WalMart is the world’s largest private employer, with approximately 2.2 million employees across the globe, a number greater than the population of cities such as Houston, Philadelphia, and Phoenix. T_ Olympia:As a straight man I say I don’t like the real thing.(27 July 2017) Olympia:If a girl ever gave me attention id just ignore her.(27 July 2017) Olympia:I [...]

The kid I nanny is a nightmare and he is a nightmare. Help?
(28 July 2017)

I also need to know what fun activities I should do with him for the 4 hours I'm with him tomorrow.
(28 July 2017)

And to top it off he was running into different lanes and just throwing the bowling balls all over the place.
(28 July 2017)

I had no where to go and I was stuck there with a two year old.
(28 July 2017)

I literally DREAD going to watch him and the worst thing happened to me today that made me cry: the mom dropped the kid and i off to this really sketchy bowling place for 2 and a half hours ALL ALONE.
(28 July 2017)

He screams about everything and never does what I tell him to.
(28 July 2017)

Ive been watching this almost 3 year old for about a week now (30 hours) and it is the WORST.
(28 July 2017)

I want to changed my name (girl), what names do you like?
(28 July 2017)

Need your opinion on this?
(28 July 2017)

So i ended up telling him again and clearly to give me time to get over him and if he respects me he will not message me.
(28 July 2017)

Thursday 27 July 2017

Distance Disappears

It’s been months since we’ve seen been close enough to touch each other.We love each other deeply, but distance keeps us apart. We talk all day everyday. We text each other morning, noon, and night. W_ Voncile:Our little girl is arriving in October, and her name will be pronounced just like the spelling Layla.(27 July 2017) Ellamae:What [...]

I had a crush on a guy at work since last month.
(27 July 2017)

Is March a long time from now?
(27 July 2017)

But I'm planning to go see him again in March.
(27 July 2017)

The last time I saw him was at the beginning of this month.
(27 July 2017)

I recently saw a friend he and I hookup.
(27 July 2017)

Christians, if science created machine that make you up to 10 year younger, would you use it or is it sin?
(27 July 2017)

Whats the best day of the year?
(27 July 2017)

Any advice? Somebody please help?
(27 July 2017)

Should i be mad that she didnt notice?
(27 July 2017)

I was thinking she was gonna get mad because the woman liked me that was my way of revenge like saying yea other girls do like me i dont care that u said im ugly.
(27 July 2017)

temptation resort

We just went on the short trip to Temptation resort in Cancun, Mexico.That was so much fun…Any one had any experiences there, good or bad?Lets share!Angelina & Max_ Edward:I am the sweetest person I know and my motto is loyal unto death.(26 July 2017) Jacqueline:Perfect height difference?(26 July 2017) Jacqueline:What do you think is the perfect height difference [...]

Should I still go to the beach with my friends even though it's supposed to rain the whole time we're there?
(27 July 2017)

I just don't know if I want to spend additional money and time there it's gonna be rainy, but it's her birthday and she worked so hard to plan it.
(27 July 2017)

Its supposed to rain literally everyday that we're there (Friday-Monday). It doesn't sound like she has any indoor activities planned besides drinking & getting high, which I like to do very occasionally, certainly not for days and days in a row.
(27 July 2017)

One of my other friends who's also going would pick me up and take me there and back.
(27 July 2017)

A total for like 7 of us are supposed to go.
(27 July 2017)

She's been trying to plan this since May.
(27 July 2017)

For my friend's 19th birthday, she wants to go down the shore.
(27 July 2017)

I already paid my $50 to go, & I doubt I'd get a refund, and I probably wouldn't ask for one anyway.
(27 July 2017)

Is it wrong to expect my wife to be able to pick my dick out of a line up?
(27 July 2017)

She didn't notice and acted I'm wrong for expecting her to be able to tell the difference.
(27 July 2017)

Hope the New Year brings happiness to all

Here we are approaching 2015. what has everyone got planned?Wishing a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2015_ Melva:But she’s a hambeast and I’m not willing to stoop that low just for her.(26 July 2017) Melva:There’s this girl at my school whose friends say she likes me.(26 July 2017) Jenise:Why does she keep trying to get my attention? Girls please [...]

What would you name triplet girls?
(27 July 2017)

Females: who would you find more attractive? A hot guy with Schitzophrenia or hot guy with Mild Autism?
(27 July 2017)

Caitlyn Jenner or Nong poy?
(27 July 2017)

(27 July 2017)

Pieing a baseball player in the face?
(27 July 2017)

I don't know what kind of pie I should use though and how I should proceed to push the pie into his face.
(27 July 2017)

He's the nicest kid and a supportive friend.
(27 July 2017)

My friend plays baseball and he's in the playoffs now.
(27 July 2017)

High school drama?
(27 July 2017)

My boyfriend and I have our one year anniversary coming up in less than a month and I am completely stuck on what to get him?
(27 July 2017)

Hope the New Year brings happiness to all

Here we are approaching 2015. what has everyone got planned?Wishing a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2015_ Melva:But she’s a hambeast and I’m not willing to stoop that low just for her.(26 July 2017) Melva:There’s this girl at my school whose friends say she likes me.(26 July 2017) Jenise:Why does she keep trying to get my attention? Girls please [...]

I worked.2 jobs when I was pregnant and I worked 3 after the baby and je won't work or do anything.
(27 July 2017)

He said mean things about me to his friends and family and they began to hate me.
(27 July 2017)

Once we moved in together before I had the baby he became an alcoholic because he was scared of becoming a parent.
(27 July 2017)

We were together for 4 years and had a.child together.
(27 July 2017)

Do you think I will hear from him again?
(27 July 2017)

After he stopped taking to me tho they had major problems bc I'm friends with his sister and she tells me these things.
(27 July 2017)

A couple months later i got into a fight with hos gf bc she said we were being to friendly and that I was running to him with my problems too much.
(27 July 2017)

He wanted to do more and i told him no not until ur single then he said things are a little hard bc id there daughter and he stopped talking to me completely.
(27 July 2017)

He cheated on his girlfriend twice with me.
(27 July 2017)

Fred and.i were alone for a split second and he suggested we hangout alone some time.
(27 July 2017)

Wednesday 26 July 2017

looking to get hotwife

want to get her sweet spots wet and make her melt tonite> > !_ Lottie:It is a very scary feeling to be feeling this tired all the time and don’t know the reason.(25 July 2017) Lottie:The doctors where I’m located, I feel, are too lazy to find the problem.(25 July 2017) Lottie:Had blood drawn and my blood levels [...]

For guys masturbation?
(26 July 2017)

Why is it that when one's mean to a woman she gets so vulnerable?
(26 July 2017)

Is being mean to women the secret?
(26 July 2017)

I literally talked to her like a dog.
(26 July 2017)

She's a solid 7.165. A lingerie model and educated in the elite.
(26 July 2017)

I rubbed it and she started crying and being horny with me.
(26 July 2017)

I just called this girl everything in the book and then reached over and grabbed her foot.
(26 July 2017)

I'm not sure if he likes me or not because unless I'm really bad at picking them up, hes not making any moves.
(26 July 2017)

But we still talk a lot about dating and guys va Girls things and yea.
(26 July 2017)

We talked and one point he asked if I liked anyone freshman year and I freaked OT and didn't want to say him so I said no.
(26 July 2017)

A night at the Opera

It feels different tonight, i can sense your tension. i can feel the pressure you are It all seems to be building. Even though we have enjoyed a glorious evening with dinner, drinks_ Juanita:Right now the situation is very painful.(25 July 2017) Juanita:If I say anything to her, she’ll make it seem like I’m the problem, [...]

My husband likes to talk down on me in front of friends and relatives. it is sometimes hurtful. how do make him stop?
(26 July 2017)

What makes a girl seem easy?
(26 July 2017)

I want subtle cues that could make a girl seem easy.
(26 July 2017)

What makes a guy think a girl is easy the minute she walks into a room, whether it be a classroom or work?
(26 July 2017)

I'm not talking about the obvious stuff like giving up sex too soon or being sloppy drunk in a club.
(26 July 2017)

I just want to know what makes a girl seem easy to a guy.
(26 July 2017)

I was really happy but I still never asked him if it was true so I just kept befriending him.
(26 July 2017)

Whenever I have problems he's always there for me & always reminds me that he'll do anything to protect me bc it's his job to do so as a Marine.
(26 July 2017)

After he graduated he left to boot & when he came back our friendship had gotten so much stronger.
(26 July 2017)

There's been times when I liked him throughout my h.s yrs but I couldn't bc my friend liked him too so I backed off.
(26 July 2017)

Cam watching via Safari (iPad)

Is anyone able to view cams on their iPad using Safari? I am able to see the preview of cams, but when I click on a cam all of the information is displayed, but never the image(s). Any thoughts or s_ Fran:However, he decided to be with me in the end.(25 July 2017) Fran:Before we got together, [...]

And it angers me because Ive done so much for her, took her on vacation, helped pay for her school, and sought therapy so I dont freak out and break up with her again.
(26 July 2017)

She wants to date the two of us and then choose later on.
(26 July 2017)

She keeps saying this Steve dude is such a nice guy even though all her friends and her mom have said they dont like him and dont want her seeing him.
(26 July 2017)

And I told her I cant do thay, I have more self respect than that and she lost it on me.
(26 July 2017)

Everything was great for four days when she turns around and says she wants to date us both and explore who each of us is.
(26 July 2017)

She said she still loved me and missed me and she wanted to spend a long time with me and I made Steve look stupid.
(26 July 2017)

A week goes by, I sent her flowers and called her often and she said she was relling Steve to get lost.
(26 July 2017)

She said she needed some time to choose between us.
(26 July 2017)

Steve , has a criminal record, sexually assualted her on the first date and he bit her saying he was marking his territory amongst other red flags.
(26 July 2017)

She had just started seeing this dude Steve.
(26 July 2017)

Cam watching via Safari (iPad)

Is anyone able to view cams on their iPad using Safari? I am able to see the preview of cams, but when I click on a cam all of the information is displayed, but never the image(s). Any thoughts or s_ Fran:However, he decided to be with me in the end.(25 July 2017) Fran:Before we got together, [...]

Does that idiot have a lot of followers who actually do what he tells them to do?
(26 July 2017)

Girls, how would you like your man to wake you up in the morning when he calls you?
(26 July 2017)

I need help with personal school problems?
(26 July 2017)

She probably thinks I'm still crazy and all.
(26 July 2017)

And I haven't been in her class for a long time.
(26 July 2017)

She also knows about me being suicidal.
(26 July 2017)

And i'm now gonna have to deal with my unfavorite teacher who has told the school about my depression.
(26 July 2017)

The problem is that I got to school in a couple of weeks.
(26 July 2017)

I'm now more closer to God and praise him everyday for saving me from sin.
(26 July 2017)

Before I was negative minded and didn't like life and blamed God for my pain.
(26 July 2017)



My mother insulted him back, and while this was happening I put my clothes back on, got out of the bathroom and peeked behind the shelf to see what was going on.
(26 July 2017)

It wasn't really arguing but more like my uncle throwing insults at her for no good reason.
(26 July 2017)

What happened was that after we unwrapped presents I decided to take a shower and when I was about to take one I heard arguing between my mother and uncle, and also my grandmother trying to break it up.
(26 July 2017)

About 7 months ago on Christmas Day of 2016, my uncle got drunk and then got violent with my family.
(26 July 2017)

What do i do about my sisters kid?
(26 July 2017)

Has this ever happen to you?
(26 July 2017)

I was in a picture with family and when I smiled (forced myself) I felt like bursting into tears it was weird has something like this ever happens to you?
(26 July 2017)

In love with my best friend? Any advice or personal stories you'd like to share?
(26 July 2017)

I would also hear of anyone else's personal experience when it comes to falling in love with a best friend.
(26 July 2017)

Should I keep quiet and hold onto this life long friendship or pursue him romantically and possibly jeopardize having him in my life in the future?
(26 July 2017)


Sometimes I am too damn horny for my own good!!!_ Ollie:Where I live when you talk to people they would usually make fun of the way you talk, or if they’re around you they would use you by means of a practical joke.(25 July 2017) Ermelinda:Are you my soulmate?(25 July 2017) Clarinda:Relationships are built to end? true false? [...]

So, I'm not a Mormon, but I absolutely adore this one girl and she does me (phew), how might our relationship pan out?
(26 July 2017)

I've been very interested to since I was 15. It just feels right.
(26 July 2017)

I am a Christian and I think I may be joining the LDS church soon.
(26 July 2017)

She is Mormon, if that wasn't clear in the title.
(26 July 2017)

Is it true that girls try to be around the guy she likes where he can see her?
(26 July 2017)

And question two: If that's true, why has no girl done that to me?
(26 July 2017)

Why is there more white women then any other minority in this country (USA)?
(26 July 2017)

Like I don't see many Hispanic girls around . there always more white girls I don't get it.
(26 July 2017)

She also has her own man which she'll be cheating on too.
(26 July 2017)

She's trying to get me to have sex she won't leave me alone.
(26 July 2017)

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Where are all the beefy guys?

I’ll admit it, there is a type of guy I am really attracted to. As in, I just can’t say no. Its not just looks, although its part of it. Its an attitude as well.Let me describe my ideal man to you._ Renda:Everytime I ask White Americans to repeat what they said they start to yell [...]

Should I write an apology letter?
(25 July 2017)

I was at my neighbors house and accidentally dropped a pen.
(25 July 2017)

Does it sound like I m pregnant? Please help?
(25 July 2017)

All the symptoms put together are really scaring me.
(25 July 2017)

My stomach has been hurting frequently which isn t normal for me.
(25 July 2017)

My breasts haven t been sore but I ve been experiencing the weirdest vibrating sensation in them.
(25 July 2017)

My back was killing me today, but in fairness it s done that before.
(25 July 2017)

I also have been a bit more tired than usual but sleeping more, I have a constant headache that I thought was sinus related but then I read that s a sign of early pregnancy.
(25 July 2017)

Some of the discharge was a purplish color, the rest light red.
(25 July 2017)

My period isn t late yet but I am worried because I had weird light spotting for a couple days and I also had cramps.
(25 July 2017)

My BBJuicy Lady

Yes I love mt BBJuicy lady!!! We are both married to others[don’t judge]. She love my oral drive of having her cum flow out of her like a stream. Seeing her cum up to 10+ times [face flush,body shakin_ Aida:I think I love my boyfriend more than he loves me.(24 July 2017) Oralia:Ovulated but didn’t get my [...]

Idk why but every time I hear a baby cry in public I start to feel joy.
(25 July 2017)

Why don't most American girls like latino guys?
(25 July 2017)

It seems like many American guys have a thing for latina girls, but rarely do I see an American girl drool over latino guys.
(25 July 2017)

My son is a disappointment?
(25 July 2017)

He hates family and anybody that comes to our house, hiding somewhere in the house.
(25 July 2017)

He stays home all day, just sleeping and hiding away from everybody.
(25 July 2017)

He has such low personal hygiene that he is covered in hair and doesn't even brush it.
(25 July 2017)

He is fat, lazy, doesn't do anything all day, and eats all the time.
(25 July 2017)

Little brother Anxiety?
(25 July 2017)

Thank you so much for any kind of help.
(25 July 2017)

Question about AFF

Do you feel that standard members not being able to see messages from Gold members will hurt Meelp? Shouldn’t a Gold Menber be able to initiate contact with everybody?_ Delaine:Bored last night and went into my ex instagram and was debating to add or not.(24 July 2017) Jin:Mom of my crush hates me?(24 July 2017) Jin:He finally asked [...]

Why does it hurt my boyfriend when we have sex?
(25 July 2017)

It seems like it hurts him and I don't understand why.
(25 July 2017)

Why dream about see morher have sex.ever time I'm home?
(25 July 2017)

Is take action as effective as a Plan B?
(25 July 2017)

Opinions on girls name?
(25 July 2017)

I recently got thretened?
(25 July 2017)

GIRLS: Would you go out with a guy that slept with 20 girls? 1O PTS?
(25 July 2017)

Would you go out with a guy that slept with 20 girls but can commit to a serious relationship?
(25 July 2017)

He's traveling right now and says he only wants me and not other women because I'm different.
(25 July 2017)

He said all of them were special in one way or another... He said he had a serious relationship for 7 years so I feel like he can commit to a relationship but sleeping with 20 girls is disgusting.
(25 July 2017)

3 different symbols I’ve read ……

….. About from cultures that just exist from our united cultures, which to some degree we all are familiar with in some sense. Barracuda, a sign in one astrological form, year of the Earth Monkey, p_ Floretta:I asked her out on a date?(24 July 2017) Clarita:Please help, how do I move on after she hurt me like [...]

At this point I've just decided to cohabitate with the little guys as best I can.
(25 July 2017)

I've had multiple visits from exterminators and I've experimented with every home remedy in the book.
(25 July 2017)

I've been working with the management off and on for nearly a year now, but we can't seem to resolve the infestation.
(25 July 2017)

So my apartment has a bit of a cockroach problem.
(25 July 2017)

My ex said..he still loves me romantically, but we can't stay more than just friends. I cut off communication with him. Do you think?
(25 July 2017)

My ex says he still loves me a lot, romantically, but said we can't be more than just friends?
(25 July 2017)

Lonely at the age 17?
(25 July 2017)

I can't seem to get a girlfriend and I constantly feel lonely around myself, I got close with a girl and she just seems to be off with me and stringing me along, j really liked her.
(25 July 2017)

I changed my number and deactivated all my social media?
(25 July 2017)

I just wanna focus on me and my babies.
(25 July 2017)

HNW, all tied up!

For this HNW, I decided to try out my new silky wrist ties…They are silky, didn’t pinch or rub at all!That is one thing I’ve not done…yet… been fucked tied up. I may have to look into and explor_ Majorie:We started seeing each other a bit less but when we were in the pub he would [...]

Ive found its impossible to go back to that, any ideas, or is it once its gone, its gone?
(25 July 2017)

I love her but being clingy is impossible now, she told me to stop and i stopped.
(25 July 2017)

Now she says if i loved her id be a clingy boyfriend.
(25 July 2017)

This iritated her and she told me to man up and stop being clingy.
(25 July 2017)

At the start of our 3 year relationship i was clingy.
(25 July 2017)

Why does people around where I live hate different personalities?
(25 July 2017)

I'm tired of this, what should I do?
(25 July 2017)

Other people around them would snub, but when you defend yourself they would support him.
(25 July 2017)

The people around here might be normal towards each other but when they walk up to you and talk to you they talk to you in a smart aleck hateful tone of voice.
(25 July 2017)

I have issues fending off these random people that would harass you just because you are a different way than they are.
(25 July 2017)

My Hot and Sexy Group Friend Julie.

My Hot and Sexy Group Friend Julie.Posing in this pics is my bi sexual friend Julie a member of my Idaho Swingers R Us. She is a real fun party girl and loves to play naughty._ Marth:But he makes me feel guilty for not having sex with him every night.(24 July 2017) Larita:What, in your opinion, is [...]

I saw my dad grinding up what looked like either marijuana or tobacco?
(25 July 2017)

He texted me again: what does this mean?
(25 July 2017)

I am just kind of lost on what to do and wondering why he would message me again.
(25 July 2017)

Has anyone had experience with this that could help me?
(25 July 2017)

I am also pretty sure he is still with his girlfriend.
(25 July 2017)

I am not quite sure why he texted me but now I cannot get him out of my mind once again.
(25 July 2017)

I was kind of short and hostile with my texts because I am still at bit hurt, but the last txt I sent he read but didn't respond.
(25 July 2017)

He messaged me on imessage and another texting app.
(25 July 2017)

About a week ago he texted me again asking how I was after over a year of not speaking.
(25 July 2017)

I was so heartbroken and confused, always wondering what I did wrong for him to just leave me like that and find someone else.
(25 July 2017)

Monday 24 July 2017

Gold Coins-

Un fore told, Hoard of dragon gold,In sickness for the knowledge,Coins of phrase,In smoke and glaze,Detours thief of all haulage,Vast a vault,Sprawled treasures halt,jewels and gems of time,Deep a wel_ Ebonie:Some of the other kids there talk about me behind my back, but they don’t bully or tease me at my face.(23 July 2017) Ebonie:I have been [...]

If we can't find it we'll just buy one with the initials or get some sort of cute animal topper with a suit and wedding dress, but we would love more than anything to have the traditional bride and groom on top of our wedding cake.
(24 July 2017)

We really, really want one like that but have found nothing.
(24 July 2017)

My soon to be husband has super long dark hair that goes partially down his back, and I have blonde hair that is shoulder length and I can't find any cake toppers that the groom has this style of hair.
(24 July 2017)

What do you think of hooters?
(24 July 2017)

You just can't expect to have a relationship with one of the waitresses.
(24 July 2017)

I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
(24 July 2017)

I'd be tempted to flirt with the waitresses.
(24 July 2017)

I have no confidence when talking to this hot girl from a dating app?
(24 July 2017)

What are some ways that I can boost my self esteem (about my appearance)?
(24 July 2017)

She is still talking to me, but the problem is with myself.
(24 July 2017)

Happy Valentine’s Day to All

Hope everyone has a happy day._ Jeremy:As if we are meant to feel good about what some random man thinks and as if it’s going to make us thank him and talk to him.(23 July 2017) Jeremy:My friends agree with me, we are sick of it when a random man says we are pretty.(23 July 2017) Bertha:How do [...]

The benefits in the relationship such as understanding, patience sand support lead me to believe she is the one for me.
(24 July 2017)

I love her deeply and she loves me as well.
(24 July 2017)

My girlfriend and I have been in a relationship for 6 months.
(24 July 2017)

My narcissistic EX?
(24 July 2017)

I will never go back but I just want to know.
(24 July 2017)

Or it's just another trick to get me back , but he knows I never will.
(24 July 2017)

I just want to know if he really is feeling regrets or not?
(24 July 2017)

I know you will never take me back but I just wanted you to know that I will always love you and that now that you are gone I realize what I had.
(24 July 2017)

You are a great girl , I am never going to find someone like you.
(24 July 2017)

Once we broke up , he called me a lot . One day I answered him, he said - everything wrong I did to you was unfair.
(24 July 2017)

Happy Valentines Day…

Happy Valentines Day to all the sexy peeps.._ Lee:Texting an ex to get stuff off your chest?(23 July 2017) Lee:Is that wrong to do has any one else had to do this?(23 July 2017) Mei:I hit my younger brother and it is always my fault?(23 July 2017) Mei:He either starts with a tiny hit because he would be afraid [...]

I've always dreamed of having parties and stuff but not in my house out of embarrassment.
(24 July 2017)

My town is particularly unwealthy, yet where I grew up all my friends typically lived in these very nice houses, some of them even in mansions.
(24 July 2017)

I'm 15 and I've lived in this very small, old house my whole life.
(24 July 2017)

Kissed another?
(24 July 2017)

They say once a cheater always a cheater but i dont want to cheat and is the saying really true?
(24 July 2017)

Why are most girls hideous without make up and other online filters?
(24 July 2017)

HELP?! Why does my Ex do this?
(24 July 2017)

Does he want me back or does he just want to mess with my head?
(24 July 2017)

I don t know what hes playing at and I really don t know what to do.
(24 July 2017)

We are speaking again because he text me but he hasn t replied after two messages.
(24 July 2017)

Happy Valentines Day…

Happy Valentines Day to all the sexy peeps.._ Lee:Texting an ex to get stuff off your chest?(23 July 2017) Lee:Is that wrong to do has any one else had to do this?(23 July 2017) Mei:I hit my younger brother and it is always my fault?(23 July 2017) Mei:He either starts with a tiny hit because he would be afraid [...]

Unfortunately she contacted me that she was pregnant, we actually had sex several times in the month of our breakup so it wouldn't sound as a surprise to me.
(24 July 2017)

This time I was serious about it and even decided to move to another city.
(24 July 2017)

I and my ex were together for a long time but we couldn't really have a good relationship- finally we broke up, which is not actually the first time as we have broken up dozens of times for the yrs we dated.
(24 July 2017)

Need ur guys advice ... toxic home life but need to mentally regroup?
(24 July 2017)

I am nOw home because I need to get better but is this my best option.
(24 July 2017)

I had managed to move away for a week but I cannot feel safe anywhere since this happened and I need to get grounded.
(24 July 2017)

My only room is brothers room in this house and it reminds me of him coming thru the door.
(24 July 2017)

I need to b home now to refind myself and get healthy but even hearing my dad causes me to disassociate he is a short lawyer w anger issues and is kind of creepy.
(24 July 2017)

During senior year of college dad came after me in my brothers room pinned me to bed screaming at me when I asked him to leave me alone and ever since I disassociate badly.
(24 July 2017)

After I graduated moved away for two years to do service and I got worse.
(24 July 2017)


WISHING ALL A HAPPY VALENTINES DAY[image][image2][image3]_ Krystina:Now, I am 8 months pregnant and my husband says he’s not ready to be a father and wants to give our baby up for adoption, what do I do?(23 July 2017) Krystina:After giving it much thought, I decided I was too.(23 July 2017) Krystina:Two years ago, when I graduated college, my [...]

When they see a person in a wheelchair go by then they would bounce their hands across their chest and make noises and rock back and fourth.
(24 July 2017)

Every woman that I meet, they hang with guys that overly uses the word gay, sometimes loud and smart aleck and generally rude.
(24 July 2017)

What to do when you like a boy, but you forget you have a strict dad!?
(24 July 2017)

I just need help on how to approach my dad about the situation and get him to be okay with me wanting to talk and hangout with this kid.
(24 July 2017)

He has a job and enjoys doing what he does.
(24 July 2017)

He isn't into anything that's a bad influence and DOES NOT talk sexual or anything.
(24 July 2017)

We obviously are going to want to hangout by ourselves , so I want my dad to understand that I'm gonna wanna do that (obviously not at each other's houses lol). This boy is genuinely, cool person.
(24 July 2017)

I just want my dad to have a idea of him and understand that I like him and he likes me.
(24 July 2017)

I've only been talking to this kid for like a week or two, so dating won't come anytime soon.
(24 July 2017)

I will probably end up crying about it when telling my dad bc I'm a emotion and sensitive person haha.
(24 July 2017)

The Valentine Curmudgeon

[image1]Some people want to have an extra heaping tablespoon or two of sugar on their cake, and eat it too! That’s Valentine’s Day: a hyperglycemic indulgence into super sweet, syrupy love. A_ Germaine:I wanted her to wait till she was 21 or married.(23 July 2017) Germaine:She already know about sex and what to use and all that.(23 [...]

I'm not even sure if I want to keep this friendship with me always worrying about her, and her becoming brainwashed.
(23 July 2017)

Her mom used to let her visit 2 times a month, but now it's once every 3 months.
(23 July 2017)

She also stared at nothing in my house when she visits and once watches me in my sleep when she visits which I don't mind, except she strokes my hair and watches me sleep, which wasn't something she used to do.
(23 July 2017)

She thinks Lady Gaga kills babies and that obviously fake scary videos on the internet are proof of demons being around.
(23 July 2017)

She was sane until around April when I started to notice her changes.
(23 July 2017)

Last year she started going to church, and when a guy from our school started going there she changed churches.
(23 July 2017)

She is never allowed to see anyone besides me and everyone in her house, and it's been two years.
(23 July 2017)

Lana tried to kill herself shortly after and was put in a mental hospital.
(23 July 2017)

I've only talked to her mom one time, and I'd say it's very accurate.
(23 July 2017)

Lana's mom, from what I've been told by Lana, is insane.
(23 July 2017)

Sunday 23 July 2017

Continuing the story

I’ve been remiss in my erotica writing, so in an attempt to catch up, here is a little something you might enjoy!So a few weeks back I wrote about possibly sliding my number under the door of a couple_ Maryam:Help needs everyone’s opinion on this! What does this mean????(22 July 2017) Raquel:Are the flame things that fly [...]

A girl sitting and using her phone waiting for her plane and I just randomly walk up to her.
(23 July 2017)

I'm fixing to see if I can get some numbers but I feel like it's weird to walk up like that.
(23 July 2017)

They are literally everywhere, and there's no way in hell that out of ALL these girls, not one is interested in me.
(23 July 2017)

I flew into Atlanta,GA a while ago and there's an overwhelmingly large demographic of hot chicks, most likely college chicks.
(23 July 2017)

My boyfriend and I can only have sex in one position. . . why does it hurt to do it any other way??
(23 July 2017)

I'm really curious as to why because I'd really like to be able to do more than that. . . we've tried lots of other positions but I always end up having to tell him to stop.
(23 July 2017)

Any other position hurts really really bad for me and I don't know why.
(23 July 2017)

Guy I like is very cryptic and idk what he means??
(23 July 2017)

Id really appreciate it if you guys can help me out.
(23 July 2017)

He used to tease me and do small things like take my stuff and dumb guy stuff.
(23 July 2017)

Pidgey To The Rescue

I went outside a few minutes ago, and found a card in my mailbox. It is from Pidge, and here’s what it said….I’ve had hard times, but I’ve never been alone. I’ve had doubts and fears, but I’ve n_ Lucina:My previous gf cheated on me so I have guess I have trust issues.(22 July 2017) Lucina:She’s talking [...]

Him along with his friends confirm the fact that he s never had hard feelings for his exes (no matter what they ve been through) yet he s never uttered a word to me after he stopped seeing me.
(23 July 2017)

Eventually, we did, but he quickly stopped seeing me afterwards.
(23 July 2017)

We always had a mutual crush on each other, but never acted upon it.
(23 July 2017)

He & I were good friends for two years before dating.
(23 July 2017)

How do I tell my parents about my girlfriend?
(23 July 2017)

I'm afraid to tell my mom because she would cry because I'm growing up and stuff.
(23 July 2017)

She doesn't want to tell her dad because he would probably kill me.
(23 July 2017)

Neither of us have ever dated anyone else and we're having trouble telling our parents about us.
(23 July 2017)

My girlfriend and I are both in middle school.
(23 July 2017)

It just makes me really uncomfortable, I know they text and stuff too but its nothing that appears too flirty.
(23 July 2017)

Please note my Sarcasm Service will shortly be unavailable…..

Yep, I’m off to a friends, and then kids, so not back till Wednesday…..Quite often, after I return from being away, I find messages in my Inbox requesting me to read someone’s post and leave_ Digna:I was very socially awkward between the ages of 9 and 11, and reading over some of my conversations with him [...]

I only have 1 friend that I hangout with at school?
(23 July 2017)

Is it bad to only have about 2 or 3 close friends?
(23 July 2017)

I just got a job to and most of my friends have jobs which make it harder.
(23 July 2017)

I don t drive yet, and so far this summer I have not hung out with very many of my friends.
(23 July 2017)

We re about to enter 12th grade and I m scared that I messed up my high school experience because I don t hangout with many other people.
(23 July 2017)

I met her after having a few best friends and then just losing contact with them and we ve been hanging out everyday at school since then.
(23 July 2017)

It s been this way since 9th grade.
(23 July 2017)

Am I allowed to move out or would my parents be able to bring me back home?
(23 July 2017)

My dad says I'm not allowed to move out because I'm not 18, but I feel like it may be the best for me.
(23 July 2017)

They all have full time jobs and I have 2 jobs, I graduated high school this year and I start college in August, the home I'm wanting to move into is 5 miles from my college so that's an easy drive, where my dad's house is 22 miles away.
(23 July 2017)