Friday 21 July 2017

A Wonderful Valentine’s Day Scenario

Usually Valentine’s Day is always looked as another reason to buy and give materialistic items to one another, but to me I think it should be more about showing someone special how they make you f_ Kevin:What are good easy ways to compliment or initiate conversation with a guy over Snapchat?(6 July 2017) Kevin:He is wicked popular [...]

Previously my experience with her has been limited to short visits and while I noticed a lot of lying then, it's beginning to concern me now.
(21 July 2017)

My 20 year old stepdaughter recently moved in will us.
(21 July 2017)

Do your kids have sex with eachother?
(21 July 2017)

Friend is married, but acting jealous...why?
(21 July 2017)

I announced on Facebook last night that I like this guy (the single one) and my married friend is acting jealous.
(21 July 2017)

I am interested in a single guy who likes me back and we'll be seeing each other soon.
(21 July 2017)

I am 95% sure he's attracted to me, but again, it can't be acted on.
(21 July 2017)

I have a huge crush on him, but I obviously can't do anything about it.
(21 July 2017)

I found out that my husband has been exchanging sexual and emotional emails wlth a foreign woman for about 15 years, it was online only?
(21 July 2017)

My boyfriends sister is cooking dinner for the family and I but its nasty . what should i do?
(21 July 2017)

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