Sunday 23 July 2017

Happy Bondage Day

Happy Bondage…er I mean Valentine’s Day! May all of your most erotic dreams come true.I had a wondrously erotic dreamfor Valentine’s day that filled mewith glorious delight.I was bound in submissive_ Cherry:Sisters friend (13) & I (15) known each other for years. Most likely has crush on me, I have some feelings back. Make RESPECTFUL move [...]

I heard somewhere that guys in their teens and twenties are naturally obsessed with sex.
(23 July 2017)

I'm a 22 year old guy and I don't care about sex.
(23 July 2017)

How do I stop from wanting to seek revenge towards someone who hurt me intentionally?
(23 July 2017)

I want them to regret messing with me.
(23 July 2017)

When I say revenge I don't mean physically, but I wan't to destroy their happiness.
(23 July 2017)

Why do babies have erections?
(23 July 2017)

I have one son, 2 grandsons and nephews whom I've changed and bathed, so I'm aware of the phenomenon.
(23 July 2017)

But I don t want anyone else to know... I have no plans of furthering my relationship with her, I just feel the need to say it.
(23 July 2017)

I want to tell the other girl I like her just to get it off my chest.
(23 July 2017)

I have a good friend at another college who is also a girl and who I use to hang out with regularly.
(23 July 2017)

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