Saturday 29 July 2017

I wondered if she really was going to meet me

I had met Pretty Sugar online She told me in the beginning I was too old (she had just turned 21) and married and could not access her private pictures or private blogs. She posted a “husband applic_ Madeline:My girlfriend is having a baby in January she’s scared because one of her friend lost a baby [...]

I found out I was pregnant when I was in the ER for a misscarriage and I don t know how to feel?
(29 July 2017)

Im still trying to process everything that happened it was so scary.
(29 July 2017)

I wish I could ve seen the baby and I feel sad and really bad about it . I was probably around 8 weeks or so.
(29 July 2017)

I keep thinking about it and can t believe it happened.
(29 July 2017)

I don t want a baby right now but it s hard not to think about it.
(29 July 2017)

I was alone and crying the whole time and now I m just so exhausted and don t know how to feel or think.
(29 July 2017)

It just kept hurtin more and more and they had to remove the remaining tissue because my body wasn t pushing it out and I was just wishing the whole time that someone was there to hold my hand.
(29 July 2017)

It was so painful, they gave me morphine and it didn t help.
(29 July 2017)

The doctors all asked me how long I had been pregnant and I just told them I didn t know that I was.
(29 July 2017)

I told him he could go say goodbye and that I would be fine.
(29 July 2017)

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