Thursday 31 August 2017

seeking peoples definitions of a friend with benefit versus a fuck buddy..

lets see what you all think is the difference…._ Danette:I try not to take it personally but even before the traumatic experience she always pushed me away even if I needed her the most or she needed someone.(31 August 2017) Danette:My mother was crying and I try to confront her emotionally she pushed me away when i [...]

I also do better than her in college.
(29 August 2017)

Not to brag, but I do a lot of charity work in poor countries during my school breaks.
(29 August 2017)

I try to focus on my positive qualities and my inner beauty.
(29 August 2017)

I'm cute, but I'm so average compared to her (appearance-wise). I'm short and slightly overweight, I don't have shiny hair and a pretty face like hers.
(29 August 2017)

She's also amazing at sports and fitness.
(29 August 2017)

Multiple guys at our college literally knock on our door several times a day asking for her.
(29 August 2017)

Whenever I post pictures of us on social media, my male friends always nag me about who she is and how much they want me to introduce her to them.
(29 August 2017)

Last week, I brought her to meet my family and they literally paid no attention to me and they were infatuated with her.
(29 August 2017)

She's done modeling before and she's thinking of trying out for Victoria's Secret (which I have no doubt she'll get into). Literally everywhere we go, guys hit on her and girls always compliment her on how gorgeous she is.
(29 August 2017)

She's tall, thin, has blonde hair and green eyes.
(29 August 2017)

Ode To Bonnie!!!!

I am assuming on a site such as this one, we may have some fans of Pornography! After years of watching hundreds of women do the do, I ofcourse have begun to pick my favorites. Well this is my tribut_ Marvella:I also am diagnosed with depression, anxiety and ADHD.(31 August 2017) Marvella:I have been in a handful [...]

Now I'm the clingy and jealous one.
(29 August 2017)

He is fine, he loves his school and his friends and seems to be perfectly fine with the fact that we are 6 hours away and will only be seeing each other once a month.
(29 August 2017)

We spent almost every day of the week together this past summer.
(29 August 2017)

All throughout the summer, he was sorta clingy, needy, and so jealous when I was with other guys, and i liked that behavior.
(29 August 2017)

I know that if the roles were reversed, he'd be insanely jealous.
(29 August 2017)

Before he left I rarely got jealous, and now i feel jealous constantly.
(29 August 2017)

He is making new friends, most of which are girls, which throws me off.
(29 August 2017)

What's worse is that he seems to be fine.
(29 August 2017)

I can't sleep, I can't eat, I find myself breaking down so many times during the day.
(29 August 2017)

He just left for college 5 days go and I've been absolutely miserable ever since.
(29 August 2017)

may be looking for a room mate

young pussy only may be 18 to 35_ Randee:I know a lot of people have moved out by that age although a few of my friends still live at home as well.(31 August 2017) Shameka:Middle name for Kaia?(31 August 2017) Shameka:So ideally I’d like a one syllable name, what are your suggestions?(31 August 2017) Shameka:Hi everyone, my husband and [...]

They see a guy at the bar or a party that is really hot and they just sit there and do nothing.
(29 August 2017)

Do this guy really really like me?
(29 August 2017)

That's fine and everything but, why does he only want to be with me during night time at his place?
(29 August 2017)

I don't have a car & he's about to get his so, he said he wants to pick me up.
(29 August 2017)

He's been asking me for the past 2 weeks now.
(29 August 2017)

It was weird but, idk what do you think he wants?
(29 August 2017)

I ask him why &, he gave a stupid reason.
(29 August 2017)

I been over his house before but, only during the day.
(29 August 2017)

The only thing is he wants me to come by his house only, when it's night time.
(29 August 2017)

I'm 18 and I just met this guy, he's very nice.
(29 August 2017)

Wednesday 30 August 2017

I date men, I’m not friends with them! ;)

I have met a few good men through this site. Me who significantly affected the course of my life. I was even invited out of state by a generous admirer who wanted to meet in person and there was ano_ Cinderella:In fitness there are lot of girls.(30 August 2017) Elizebeth:Your good friend is given the DEATH PENALTY [...]

As a result I feel stressed and when my brother goes with me he is in a mad hurry to leave and get home to Mommy as he fears displeasing her.
(28 August 2017)

She sees it as a betrayal of her.
(28 August 2017)

Lastly and most stressful of all my Mom gets mad when I go see my Dad and step-Mom.
(28 August 2017)

My Mom has a sister who comes and all she does is insult people who aren't there including her own son who she criticizes constantly since her parenting is all about her and not her kids.
(28 August 2017)

Yet she praises my sister's husband.
(28 August 2017)

She complains the whole time they are over.
(28 August 2017)

She dislikes both my brothers' wives.
(28 August 2017)

Yet my Mom is difficult unless it is just me and her.
(28 August 2017)

I want to still go as most the family is fine.
(28 August 2017)

Usually so don't mind my husbands friends conning over...?
(28 August 2017)

Sex (of ANY kind) in public

Have you fantasized/done it in the following places?_ Janeth:He kept pushing and saw I wasn’t going to but then my mom walked in and saw the text messages.(30 August 2017) Janeth:I thought it was a joke and of course I said no.(30 August 2017) Janeth:He asked for a pic of my cleavage as a reward.(30 August 2017) Janeth:Then he [...]

I asked him few weeks ago when we can meet, and he suggested early September....but after I said that's great, he said he will follow up.
(28 August 2017)

(28 August 2017)

WEED QUESTUON... Just need opinions.. Do you get horny when you smoke? Sorry.?
(28 August 2017)

Usually I smoke with my bf and when I m high it s like I just want to throw myself on him.
(28 August 2017)

Am I the only one who gets super horny when I m high.
(28 August 2017)

Sorry for the weird question but I m being serious.
(28 August 2017)

How do I get her to text me first on Snapchat?
(28 August 2017)

Why is acting like this and how do I get her to text me first?
(28 August 2017)

I stoped talking to her for like maybe a week and a half after i texted her and and I said aren't that girl from the place I got her Snapchat.
(28 August 2017)

I got this girls Snapchat at a place and when I went home I texted her and we were talking and talking but I'm always the first one to text her.
(28 August 2017)

Weekend Party

well …there is another weekend party coming up tomorrow night in NB….there will not be a full moon for this party….[image1]wonder if there will be a lot of skimpy outfits…[image2][image3]Will_ Cara:I don t understand what I did that was so horrible he won t even talk to me.(29 August 2017) Cara:He then said he would tomorrow but [...]

Why is my child hoarding first aid supplies?
(27 August 2017)

Is there a psychological reason behind what she s doing, or is this just normal kid behavior?
(27 August 2017)

There s nothing in the immediate environment that I can think of that would make her feel unsafe.
(27 August 2017)

When I ask her why she s doing this, she tells me it s in case there s an emergency or we need to run away.
(27 August 2017)

My five year old daughter has been hiding first aid supplies (bandages, ointments, etc.) under her bed for the past year.
(27 August 2017)

I need a name for her betrothed. (He dies early on, but he still needs a name.) Eino Egon Ayer Halle Magni Olle Sindri Eamon Eadric Which of these names would you choose?
(27 August 2017)

The main character is queen of a small nation.
(27 August 2017)

Or to leave inventing, scientific advancement, or trekking (on your own without children or just the two of you)?
(27 August 2017)

Is it really that powerful of an influence or need to procreate?
(27 August 2017)

My brother age 62 stopped talking with me years ago after visiting me a few years in a row in Europe, I am 67?
(27 August 2017)

All done up in chains

Got the old point and shoot out just for grins. Dirty grainy look._ Cristy:Note: I’m gay and he’s a boy, afraid of that complicating things…(29 August 2017) Allie:Have you ever found anyone you know on backpage or craigslist?(29 August 2017) Allie:I fund an my ex’s escort ad…. I’m not surprised that she turned out to be a hoe.(29 [...]

They don't like guests over neither.
(27 August 2017)

I've moved back inwirh my parents because they're more similar to me.
(27 August 2017)

My partner is the total opposite and likes people over everyday and thinks I'm boring and restrictive.
(27 August 2017)

I like to read a book in a quite night and just keep to my partner.
(27 August 2017)

I DON'T like visitors over basically call me a grouch but I'm very discreet.
(27 August 2017)

So me and my partner live with one of our parents because we're tight on money for now but my partner likes to bring guests over everyday for drinking beer, smoking, and basically to me its like a party.
(27 August 2017)

My boyfriend is the most handsome guy i've ever seen?
(27 August 2017)

He is nice to me but I know so many girls attracted to him and i'm scared he'll get stolen away.
(27 August 2017)

Are you a traditional girl, do you still love to become a housewife?
(27 August 2017)

Zofran and toddler should I be worried?
(27 August 2017)

Some multiple thoughts ….

….. Came to mind, altered s time or to no doubt as typing in this blog gizmo. Get together with some really good friends & lovers, some 420 actions outside on the veranda just because it’s nicer out_ Wanita:He said he makes a lot more money up there because of the environment and he has to [...]

She's 9, she's gonna leak a lot of my secrets now.
(27 August 2017)

I didn't want to go to my sister's grandparents house, now she thinks I'm selfish and she hates me.
(27 August 2017)

Tired of daughter's frequent lying?
(27 August 2017)

Take away friends, phone, laptop, etc?
(27 August 2017)

Her screen was turned onto Instagram and her worksheet was blank.
(27 August 2017)

Perfect example, few days ago, I asked if she had started her homework and gotten off of Instagram, she said she had.
(27 August 2017)

I don't know if she does it because I'm a single father and thinks she can pull a fast one on me because there's not another parent to investigate, but, she's always lying about where she's at, what she's doing, school, chores.
(27 August 2017)

She's 17 and lies to me constantly.
(27 August 2017)

Why won t my parents talk about Everybody Hates Chris with me?
(27 August 2017)

Can you tell me why my parents won t talk about this show with me?
(27 August 2017)

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Inspired by Another

Yes I read other bloggers post their thoughts , often times I myself am often times inspired to post my own perspective on a similar topic . I also can see how other bloggers also can be inspired to p_ Emilie:Should i move things forward with this guy ? Helppppp!?!?!?(29 August 2017) Nova:Why is my sister always [...]

I sit directly behind her and the tables are grouped in pairs of 2. I always seem to stop paying attention to the teacher because i find myself looking at her.
(27 August 2017)

Sooo Im a freshman in highschool and i like this girl in class.
(27 August 2017)

Should i date a girl who is not as attractive as most girls i like?
(27 August 2017)

She seems really nice girl but im worried if we end up having sex later i wont like it at all.
(27 August 2017)

How to smell my girlfriends socks and feet?
(27 August 2017)

Should I do it when she's sleeping?
(27 August 2017)

How can some people be so selfish?
(27 August 2017)

Just 2days ago he was saying bad things about her, but now when it comes to marks he is ok to work eith her.
(27 August 2017)

My friends and I have already made a team thinking S&M would be together.
(27 August 2017)

But now he literally asked her to let him in her team.
(27 August 2017)

New Scammers!!!!

Hey, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted, but I just happened to log on tonight and found two more scammer profiles. Don’t forget to reverse image search those profile pics you come across.koolt_ Tommie:I really wanted this guy, it hurts everyday… Is there anything I can do so I dont have these feelings everyday?(28 [...]

My best friend friend loves me but i am not certain how i feel. What do i do?
(27 August 2017)

I love him so much as a human being it kills me... This is really weighing on me heavy....What do i do?
(27 August 2017)

I know if I did love him as much as he loves me, he would instantly forget about the other woman....he has loved me for a while but i am the one hesitant because again, I am not certain if what i feel is romantic or platonic.
(27 August 2017)

I am sick though but he said he was going to come over anyway to bring me some soup.
(27 August 2017)

He wants to visit me tomorrow to discuss this in person.
(27 August 2017)

But, I honestly do not know if i love him romantically.
(27 August 2017)

He was honest with me about his true feelings because that is the way he is....honest always.
(27 August 2017)

He just asked me how i feel about him, and I explained that I am not sure if what i feel is romantic or platonic love.
(27 August 2017)

But we are both in a strange situation.
(27 August 2017)

He is an angel on this earth and he would treat me like a queen.
(27 August 2017)

Men: Do you like your

Men: Do you like your dick worshiped, licked and kissed?_ Tona:She acts really, and I mean really immature and also loves kawaii stuff.(28 August 2017) Tona:Mostly, I became more adult like, but she is still the 10 years old immature friend.(28 August 2017) Tona:We used to be great friends in middle school, but we grew apart.(28 August 2017) Kathe:Have [...]

Cynthia with another girl got caught playing with the lighter for the barbecue.
(26 August 2017)

It is short enough that her underpants showed.
(26 August 2017)

Cynthia is seven and we allowed her to wear her favorite dress that is very short.
(26 August 2017)

We took our daughter Cynthia to a barbecue at my sisters house.
(26 August 2017)

I need some songs, I'll list what I'm looking for.?
(26 August 2017)

To make things short, my boyfriend said he's losing feelings for me and I need something to cry to that relates to that.
(26 August 2017)

Boyfriends mom calls me a slut to my boyfriend has anyone had this experience before with boyfriends mothers?
(26 August 2017)

Problem is I love him I don't love his mom though and now she's spreading rumors.
(26 August 2017)

So that makes me want to get out of his room even less.
(26 August 2017)

I'm not a people person even when my parents have visitors over I don't go out or talk much so to her it's an insult also his sister and step dad seemed more welcoming than her she always came across as fake and secretly hates me.
(26 August 2017)

Men: Do you like your

Men: Do you like your dick worshiped, licked and kissed?_ Tona:She acts really, and I mean really immature and also loves kawaii stuff.(28 August 2017) Tona:Mostly, I became more adult like, but she is still the 10 years old immature friend.(28 August 2017) Tona:We used to be great friends in middle school, but we grew apart.(28 August 2017) Kathe:Have [...]

I'm obsessed with my boyfriend?
(26 August 2017)

But i feel like i love him too much and I get extremely possessive.
(26 August 2017)

I'm also jealous when his friends come over to hang with him.
(26 August 2017)

I get jealous when I hear about his friends that're girls, they seem to all like him more than friends because he's attractive.
(26 August 2017)

Im dating in a long distance relationship (and I m happy) but im going to highschool soon and (it s not like we ve ever met in person)?
(26 August 2017)

I might not find a guy like him again if I break it off.
(26 August 2017)

I m worried that I ll miss out on dating in highschool because I m in a relationship with a guy that isn t even as the same state as me.
(26 August 2017)

OK so basically I met this guy and things are going great but it s not like we ve ever met and I m going to highscool soon.
(26 August 2017)

Question about my boyfriend, help!?
(26 August 2017)

My bf said he doesn't know what to do because he constantly bails on his friend, but he also told me he'd see me tonight.
(26 August 2017)

Iona Beach

Pretty cold but so beautiful_ Josie:There’s a guy at work that I have debating on whether he likes me or hates me.(28 August 2017) Jeniffer:Which fast food restaurant accepts $100 bill?(28 August 2017) Jeniffer:They keep giving me a dirty look while saying we don’t have change for that.(28 August 2017) Silva:Right now what ive been doing is ignoring him [...]

I've tried some girls in my school and I don't rlly like them as well as I don't want the effort from a girlfriend that goes to a different school.
(26 August 2017)

Now the thing is I don't want a girlfriend.
(26 August 2017)

I'm currently 16, junior in high school, a boy, and can't drive if this helps with my question.
(26 August 2017)

There is this guy i like (senior) that I ve never talked too and i don t know what to do?
(26 August 2017)

Anyway i found him on instagram and i started to follow him and like 2 hours later he followed me back.
(26 August 2017)

Everytime i see him we always start to make eye contact but her never says anything.
(26 August 2017)

He usually just looks at me and doesn t say anything to me, so i don t know if he s shy or not.
(26 August 2017)

I have never had a conversation with him but i constantly see him everywhere.
(26 August 2017)

Should i change my hair?
(26 August 2017)

Why don't women who are goldigger be honest about how they want a man's money?
(26 August 2017)

Testing Comments

Testing CommentsTesting commentsthose frozen textual momentsexplaining how you feel to seethe things which on blogs bedo you rise at images pornographicor get sweaty at terms eroticnipple breast leg a_ Queenie:She did this the last 2 minits away from home.(28 August 2017) Queenie:She said she was tired and layed on my leg.(28 August 2017) Queenie:When we were on the [...]

Anyone in a relationship with someone who is bipolar?
(26 August 2017)

I love him so much but feel like he shouldn t be putting his happiness all on my shoulders.
(26 August 2017)

I only see him once a week cause I live farther away so this mostly us texting.
(26 August 2017)

I try to but he says I m not doing anything.
(26 August 2017)

He goes mute and shuts down sometimes from being stressed out and he needs someone to pull him out of it.
(26 August 2017)

Mirror vs real life view?
(26 August 2017)

If someone has only seen a mirror photo and video of you and then saw you in person, would you look weird to that person?
(26 August 2017)

Was my dad a pedophile?
(26 August 2017)

But if that were the case he wouldn't have stayed with her.
(26 August 2017)

I was born when my mom was 19 and my dad was 27. I am now 21 years old, my mom and dad are still together (40 and 48 years old). When I tell people this story they think my dad went after her because she was a child and he was a pedophile.
(26 August 2017)

Monday 28 August 2017


[image1]Above is an artwork, titled Some Like It Hot, made by the American artist, Herb Williams using hundreds of thousands of wax crayons. The artist specialises in making art from Crayola crayons,_ Marcella:My mom is not the best person to give advise.(28 August 2017) Marcella:So I cant rewen that for my husband.(28 August 2017) Marcella:Also this will be [...]

I kept dosing off and trying to stay awake and he held onto me tighter and buried his face in my neck which tickled so I giggled and he told me to just got to sleep.
(26 August 2017)

I cuddle with my girl friends all the time so I think it is normal.
(26 August 2017)

One night we were hanging out and watching a movie he asked if we could cuddle.I said sure because cuddles are nice, and I was cold and sleepy lol.
(26 August 2017)

He knows I love him like a brother.
(26 August 2017)

Like i think of him like a big brother.
(26 August 2017)

(26 August 2017)

Is it true no man wants to date a white girl anymore?
(26 August 2017)

Do you think white women have destroyed marriage and relationships all together?
(26 August 2017)

The only option for white women to date is black men but black men are dating black women which will put a strain towards white girls getting married and having kids.
(26 August 2017)

Let s face it, white men are going east to date Asian women and Asian men are retreating back to their roots to compete with white men for Asian women.
(26 August 2017)

Wearing the green contest

Only a few days left to vote for my pics in the wearing the green contest!_ Solange:Weeks later, she texts me out of the blue asking how I was but I didn’t reply (by that time I started sleeping with another girl). She never texted again.(27 August 2017) Solange:I got really f-ing mad, we were only seeing [...]

I have pictures of me and her that imply sexual activity and have clothes of her in my house.
(26 August 2017)

So I am going to tell him to divorce her and let her be happy with me or I will call immigration to report a fraud marriage ( they live separated), which can imprison him for 5 years i know it can deport her but if I cant have her no one can.
(26 August 2017)

He doesnt have a clue I have been sleeping with his wife.
(26 August 2017)

This old man has diabetes and has erectile dysfunction so basically she uses him for paper work and me for a good time (sex). so thats why she would have preferred me best of both worlds.
(26 August 2017)

I have personally met him before but never asked questions for the sake of not getting into an argument with her.
(26 August 2017)

I noticed she will always text this old man and every time I asked about him she will get furious and defensive.
(26 August 2017)

She always tells me how she wished she knew me before so she can marry me instead and have a genuine marriage.she laid out plans in her life but I wasnt part of those plans because she did not expect anything with me.
(26 August 2017)

She has been married since february 2017 until now, pretty much the exact time when me and her were getting into something serious.
(26 August 2017)

BASICALLY she is married to an old man in exchange for us citizenship.
(26 August 2017)

I fell in love with some one found out this This is the TRUTH , I am not going into detail on how I know this because it will take all night to write.
(26 August 2017)

Breast Feeding & Bisexuality ( What Do You Think About This?)

Ok, so I had a heated debate with someone on email last night. I won’t post the email, but I will put the debate out and see what people think.The jest of the email centered around breast feeding & bi_ Ellyn:I’ve never actually told a girl I’ve liked her before but soon I will and I’m [...]

July 21 she gets an ultra sound and first says she's 13-14 wks.him and I met up and he tells me this and it doesn't add up.
(25 August 2017)

June 10 This girl calls my friend and says she's pregnant July 7 my ex and his friend went camping for the night and his friend says that this girl is 9wks 5days.
(25 August 2017)

May 2 he got badly drunk and the only thing he remembers is waking up in a trailer naked next to this girl.
(25 August 2017)

April 27 my boyfriend and I break up he moves out of my place.
(25 August 2017)

So here's my knowledge on everything: April 26 this girl is having a convo with 2 other people and she tells them shes pregnant but not for long as she rubs her stomach.
(25 August 2017)

Yesterday my deputy principal said i was getting suspended on monday, so my friend kicked a boy in the balls and the boy and i don't get?
(25 August 2017)

Would you be ok dating a guy with a baby on the way..with his ex?
(25 August 2017)

I feel a little uncomfortable and wondering what others would do in my situation.
(25 August 2017)

He left her for me when she was 4 months pregnant.
(25 August 2017)

I ask because my boyfriend has a baby on the way with his ex girlfriend.
(25 August 2017)

Breast Feeding & Bisexuality ( What Do You Think About This?)

Ok, so I had a heated debate with someone on email last night. I won’t post the email, but I will put the debate out and see what people think.The jest of the email centered around breast feeding & bi_ Ellyn:I’ve never actually told a girl I’ve liked her before but soon I will and I’m [...]

Why don't you convert to bootyism?
(25 August 2017)

Bootyism a religion originating in the east(coast) encouraging the endowment of large quantities of (female) booty, getting booty, banging booty, etc. 1)I've recently converted to bootyism. 2)Since the divorce, I've been able to practice bootyism.
(25 August 2017)

I usually do that just to make sure I can't see theirs but he was standing pretty far back.
(25 August 2017)

It was pretty awkward and weird.
(25 August 2017)

Also in seventh grade I was taking a pee before an exam at the urinal and I looked down and to the left or right and I accidentally saw my friends penis.
(25 August 2017)

I don't think I knew that it was illegal.
(25 August 2017)

And then when I was 13 I remember searching up 13 year 0ld girls naked in google images.
(25 August 2017)

I was like 10 or something possibly younger.
(25 August 2017)

I remember watching this movie with these two separated twins and they met at a camp and one went skinny dipping and I remember I wanted to see her skinny dip.
(25 August 2017)

I'm an obsessive person and I've been obsessing over this.
(25 August 2017)

Interesting….and often true!

[image]Happy hump day….hope you get ‘humped!’_ Shameka:My roommate has been taking pictures of my room which I’d dirty and then my dirty dishes as well.(27 August 2017) Sherryl:Hygiene. If you put your under pants on inside out, and discover it eight hour later, what do you do?(27 August 2017) Sherryl:Do you take them off and turn them right [...]

Is it my obligation as a girlfriend to have sex with them and do other intimate things?
(25 August 2017)

A few guys have been trying to date me and I would really like to date, but I'm not up for the sex.
(25 August 2017)

How long does it take for a guy to get over there ex girlfriend?
(25 August 2017)

Two weeks of being single and he's already trying to be with me?
(25 August 2017)

I just don't want our friendship be broken over us trying to recendle our relationship from 5 years ago.
(25 August 2017)

He just got out of a one year and a half relationship 2 weeks ago. theres no way he can be over her?
(25 August 2017)

We stayed friends and always kept in touch . We dated other people after a while.
(25 August 2017)

But I was young and naive to the fact we could do the long distance thing.
(25 August 2017)

After he graduated highschool he went to college out of state and I just couldn't take the distance and the fact that he was much more mature then me.
(25 August 2017)

He was a senior in highschool and I was a freshman.
(25 August 2017)

For The Girls….

Kiwistud2 and myself are seeking a lady to join us for an evening of good clean sexy fun. Check out my vids, have added For the Girls two shit hot shots of kwistud2 having some alone time….Yum… T_ Maren:I’m a guy so you know, but neither of us is out of the closest to anyone at [...]

Is my girlfriend gullible?
(25 August 2017)

She's also fallen for a lot of scams on the phone and online.
(25 August 2017)

Like she thought an apocalypse was going to happen on the same day as the eclipse.
(25 August 2017)

I've started to notice my girlfriend will believe a lot of things other people tell her.
(25 August 2017)

Is a frat party a no go for a freshman?
(25 August 2017)

It's only the 2nd day we've been here and we aren't too familiar with the campus (given that the location is a little whiles out). Should we go or pass it up?
(25 August 2017)

They were apart of some frat and invited us to a party later on.
(25 August 2017)

So today me and a couple of my friends got stopped by some guys on campus.
(25 August 2017)

Is it rude to not invite your roommate?
(25 August 2017)

Is there a point of having a relationship as a teen?
(25 August 2017)

Sunday 27 August 2017

separate the men from the boys

Top Dom tactics_ Santina:He’s also never really serious and is always joking which makes it hard to have serious talks with him.(27 August 2017) Santina:But sometimes he’ll say things that makes me feel insecure.(27 August 2017) Santina:He never tells me his feelings or how much he loves me or that’s i’m beautiful or anything like that.(27 August 2017) Santina:I’ve [...]

I got exactly what I was offered, and it was a bad deal.
(25 August 2017)

The girl I met online never shows her face and the girl I thought I married never developed.
(25 August 2017)

But the compatibility never changed.
(25 August 2017)

We're 16 years into this thing and we have two kids.
(25 August 2017)

She was pregnant by the time I knew she wasn't who I thought she was.
(25 August 2017)

I didnt mind the challenge to have to do work because I though the reward would be worth it and she would develop (not by me changing her but naturally) into the girl of my dreams when she became confident in herself..... Yeah, that never happened.
(25 August 2017)

She trusted me a lot online back then when we first started chatting.
(25 August 2017)

I don't recall things exactly because it was so long ago, but I think my wife was a different woman when I met her, or was she and I just didnt catch on our incompatibility until much later?
(25 August 2017)

More men are needing the financial support of women?
(25 August 2017)

When will the time change?
(25 August 2017)

Text language is for texting ONLY

When you message someone here, it’s like EMAIL. This is not a texting program. Yes, you could get on the IM part, and THEN maybe I’d handle the abbreviations there…but I don’t use the IM feature h_ Nicholle:I text him back 3 weeks after that saying I needed space because I was dealing with housing issues.(26 [...]

He's even asked if I still have feelings for my ex.
(25 August 2017)

And he seems to get jealous whenever I'm talking to another guy or if I talk about my ex.
(25 August 2017)

Several times I have caught him looking at me at odd times but I'm not sure if I'm just imagining it or not.
(25 August 2017)

There is mutual respect between us and we always have a great time together.
(25 August 2017)

We hang out together all the time and we confide in each other.
(25 August 2017)

We have lived together for a long time now and sometimes I get the feeling that the feeling is mutual but I'm not sure.
(25 August 2017)

So I have this really good friend who also happens to be my housemate who I have the biggest crush on.
(25 August 2017)

LDR advice...My boyfriend hasn t messaged me in almost a week?
(25 August 2017)

I need more communication but I don t know how to ask for it, especially when he isn t replying to me.
(25 August 2017)

I m worried that this is him breaking up with me or something... maybe I am just being paranoid?
(25 August 2017)

Kissing practice

[image]Jennifer and I have been best friends since kindergarten. We did everything together. I don’t remember us ever having a fight. She came over to my house a lot, and I would go to hers. We were l_ Rosalind:Is it wrong to hook up with a guy your friend hooked up with on vacation knowing she [...]

I feel lost I don't know what would be good for me.
(24 August 2017)

Why do ex girlfriends get jealous so easily when you're dating a really attractive women after you've moved on?
(24 August 2017)

Is it abusive for a dad to tickle his son for fairly long periods of time without mercy in order to teach his son not to be so ticklish?
(24 August 2017)

Anyone interested in talking?
(24 August 2017)

So please don't be said to just hit me up sometime.
(24 August 2017)

And I might be ugly, but I do have a big heart.
(24 August 2017)

I just want to be happy with someone and get to know new people, I don't mean any harm.
(24 August 2017)

I have a snapchat, handsomeman59. I also have a Facebook Tristan S Thomas.
(24 August 2017)

I'd prefer girls because I'm an idiot and like to have my heartbroken a lot, but yea.
(24 August 2017)

I'm just looking for new friends.
(24 August 2017)

I love to eat pussy (updaated)

There are a couple of photos in Got Bush! Fuckable or Not?……………………. (New Photos) by Sexy_SandraD that go well with this post. That give you….the visual.I love to eat pussy. A woman_ Isabel:She does her best and isnt necessarily bad mom.(26 August 2017) Isabel:Has no job and depends on friends to support her and her baby.(26 August [...]

He says he still loves me a lot.
(24 August 2017)

He dumped me because he didn't see us working out, even though I did (there was rarely fighting, no abuse, no cheating). He says he still has feelings.
(24 August 2017)

What do I do about a friend I think hates me?
(24 August 2017)

But would confronting her make it better?
(24 August 2017)

I'm worried that if I confront you it'll show that what she's been doing has really bothered me.
(24 August 2017)

I'm worried I'll react badly to something she says and then look like the bad guy.
(24 August 2017)

I cannot figure out what I could've done to make her want to hurt me so badly but it's starting to get very annoying.
(24 August 2017)

She doesn't include me in conversations and tries her best to make me feel unwelcome.
(24 August 2017)

She's started to feel like she's very popular and believes everyone just loves her.
(24 August 2017)

She made sure to brag if they went to do something without me and she just said rude things.
(24 August 2017)

Like I was saying

The close minded stuff I’m talking about. Servant, Christian, age 28 from Wilson, NC who has the footprints prayer or whatever in his profile writes, “G-d has shown Himself clearly throughout the worl_ Lavonda:Hello, I know my story would be similar to many thousands among, I am writing it now because I reached a desperate helpless [...]

I am 14 and have a crush on this girl that s very shy (as I am) and I don t know what to do to progress our relationship.
(24 August 2017)

As acting like a little girl I mean like being shy, wearing teddy bear pajamas, and to still think she's a teenager, and act immature?
(24 August 2017)

Is it okay for an 19 year old to still act like a little girl.
(24 August 2017)

Why do I attract men in relationships?
(24 August 2017)

How do I apologize to my mom for wishing her dead?
(24 August 2017)

What can I say or do to give her a meaningful apology?
(24 August 2017)

My head boiled over and things just came out like they did.
(24 August 2017)

It's just that whenever there's trouble, she always takes the other persons side and treats me as a problem.
(24 August 2017)

She started crying and well... I feel bad now.
(24 August 2017)

I told my mom I wished she were dead and that I would tell people what a sickening person she was at her funeral.
(24 August 2017)

Saturday 26 August 2017

I’m going to bed.

I’m going to bed. Goodnight._ Clarisa:We were friends before becoming lovers.(25 August 2017) Clarisa:I’m back on speaking terms with a guy I was involved with years ago.(25 August 2017) Pok:Did I cheat on my bf?(25 August 2017) Pok:I havent told my bf yet but I’m going to and hoping he’ll forgive me so I can kick his butt hole [...]

My friends that go to my school are in marching band so I won't be able to hang out with them.
(24 August 2017)

Most of my friends don't go to my school and it's kinda too late to try to make plans with them.
(24 August 2017)

Is it normal to have sexual thoughts about girls at school?
(24 August 2017)

Why do I always feel heartbroken for no reason?
(24 August 2017)

I always fear of losing her, and I especially always tend to convince myself that I m not enough or that I m constantly bugging her, even though she doesn t show any signs of being annoyed or wanting to leave me.
(24 August 2017)

I have many other things bothering me more in my life that I m receiving help for, but this chronic heartbroken feeling is truly stumping me.
(24 August 2017)

When I m not with her, (and even when I AM with her sometimes) and when I see things that remind me of her, I get genuinely sad and I have to remind myself that I am not broken up with her.
(24 August 2017)

I ve been with my partner for almost a year now.
(24 August 2017)

(24 August 2017)

I shouldn't bleed that much right?
(24 August 2017)

Glistening Wood

Some baby oil for that gentle shine & a smooth glide._ Dona:I just want yes or no answers, not looking for deep discussion.(25 August 2017) Harold:She has told me she really likes me and I her, but what’s the reason for sending that to me then?(25 August 2017) Harold:A girl I’ve been seeing just sent me a Snapchat [...]

Would you tell your children not to step their shoes in the play area?
(24 August 2017)

Do you agree that the shoes will make the place dirty?
(24 August 2017)

This is a matter of self discipline.
(24 August 2017)

Some said shoes should be removed to keep the place clean.
(24 August 2017)

However, there are no signs to request the children to remove their shoes.
(24 August 2017)

The thickness of play mats is 4-inch.
(24 August 2017)

The material of the play mats is PVC.
(24 August 2017)

In the children playroom, the floor is covered by soft play mats.
(24 August 2017)

So my recruiter is flirting with me....any advice on how to handle it?
(24 August 2017)

Weird thing at my house?
(24 August 2017)

dark n’ hot

I Can See You Now. You Walking Around The House With Nothing But A Pair Of Silky Low Cut Black Panties On That Ass. And A Pair Of Black Stiletto’s, Showing Of Those Legs. I Need That Pic, Baby. Do Som_ Audria:Is it normal for 11 year old girl to have a crush on a 15 [...]

Like this boy in my school used to make fun of me the way I walk, but he doesn't realize that he is chubby, has acne, and he makes fun of people.
(23 August 2017)

Like everyone says what's wrong with that other person and what mistakes they did, but they never see their mistakes.
(23 August 2017)

Why I feel so bad a work if I am not doing nothing?
(23 August 2017)

Do I have keep searching for a jog with sense?
(23 August 2017)

I spend the day in the bathroom, talking, goggling, My husband said I am lucky for been paid.
(23 August 2017)

I have two month working here and all day, 8 hours not doing, nothing for what I was hired.
(23 August 2017)

My dad doesn't approve of my boyfriend because he hasn't finished college yet, how do I not let this affect me?
(23 August 2017)

How do I not let my dads opinions bother me?
(23 August 2017)

My boyfriend is a writer (he has a few books published), but he's been taking a break from school for a couple years now due to personal issues.
(23 August 2017)

I've been thinking about my dads issue and it's been stressing me out my dad thinks he is full of it and just telling people what they want to hear and that I'm settling and can do better.
(23 August 2017)

Guys. Is this your dream or fantasy?

Is this your dream or fantasy. Do you like?Or Have you already had this happen before. If so. Share with us how that happen. We want details_ Margaretta:I know I have tons of time to figure it out, but I feel rushed because my friend (who’s only 20) is getting married next month.(25 August 2017) Margaretta:So I [...]

That way at least I can be sexually active and not allow myself to be denied totally of a life.
(23 August 2017)

Should I just get the dang escort?
(23 August 2017)

I also work a full time professional job and make a lot of money.
(23 August 2017)

I do go out ALL THE TIME in my experience women watch more TV then men so they are probably watching TV and going on online dating.
(23 August 2017)

I would prefer to have someone in my life but if I can't do that then paying is acceptable.
(23 August 2017)

What should I say to break up with my boring girlfriend in an amicable way?
(23 August 2017)

She's just like wretched poison to the ambiance of life.
(23 August 2017)

I feel bad about this because she cries about every guy dumping her before, but now I see why.
(23 August 2017)

The only good quality about her is that she buys me lots of nice gifts. and even those aren't worth it anymore.
(23 August 2017)

I just want to be done with her.
(23 August 2017)

Guys. Is this your dream or fantasy?

Is this your dream or fantasy. Do you like?Or Have you already had this happen before. If so. Share with us how that happen. We want details_ Margaretta:I know I have tons of time to figure it out, but I feel rushed because my friend (who’s only 20) is getting married next month.(25 August 2017) Margaretta:So I [...]

I have touched it a couple times because I was curious and he doesn't mind what I do.
(23 August 2017)

A lot of the time it hangs out of his boxer briefs and I can see it.
(23 August 2017)

He has shown me his dick and I see it frequently.
(23 August 2017)

My boyfriend is 15 and I just turned 16. He usually walks around in his underwear even if Im there.
(23 August 2017)

I cannot afford to have a baby and im really hoping that this is just a side effect of the pill.
(23 August 2017)

They are getting more sore as the days progress.
(23 August 2017)

If your girlfriend and her horse moved to your farm would you ask her to pay for hay?
(23 August 2017)

How do I not be upset that my friends have known eachother for longer?
(23 August 2017)

How do I not get upset and jealous that they have more memories and have known eachother for longer?
(23 August 2017)

My friends have been best friends for 6 years. (They always bring it up to my face and make me feel bad) I gave only been friends with them for 4 years.
(23 August 2017)

Weener Roamings

I don’t know why this entered my mind, yesterday evening, and is still there tis mid morning, but it did and it is, so out it comes. While many folk enjoy FOX News, QVC, ESPN, American Idol and the_ Gennie:People always ask me if I’m okay when I’m just perfectly fine.(25 August 2017) Gennie:Most of the time [...]

Do you think he'll contact her again?
(23 August 2017)

They've talked and sent letters for a year.
(23 August 2017)

She initiated the deleting but why did he block her?
(23 August 2017)

Will he ever speak to her again?
(23 August 2017)

Then a while later he blocked her.
(23 August 2017)

She said ok I should delete you.
(23 August 2017)

Our guy friend said it's an excuse so he doesn't talk to her but doesn't make sense since he's always initiating the messaging and calling.
(23 August 2017)

Well, recently he was messaging her a lot about how proud he is of her and how she's a great person etc. then suddenly he says he can't message now as much because he has a girlfriend for a couple weeks now and she saw all their messages.
(23 August 2017)

They are very close where they've gone through difficult things together in hard times and very supportive.
(23 August 2017)

My friend has a best guy friend and they've been talking for a year.
(23 August 2017)

Friday 25 August 2017

Spanking, Whipping, Doggy Style? What Would YOU Do???

[image]Just Curious…if you had me or someone that you really wanted to be with for 24 hours, what would you do to me or them?_ Caryn:She is always texting me and whenever I am pissed off at something she’ll sing (she has a beautiful voice) or tell me jokes to try and get me to feel [...]

When I was young, (10 or 11) I went to a hardware store with my mom and my two sisters that which were around my age at the time.
(23 August 2017)

If a Christian husband find it fun to occasionally put on his wifes Bras, Undies and Nighties. Isn't she still required to honor him?
(23 August 2017)

A friend of mine who lives in another state is coming to see me for a couple of days?
(23 August 2017)

So I was thinking that I would go meet up with them from 8:00 am until 8:00pm and then leave to go home and just tell my friend I work midnight's.
(23 August 2017)

From 8:00am until 10:00pm because I only go a couple of days a week.
(23 August 2017)

Sometimes I have to stay at school for long hours.
(23 August 2017)

The problem is my parents will want to know where I am.
(23 August 2017)

So I'm planning to meet up with them at a hotel.
(23 August 2017)

I still live at home with my parents and I don't want them to find out about it.
(23 August 2017)

How do I get my girl to stop snowblowing me?
(23 August 2017)

My Pic Gallery

Welcome to my pic gallery. Here are links to all my pictures. I hope you enjoyRainbow Glasses ( Tuesday Pics )I Am Not Ashamed Of My BodyJust some old pics I foundJourney To Appreciate My Body ( PIC_ Meggan:It’s not something I wanted or something I’m proud of but ever since then, I feel like I [...]

If anyone had similar situation or can give me advice I would greatly appreciate it. y questions are, 1) when I would get married who would have LEGAL custody of my child?
(23 August 2017)

But I am getting married to my boyfriend, and we are having some legal problems.
(23 August 2017)

I have a child, and divorced from the father of my son.
(23 August 2017)

Currently passed my ASVAB and working training physically.
(23 August 2017)

I am a female who is trying to joint the military.
(23 August 2017)

Does it depend on the situation like if there was a big fight.. would he come back?
(23 August 2017)

Even if it wasn't a relationship.. will he come back?
(23 August 2017)

So scared of losing my girlfriend, how can I feel better?
(23 August 2017)

I'm so scared of thinking about losing her someday, or maybe parting ways as we graduate high school and go to college.
(23 August 2017)

I love her so much, but lately whenever I think about her I can't help but cry.
(23 August 2017)

Tata Tuesday, Leopard Print & Flaming Hair Edition

I think the subject line says it all.[image]_ Eugena:Also, she didn’t look at me in the eyes when I talked to her she would always seem to kinda look at my jaw or lip area.(24 August 2017) Eugena:I got a little ansy, so i scooted backsome, but she only got closer even though i moved back.(24 August [...]

Why do SAHMs get so much judgment?
(22 August 2017)

I just wish SAHMs didn't get so much grief.
(22 August 2017)

You're not going to change their mind or anything.
(22 August 2017)

If someone has trust issues, that's them.
(22 August 2017)

Why can't some people respect other people's choices?
(22 August 2017)

Well I STILL get people attacking me trying to change my mind when it's literally MY choice to be a SAHM just like it's theirs to be working parents.
(22 August 2017)

How do i make people stop looking at me forever?
(22 August 2017)

Why am I attracted to guys way older than me?
(22 August 2017)

My youngest ex was 6 years older than me and my oldest was 35 (51 year old man with a 16 year old girl wasn't the best situation) It seems to be a problem.
(22 August 2017)

How to make a guy really like me?
(22 August 2017)

Crazy Chicks!!

Good Morning!Do you have a friend,a best friend that is crazy as you are???? I think we are attracted to people that hold the same characteristics as we have,with a best friend,or with a lover! Is tha_ Arianne:I’m pissed but I’m also miserable about it.(24 August 2017) Arianne:They’ve had two sleepovers, gone to a water park, the [...]

The same thing happened a couple days ago: he called me, so I ended up telling him we could meet on Wednesday (tomorrow) but I don't know if I want to.
(22 August 2017)

A couple years ago, when I was 15, he tried to contact me but as I was going through a really hard time (nothing to do with him) I avoided seeing him as that was the last thing I needed then.
(22 August 2017)

I grew up with my mom and he was just a person who came by every once in a while to spend time with me.
(22 August 2017)

Him disappearing from my life didn't feel like a loss to me.
(22 August 2017)

But as I grew older he came to see me less and less until he stopped when I was 10. I never asked what happened between him and my mom, and although I usually am a very curious person, that's something I don't feel like I need to know.
(22 August 2017)

I still got to see him constantly and he was always incredibly sweet and nice to me.
(22 August 2017)

My mom and dad broke up when I was only months old.
(22 August 2017)

Why wouldn't a friend want to open your gift to them in front of you? Isn't it rude not to?
(22 August 2017)

And usually, there's some back story to the gift that you tell as they open it... It just makes sense to spend time appreciating a gift with the person that got it for you..
(22 August 2017)

It might just sit in her trunk unopened now.
(22 August 2017)

OH it was a day

After staff meeting went directly to the caucus that was completely over crowded and did not fullfill my expectation at all of the process… Wyoming doesn’t even get a delegate vote until August_ Delora:My dread of Christmas begins about now.(24 August 2017) Delora:I know it is only August but thinking ahead.(24 August 2017) Laurinda:Just come outta a painful [...]

These are the first and middle names we've decided on, so we aren't changing those... Graham is our last name.
(22 August 2017)

Can we make it work this time?
(22 August 2017)

Can we make this work again although, he's in Chicago and I don't plan on moving back there?
(22 August 2017)

He cheated me alot and lied alot when were together and I really do miss him.
(22 August 2017)

Now that I'm back home he calls and text everyday and I plan to go back to visit in two months.
(22 August 2017)

I did have a great time and we had great conversation.
(22 August 2017)

He offered for us to stay at his house but I chose to stay with family.
(22 August 2017)

I made sure that I took my 11 year old son with me each time that we went out so that things didn't move too fast.
(22 August 2017)

I told him I was coming to visit family and he said he really wanted to see me that I was the love his life and he missed me so much.
(22 August 2017)

We hadn't spoken in almost 2 years.
(22 August 2017)

On all fours

On all fours and waiting on you! 😚_ Janis:Is it weird to ask someone you barely know to prom? If it isn’t how would I do it?(24 August 2017) Janis:She knows my name but that’s about it.(24 August 2017) Janis:There is this girl I have a crush on but she doesn’t really know me.(24 August 2017) Sharice:RELATIONSHIP ADVICE??(24 August [...]

Do people think these things when they date or do I need a therapist?
(22 August 2017)

So I'm kind of freaking out that his insecurity is pouring on to me and so I'm looking around saying should I settle for him if we connect?
(22 August 2017)

I didn't really care until he kind of felt insecure about it.
(22 August 2017)

I started seeing this guy and he's super sweet 6'4 but he's bald.
(22 August 2017)

So I figure screw it why shouldn't a guy have all the things I want.
(22 August 2017)

So I was nice but still ended up being screwed over.
(22 August 2017)

I've give men a chance who were unemployed, short etc.
(22 August 2017)

When I start dating someone I start to freak out and think man theres more hotter guys or more richer guys out there should I really be settling with this guy?
(22 August 2017)

My neighbor is always talking crap about my best friend and I tried to tell her to stop but she wont and I have to walk with her to school!?
(22 August 2017)

Update: I'm 13 and I live next to a girl who is always lying and recently started talking badly about my best friend.
(22 August 2017)

Thursday 24 August 2017

The Art Of Eating Pussy……

There’s an art to eating pussy, I believe. It’s a lot more to it than just fucking licking it like your painting a fence. You can either eat pussy or you just can’t fucking do it at all. There’s no in_ Quiana:I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and I am trying my best to avoid [...]

Especially after long periods of no contact?
(22 August 2017)

What does it mean if i can't find my hotel room or classroom after months but i can find my way to places i've been to for years in my car?
(22 August 2017)

Why is it illegal to abuse your own children?
(22 August 2017)

So why do governments in most countries (besides 3rd world ones) care if you abuse your offspring?
(22 August 2017)

As parents, we have legal authority over the child.
(22 August 2017)

Just like if you're a dog owner, you can decide what you want to do to it.
(22 August 2017)

If your the parent, then it should be all up to you.
(22 August 2017)

Why do women choose to go out with guys who obviously have bad intentions instead of guys with good intentions?
(22 August 2017)

I don't understand women many times.
(22 August 2017)

Many times a woman will have 2 guys she's talking to you and considering dating and 9 times out of 10, she will choose the guy who just wants to use her for sex and then bails even when its well known what his intentions are, and his history with women.
(22 August 2017)

WOW This Is What Was Expected From Women In The 50′S Its Great For A Laugh!

Oh hell NO! I know I know if I was a woman in the 50’s it would be “normal” BUT the problem is I have never gone along with the crowd! I am SO happy I wasn’t born earlier • Have dinner ready. Plan_ Rosalina:My mom was so in-the-moment that she didn’t realize how screwed up [...]

Guys would you ever match tattoos with a girl? (small tattoos)?
(21 August 2017)

Guys... why does he want to match tattoos?
(21 August 2017)

Is 23 old for a female? Am I not young anymore?
(21 August 2017)

I just turned 23 a couple months ago.
(21 August 2017)

I have this strange tendency for guys to be extremely sexually attracted to me. Is it possible to affect people like that without knowing?
(21 August 2017)

Can someone please tell me if this is normal?
(21 August 2017)

I'm rather confused by the whole matter.
(21 August 2017)

It's not like normal sexual attraction it's almost like they're under a spell but I guarantee I am not a witch or succubus of any sorts.
(21 August 2017)

I'd say that I'm an average looking women but guys tend to be all over me and I have no clue why.
(21 August 2017)

How do I go from always being around ppl to being by myself?
(21 August 2017)


I guess we have all seen that on a “post” or in a movie..I wonder why if it is right there we used to have it titled posted? any answers.I am posting because well it is month 2 of 60 or so and I have_ Zulema:He never called, never texted and blew me off every time [...]

Dating a girl who has an ex who is making her worry, like she thinks hes gonna kill himself or something..?
(21 August 2017)

Shes too upset sometimes and often doesnt answer texts.
(21 August 2017)

However one time she had to end the date early because he wasnt responding to texts. obviously he wants her back but she insists she has no feelings for him..they lived together for years and shes trying to move on.
(21 August 2017)

Girls, do you think it's bad if a guy cries during bad times?
(21 August 2017)

If he cried, would you feel embarrassed and tell him to man up?
(21 August 2017)

Like let's say his brother died unexpectedly.
(21 August 2017)

Today my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex and we used the withdraw method and as he was withdrawing he ejaculated a little inside me.
(21 August 2017)

Consent to adoption question?
(21 August 2017)

Please I need answers for my friend.
(21 August 2017)

If the consent was signed to the adoptive parents and they were in a situation where they couldn't keep the child does this mean the natural parents can get their child back or does the agency keep the baby and find another family for the baby to be with?
(21 August 2017)

Am I back?

Well, it’s been almost 3 years and I am back here and blogging again. Anyone miss Me? I highly doubt it Does it matter? I highly doubt it HahahahahaI have thought about resurrecting this blog or_ Heike:I can’t keep a conversation and I hate silent conversations…I have to laugh. TO GIRLS: Do you hate girls [...]

So the whole day he never actually came at all.
(21 August 2017)

So then we decided to try again he put a new condom on and we started at it but we felt the condom rip, so he pulled out immediately and we stopped and didn't try again.
(21 August 2017)

But he did precum through the time he was with me cause we did other stuff but he never actually came the whole day.
(21 August 2017)

He wore a condom and we did it for a bit but i started to bleed so we stopped, he never came.
(21 August 2017)

We had sex for the first time 2 days ago.
(21 August 2017)

Hello, i am 16 and i've been with my boyfriend for almost 8 months.
(21 August 2017)

My boyfriend broke up with me after a year Why is he throwing it away so easily and how can I get him back?
(21 August 2017)

Getting a girl to like me again?
(21 August 2017)

Why might she be flirtatious with me but not pursue her feelings outright?
(21 August 2017)

There's a girl I really like who I've hooked up with before, about 7 months ago (we're juniors in college in TX). She's really sweet and kinda shy, and I'd like something more with her.
(21 August 2017)

Wednesday 23 August 2017

You know it’s Spring…

When there’s a bear hanging out in your back yard . At least there wasn’t any trash outside for it to munch on._ Tosha:I know this girl at work that I talk to sometimes and she like smiles and teases me and jokes around and stuff but then she started talking about her boyfriend.(22 August 2017) Anisha:Where [...]

Maybe he doesn't like her boyfriend?
(21 August 2017)

Maybe that guy isn't her boyfriend and they're just close, or even related?
(21 August 2017)

Why would a father push a guy to pursue his daughter if she has a boyfriend?
(21 August 2017)

So my assumption is they're dating.
(21 August 2017)

They were whispering into each other's ears during church and at the end I saw the guy put his arm around her waist... A LOT.
(21 August 2017)

At the end of church, I noticed her with this guy that she's been sitting by during church.
(21 August 2017)

Fast forward to yesterday's Sunday, he told me that she was here(we all go to the same church.) He pointed me in her direction and I said hi to her.
(21 August 2017)

Like he already knew about me, or at least knows I like his daughter.
(21 August 2017)

He really wanted me to visit her.
(21 August 2017)

The first time I met this girl's father at my church, he told me to go see her where she works.
(21 August 2017)

Come On ….

You’re a freak, sweet Freak. You like to play? Hypnotic, erotic, sexy little games. You like to play, just look at you, all those subtle little movements. You like to play? Baby believe me when I say_ Suzy:I’m sure she has an ulcer, we’re roommates.(22 August 2017) Fae:Does this senior girl like me?(22 August 2017) Fae:How well would [...]

Why do people think it is wrong to put your job before your wives and kids?
(21 August 2017)

You dont go to school for 14 years to learn how to raiae kids and be a good husband.
(21 August 2017)

That how it should be Do you think the US would have won ww2 if the greatest generation would have mess around like children.
(21 August 2017)

What advice do u give me?
(21 August 2017)

I only stay because i feel lonely and him finding another girl makes me crazy.
(21 August 2017)

Im in a relationship.. but this relationship is draining me.
(21 August 2017)

Hi i took PT again today . the shadow line is there,but still its slightly fainted,am i pregnant.?
(21 August 2017)

When you pick up a girl for sex at bar--make sure you give her free time?
(21 August 2017)

Did I just meet someone with autism?
(21 August 2017)

After about 5 minutes it freaked out and started smacking itself in the head.
(21 August 2017)

It’s been a month and this is bike week…

So, we’re home looking for rides, of any types, this weekend. Be it bike rides or rides of “other types”, we’re looking and are free this Saturday, all day.Not really into the hard core biker types, n_ Delisa:Whenever, I bring up my concerns and he mocks me and tells me I don’t know what I am [...]

Do you think I sound pathetic?
(21 August 2017)

I'm happy because I feel like the most beautiful girl in the world smiled at me and talked to me.
(21 August 2017)

Why do you think a girl who was way out of my league at my college smiled at me a lot and talked to me?
(21 August 2017)

She talked to me abut 5 times, I caught her smiling at me for minutes straight, she called me by my name, etc...
(21 August 2017)

I'm not joking when I say she has 2,000 Facebook friends and I have 50. Have you ever heard of such a situation?
(21 August 2017)

Will he kiss me if we hang alone for hours?
(21 August 2017)

Questions For mothers?
(21 August 2017)

My daughter has a rash i was going to use her destin rash creams which works really good but i notice when i open it the cream had yellow in it . is it okay to use?
(21 August 2017)

My gf farted but denied it?
(21 August 2017)

If she had just been like 'oh yeah, that was me, I farted' I would have been totally cool with it (I mean it stank but whatevs everyone does it). But she keeps denying it.
(21 August 2017)

Love this…

So true!_ Lavette:But not really having any other friends, I followed them, and got accepted into their gang, at a low level.(22 August 2017) Lavette:At the end of the sport, I noticed they were starting to act like they were in some type of gang.(22 August 2017) Lavette:OK, so last year I changed schools and started hanging out [...]

I am 16, I just had 4 bicuspids pulled recently and I have braces. I get bullied at school. Advice?
(20 August 2017)

I want to become a veterinarian someday.
(20 August 2017)

I am 5 foot 1. I won't get my braces off until August 2019 and I am a junior now.
(20 August 2017)

One of the cheer coaches at school saw me in the hallway, looked at me, whispered to a teacher, and they both laughed.
(20 August 2017)

I only have a 2.6 GPA and kids call me ugly, buck tooth, unaboob, and the dumb kid.
(20 August 2017)

Can a 11th grader date a 8th?
(20 August 2017)

So I gave it a kiss and he ate me out again and again this happened multiple times and I didn't know what was ever really going on.
(20 August 2017)

At the time I didn't know what to do he wanted me to suck his penis and I didn't know because I was in 2nd grade.
(20 August 2017)

He told me that he was only mean to me because he liked me, so then he started to kiss me and took of my pants off and ate me out.
(20 August 2017)

One day this kid in 5th grade who was always quite rude to me asked me to come in the back room of the basement so I went.
(20 August 2017)

Barefoot vs Shoes

When a girl is “naked” or “nude” this should include all clothes, pants, bra…. everything. (In my view, it should also include pubic hair…. all of it….. if you want to displayThere’s no better w_ Diana:I sent him a text explaining how I felt and he completely blew up at me and told me I was [...]

We've been broke up for nearly 2 years now.
(20 August 2017)

So me and my ex dated for about 16 months.
(20 August 2017)

Am I deserving of love?
(20 August 2017)

How do I know if I'm deserving of love or if I'm doomed to be someone who can't find the right person?
(20 August 2017)

I love too much and too easily and it's my greatest downfall.
(20 August 2017)

Am I being used by this girl I am dating even though she likes me?
(20 August 2017)

I have been used by girls in the past and I want to make sure I don't add this scenario to the list.
(20 August 2017)

I can't tell if I am overreacting or not but I haven't heard anything from her at all today.
(20 August 2017)

I felt as though I was the third-wheel and it put me into an uncomfortable as well as awkward situation.
(20 August 2017)

The fourth date her and I went on was a double date and I was absolutely miserable.
(20 August 2017)

Exhibitionistic Girls

I just love girls who get a thrill out of being naked or dressed in skimpy clothes. I think public nudity for girls should be not just allowed, but whole-heartedly encouraged.If men could keep themsel_ Diana:At this point I m very upset because he let me down when I needed him the most.(22 August 2017) Diana:He told [...]

I'm a 17 year old girl and it's the first time that I've properly liked a guy.
(20 August 2017)

Dating my friends mom?
(20 August 2017)

I wouldnt feel weird or weird and all would be the same but i have no idea how he would feel and that matters to me.
(20 August 2017)

I have found that older woman that i would love to be with but man it might be weird with her son as my friend.
(20 August 2017)

I can not judge how my friend might react and i am also unsure of what to think about the age difference, since all relationships i have been in have been near my age.
(20 August 2017)

My friend told me several weeks ago that he felt his mother liked me as more than a friend, a single woman.
(20 August 2017)

I am a loner but have sought to meet an older woman if i was to commit again.
(20 August 2017)

Around 2 months ago, he introduced me to his mother who is 44. Her and i have been spending more time together than i and her son and we just seem so comfortable around one another.
(20 August 2017)

I am 27 and he is 22 and we have been together for about 3 months now.
(20 August 2017)

He was still stuck with his drug probslem and i began to help him and we have become great friends.
(20 August 2017)

Tuesday 22 August 2017


I got gold. At least for a short while. I’m loving the fact that I can finally see all the pictures on profiles, and can actually read a profile now. I’m still accepting friends. I try to chat with ev_ Tommye:I’ve met someone I like while in recovery for a stroke.(21 August 2017) Tommye:So, I have found [...]

PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME we were at a party and she was my beer pong partner.
(20 August 2017)

Do you think he meant it in a more than friends way or as a way to get me to have sex?
(20 August 2017)

It threw me into a curve because we are friends and I didn't think he actually liked me.
(20 August 2017)

The other night we were just hanging out watching TV while cuddleing and he just kept staring at me with these huge eyes, when I asked him why he kept staring he answered that Im just so beautiful.
(20 August 2017)

I've been friends with this guy for several years and here recently we have been doing some friends with benefits.
(20 August 2017)

Is having daughters just a consolation prize to having sons?
(20 August 2017)

Are people with all-girl families inferior to those with boys?
(20 August 2017)

What do guys think about girls that tell them about other guys? Is this a mistake?
(20 August 2017)

Btw, I don't have feelings for my ex anymore, I want to move on, but I hate when he tries to keep in touch with me, it gets me in a bad mood.
(20 August 2017)

What do guys feel about girls telling you about other guys?
(20 August 2017)