Friday 18 August 2017

Any Volunteers???

[image]_ Janna:In addition, she is extremely controlling, jealous and has bad temper.(16 August 2017) Janna:This woman is an emotional wreck because of her bad previous relationships and drug abuse.(16 August 2017) Tequila:White women looking when out with friend?(16 August 2017) Tequila:What is the reason for this you think?(16 August 2017) Tequila:Colored ladies tend to gravitate towards him.(16 August 2017) Tequila:I’m also [...]

And I'm pretty sure she'd tell my dad immediately after too.
(15 August 2017)

I want to tell my mom asap but I'm worried about her reaction.
(15 August 2017)

I'm scared to tell my parents because they are friends with the neighbors and I'd be scared of messing up their relationship.
(15 August 2017)

My rapist was the neighbors son.
(15 August 2017)

And my mom is 2000km away at the moment.
(15 August 2017)

I'm gonna go to the hospital tommorow without my parents.
(15 August 2017)

Hello, I'm 14 years old and last night I wasn't raped.
(15 August 2017)

How, as an introvert, do I ask a girl out who is also an introvert?
(15 August 2017)

Sorry for the multiple questions and thanks for any answers.
(15 August 2017)

And I haven't had much experience here with women.
(15 August 2017)

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