Tuesday 22 August 2017

fucktard post

[image]it seems that miss sex freak doesnt like the fact that i topped her points to become someone’s top fan….and sent me this….really? are we in fucking high school? i didnt even know that_ Lanie:I can feel the thick, brown log just waiting to come up.(21 August 2017) Adella:A friendship or relationship, same goes for both.(21 August [...]

So I broke up with him and we had no communication after.
(20 August 2017)

I always caught him lying over little things.
(20 August 2017)

We broke up 8 months ago since he had no time for me and I felt like he doesn't put effort anymore.
(20 August 2017)

He's the grandson of one of the richest man in our country.
(20 August 2017)

I'm 21 and he's 24. He's chinese and I'm a filipino.
(20 August 2017)

Is it weird that I prefer night studying?
(20 August 2017)

I feel that studying at night is much more productive but I am not allowed to do it.
(20 August 2017)

I always tries to do my work during day time but i just cannot focus.
(20 August 2017)

I always get my work done at night but my parent often scolded me for not finishing my work early and leaving it till night time to do.
(20 August 2017)

I have alot of time in the afternoon but i just dont seem to be able to be productive.
(20 August 2017)

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