Saturday 26 August 2017

Guys. Is this your dream or fantasy?

Is this your dream or fantasy. Do you like?Or Have you already had this happen before. If so. Share with us how that happen. We want details_ Margaretta:I know I have tons of time to figure it out, but I feel rushed because my friend (who’s only 20) is getting married next month.(25 August 2017) Margaretta:So I [...]

I have touched it a couple times because I was curious and he doesn't mind what I do.
(23 August 2017)

A lot of the time it hangs out of his boxer briefs and I can see it.
(23 August 2017)

He has shown me his dick and I see it frequently.
(23 August 2017)

My boyfriend is 15 and I just turned 16. He usually walks around in his underwear even if Im there.
(23 August 2017)

I cannot afford to have a baby and im really hoping that this is just a side effect of the pill.
(23 August 2017)

They are getting more sore as the days progress.
(23 August 2017)

If your girlfriend and her horse moved to your farm would you ask her to pay for hay?
(23 August 2017)

How do I not be upset that my friends have known eachother for longer?
(23 August 2017)

How do I not get upset and jealous that they have more memories and have known eachother for longer?
(23 August 2017)

My friends have been best friends for 6 years. (They always bring it up to my face and make me feel bad) I gave only been friends with them for 4 years.
(23 August 2017)

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