Saturday 26 August 2017

Guys. Is this your dream or fantasy?

Is this your dream or fantasy. Do you like?Or Have you already had this happen before. If so. Share with us how that happen. We want details_ Margaretta:I know I have tons of time to figure it out, but I feel rushed because my friend (who’s only 20) is getting married next month.(25 August 2017) Margaretta:So I [...]

That way at least I can be sexually active and not allow myself to be denied totally of a life.
(23 August 2017)

Should I just get the dang escort?
(23 August 2017)

I also work a full time professional job and make a lot of money.
(23 August 2017)

I do go out ALL THE TIME in my experience women watch more TV then men so they are probably watching TV and going on online dating.
(23 August 2017)

I would prefer to have someone in my life but if I can't do that then paying is acceptable.
(23 August 2017)

What should I say to break up with my boring girlfriend in an amicable way?
(23 August 2017)

She's just like wretched poison to the ambiance of life.
(23 August 2017)

I feel bad about this because she cries about every guy dumping her before, but now I see why.
(23 August 2017)

The only good quality about her is that she buys me lots of nice gifts. and even those aren't worth it anymore.
(23 August 2017)

I just want to be done with her.
(23 August 2017)

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