Sunday 6 August 2017

Meme Monday…and it’s actually Monday!

Blogger Bash?? I say yes! how much fun would it be to get a bunch of Meelp bloggers together for Mardi Gras? It seems in many ways that there are three separate communities here in our little online o_ Marquetta:I don’t know how to get past this point in my life.(3 August 2017) Marquetta:Feeling like I really [...]

I told him if it's a problem with not being able to see him we can just cut communicate he said no he'll wait.
(6 August 2017)

I asked him his intentions he said he has none just want to get to know me , be friends and let whatever happens just happen.
(6 August 2017)

Is it good to have a I'll do me attitude?
(6 August 2017)

So I don't care how my actions affect others aorund me, I'm doing whatever I want when I want, don't care if people have an issue with it.
(6 August 2017)

I am at a point in my life where I have to be selfish, I already have a job.
(6 August 2017)

I live in Chicago, well I came to the conclusion that I have to do any and everything that makes me happy.
(6 August 2017)

Im an 18 year old guy living at home with my parents because I couldn't afford to go away to college and my father lets me do whatever I want but my mother is strict and doesn't want me going to parties or going to certain parts of the city.
(6 August 2017)

Contact ex-fling?
(6 August 2017)

Even though we ended on good terms, because she was the one who ended things I don't know if me reaching out to her is a good idea.
(6 August 2017)

I've been thinking about her a lot recently and would like to reach out to her.
(6 August 2017)

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