Sunday 13 August 2017

New scheduling systems is working!

Since i edited my main profile page here and was more specific on what time i can play and where i can play I have seen an increase in correspondence from my potential men here on Meelp–this new sche_ Magaly:Then I had to go on antibiotics the 6th day and then the 7th day I missed [...]

So, all in all, our little girl will be Lily Mia Glenice.
(10 August 2017)

Basically, my partner would like to use his grandmothers name for his little girls name.
(10 August 2017)

I know he can play with my feelings easily, as I am a very sensitive person.
(10 August 2017)

I am ten years younger than him and he can easely play with me and deceive me.
(10 August 2017)

He even asked me for the number and told me to go out and have a drink one day.
(10 August 2017)

But I get the feeling that he is a flirt and does the same with all the other girls.
(10 August 2017)

When he is with me, he does not want to leave me, he keeps holding my hand.
(10 August 2017)

He makes me jokes, is very kind... He knows I'm a little shy and introverted, so he stares at me to make me blush and then starts laughing.
(10 August 2017)

Sometimes I catch him looking at me from a distance and when he sees me, we smile at each other.
(10 August 2017)

You see, in the place where I work there is a man of 30 years who from the beginning always started to send me compliments, as pretty, beautiful... And from the beginning I realized that he was trying to attract me to him.
(10 August 2017)

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