Tuesday 8 August 2017


Ok….so I am cruising the blogs here, and come upon this….Porn is a revolting, unpalatable blight on society….. ….and I so want to respond but she locked it……my night is ruined…….and I_ Arcelia:What do normal teenage girls talk about these days?(6 August 2017) Arcelia:I’m starting high school and don’t have any classes with my friends but with [...]

He told me he wanted a divorce and was going to file but there's no proof of that.
(8 August 2017)

The only difference with this guy is that he told me he is still legally married to this other woman and there is NO legal separation or divorce in process and he told me his wife left him and hasn't heard from her in four years.
(8 August 2017)

Recently, I met a guy five months ago same thing.
(8 August 2017)

Alot of the men I started to talk to were honest and told me right away that they were seperated and still legally married or had a divorce processing.
(8 August 2017)

I just happen to be a woman who's in her 20's and often date older men.
(8 August 2017)

As I've gotten older I'm noticing that I am more prone to coming into contact with married, divorced or separated men.
(8 August 2017)

Is there a difference between 'upon' an 'on'? As in: Credit shall be awarded 'upon' or 'on' X date?
(8 August 2017)

A couple family question?
(8 August 2017)

How can I explain to my wife that automatically getting mad at the kids for doing something wrong is not the way when they are still training.
(8 August 2017)

Me and my wife have adopted 2 little girls it's been 3 years My youngest of the two is 4 and she's starting to test us by keep doing things when she is told to stop just to see what we'll do or how much trouble she is in?
(8 August 2017)

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