Sunday 27 August 2017

Text language is for texting ONLY

When you message someone here, it’s like EMAIL. This is not a texting program. Yes, you could get on the IM part, and THEN maybe I’d handle the abbreviations there…but I don’t use the IM feature h_ Nicholle:I text him back 3 weeks after that saying I needed space because I was dealing with housing issues.(26 [...]

He's even asked if I still have feelings for my ex.
(25 August 2017)

And he seems to get jealous whenever I'm talking to another guy or if I talk about my ex.
(25 August 2017)

Several times I have caught him looking at me at odd times but I'm not sure if I'm just imagining it or not.
(25 August 2017)

There is mutual respect between us and we always have a great time together.
(25 August 2017)

We hang out together all the time and we confide in each other.
(25 August 2017)

We have lived together for a long time now and sometimes I get the feeling that the feeling is mutual but I'm not sure.
(25 August 2017)

So I have this really good friend who also happens to be my housemate who I have the biggest crush on.
(25 August 2017)

LDR advice...My boyfriend hasn t messaged me in almost a week?
(25 August 2017)

I need more communication but I don t know how to ask for it, especially when he isn t replying to me.
(25 August 2017)

I m worried that this is him breaking up with me or something... maybe I am just being paranoid?
(25 August 2017)

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