Saturday 19 August 2017

To ALL MY Blogs Visitors!!!!

To all my blogs visitors, that LOVE me and comment in my blogs. I THANK YOU, I appreciate you, I honestly love all your comments. Just say Hello, that is good enough for me. I promise to get back t_ Lauretta:That conversation made me feel like he likes me, but yesterday, I straight up asked him [...]

He said he wants to focus on getting hisself together and i understood that.
(17 August 2017)

Anywho he has been stressed since and it broke us apart.
(17 August 2017)

They got into too many fights he always defended me if she spoke ill about me.
(17 August 2017)

She didnt like how happy he was with me she said i was controlling him.
(17 August 2017)

Later this month his mom started acting strange towards him.
(17 August 2017)

He had a break up in January but his ex came out of nowhere stating that she was preggo (before we dated) i was fine with that.
(17 August 2017)

Slowly got to know him and started dating in June to July and made it official on August 1st.
(17 August 2017)

I got out of a really bad relationship in May got a new job and met this guy.
(17 August 2017)

My alcoholic brother is trying to make amends. How do I know if it's safe to trust him?
(17 August 2017)

Now I have to think about my family and I don't want my girls becoming attached to an uncle who might slip back into old habits.
(17 August 2017)

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