Thursday 17 August 2017

Trivia FiveTwenty

Just in case you think I am ignoring your responses please be advised that not only are pictures disappearing from our blogs, but the comments you all have made can not be seen by me. How fun is that?_ Armida:I posted a comment on a singles page, and she responded by messaging me.(15 August 2017) Armida:Back in [...]

It's 12:30 am I can't get her to sleep she wants me to stay with her.
(15 August 2017)

My sister is feeling sad right now I asked her what's wrong she said nothing I gave her a hug it didn't help.
(15 August 2017)

Should I move out of my hometown?
(15 August 2017)

I'm starting to get distant from my family and all I seem to want to do is move far away and start a new life elsewhere.
(15 August 2017)

I'm only going because everyone else wants me to go.
(15 August 2017)

I'm currently a full-time college, but to be honest I really hate school.
(15 August 2017)

As the years progress I realized that I find myself getting more and more emotional due to past bad experiences at home and in my hometown.
(15 August 2017)

Single mom problems?
(15 August 2017)

My baby father dont trust my judgement of men, should I let that stop me from having a boyfriend?
(15 August 2017)

Do I have a right to be mad at my boyfriend?
(15 August 2017)

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