Tuesday 8 August 2017

Wants and Needs

Whenever I ask the young cubs why they like older women the most common answer is - She knows what she wants.In my case, they’re right.I know what I want in a relationship.I know what I want in a comp_ Lavonia:A while back I started talking to a guy.(6 August 2017) Kylie:Sex anxiety?(6 August 2017) Luna:My (ex) grildrend [...]

We have been talking for almost 3 weeks now and i am just about to start senior year thursday, i want some advice and experiences, thanks.
(8 August 2017)

We talk almost every day usually for about an hour or two just about anything really.
(8 August 2017)

I am a senior in high school and i have been talking to this girl who live in Europe and i can tell she's flirting with me.
(8 August 2017)

Starting a long distance relationship..any advice?
(8 August 2017)

We started talking again but the convo isnt the same.
(8 August 2017)

I was able to email him and we gained contact again.
(8 August 2017)

At first it was good like we would talk on the phone everyday.
(8 August 2017)

I met this guy in my city 2 years ago.
(8 August 2017)

How do I stop expecting too much from people!?
(8 August 2017)

I don't even have friends to go out with I feel so miserable, nothing good ever happened to me, I feel so empty, there's no joy in my life I just live day by day but nothing changes no matter what I do, I don't wanna die without a family and children.
(8 August 2017)

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