Monday 18 September 2017

Being Sexually Open and Pregnancy……….

I had my tubes tied at the tender age of 25………..after my 3rd and final child was born. So pregnancy is not something that has even been an issue for me for a long time and it really is not somet_ Elisa:His words weren t slurred, he wasn t stumbling, and he didn t smell of [...]

Me and my boyfriend used condoms the first few times we had sex and we stopped using them.
(16 September 2017)

I'm definitely going to get tested but I'm more concerned about me and my boyfriend's relationship and his safety.
(16 September 2017)

I recently went to the OBGYN three months ago and everything came back negative but didn't do one for HIV.
(16 September 2017)

I suddenly had this overwhelming feeling of total disbelief and anxiety disappointment and anger.
(16 September 2017)

But yesterday I got a very unexpected call from an ex-boyfriend I haven't seen or spoken to or seen in almost 10 months and he told me he had been sick and in the hospital back in forth for awhile he told me the doctors diagnosed him with HIV AIDS.
(16 September 2017)

He is so handsome and I have never met a guy so sweet, kind, passionate and romantic.
(16 September 2017)

We get along so well and we have not had one argument.
(16 September 2017)

I'd say this is one of the best relationships I have been in our connection is so unexplainable.
(16 September 2017)

He makes me so happy.When we first met it was amazing we hit it off and clicked very well.
(16 September 2017)

I recently started dating my boyfriend a few weeks ago and everything has been great I felt like I've finally met the right one.
(16 September 2017)

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