Saturday 16 September 2017

Female Breasts: The Focus of Great Sex??

Females who you fuck with BIG breasts is the subject. How much attention do you actually pay during sex to those BIG breasts?_ Kaycee:I love to travel but I usually travel alone and on a budget.(14 September 2017) Fredia:Why do I fear my gf is going to leave me?(14 September 2017) Fredia:I admitted to my girlfriend yesterday that [...]

There was this really weird guy that asked me out when I was walking to class my first semester.
(14 September 2017)

But I've been asked out by guys before, but they're all weird.
(14 September 2017)

How to be more masculine?
(14 September 2017)

I like this girl but she likes masculine guys.
(14 September 2017)

In school, I wasn't close friends with any of the guys and most of my friends were girls.
(14 September 2017)

I like makeup and fashion but I don't really like sports.
(14 September 2017)

I'm guy who is quite feminine but completely straight.
(14 September 2017)

He is going with his girlfriend then why did he say that?
(14 September 2017)

This guy at work said he's going on holidays with this girl at work in front of her.
(14 September 2017)

Is their a chance I can recover my friendship with them?
(14 September 2017)

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