Monday 4 September 2017

How To Stimulate Her Clitoris

Here’s what most guys don’t know: That tiny bump above her vagina is just the tip of the iceberg.The clitoris actually stretches backwards into her body and branches into a wishbone shape that wra_ Alysia:Is this a good reason to allow him to take me to court and not let him make visitation agreements until then?(4 [...]

I made a fake account to see if he would cheat and he didn't.
(2 September 2017)

So I met this guy on snapchat and he's 17. He's really nice to me but Idk if this is a good thing.
(2 September 2017)

He said they're only staying for a little bit and I know my mom will not like that either.
(2 September 2017)

Theyre both just sleeping on the couch right now and I don't feel comfortable going to bed with them right there.
(2 September 2017)

I sleep on the couch for now because of not having a bed in my room.
(2 September 2017)

Around 30 minutes ago, My 15 year old brother brought his friends over and idk whether I'm being over dramatic or not.
(2 September 2017)

Is it good to tell your child that you love them more than their siblings?
(2 September 2017)

Their siblings won't know if they are not around as much.
(2 September 2017)

Is it good to ask one child to spend more time with you (even if it's sitting next to you at a movie), give them more attention, and tell them that they're the favourite child?
(2 September 2017)

Do You Have Any Tips For My Daughter?
(2 September 2017)

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