Thursday 14 September 2017

I have an apology

I realise I wrote a descrption that was perhaps not fair to one of the parties in:Alien vs Predator…..As far as I can see ‘Alien’ has been a person who blogs away, minding their own business_ Debbi:I don’t want to live with my dad.(12 September 2017) Debbi:The only reason I still live with her is because I [...]

And if I ask whether he wants an out then, he gets angry that that s my solution.
(12 September 2017)

When he d tell me why he is unhappy, often these are not things I can easily change - they are either part of who I am or where I am at this stage in my life.
(12 September 2017)

I love him very much, but I also want to be loved and treasured.
(12 September 2017)

I know he loves me as a person, but may not feel in love with me and as happy in our relationship as I want him to be.
(12 September 2017)

Our relationship has been quite a roller coaster.
(12 September 2017)

Why am I still upset?
(12 September 2017)

I agreed to the efforts of moving forward and focus on the present and the future with him.. but I m still sad.. I m still hurt..
(12 September 2017)

He was apologizing over and over.
(12 September 2017)

We talked and we both started crying.
(12 September 2017)

My boyfriend was flirting with another female via text message for a couple of days 3 weeks agobut didn t cheat.. and even though he didn t I m still sad.. I m still crying.. my chest hurts.
(12 September 2017)

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